Colombia/Project/2015 Salgar landslide Imports

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ABORTED! Reason: The process to import administration boundaries was replaced by an image traced using the JOSM PicLayer plugin.

Salgar, Colombia LandSlides - Data Imports Coordination Page

OCHA Colombia Source Data

Ocha Colombia has provided following URL with shapes source files:

  • Administration boundaries of "veredas" in Antioquia Departament of Colombia (ES:La division veredal de Antioquia) [1]
  • River layer (ES:Capa de ríos simples) [2]
  • Area of Interest (AOI): [3]

Import method

Data in under revision to stablish an import process

  • AOI: seem is equal to Salgar municipality administrative boundary, so importation of this layer is dismissed (by the moment).
  • River layer: seems like a low resolution reference, so importation of this layer is dismissed (by the moment).
  • Administration "veredas" boundaries: This layer has 5033 objects, data duplication is estimated in 5%. A "vereda" is similar like hamlet or village

Imports will coverage only "veredas" boundaries layer.

Convert data to OSM XML

Explain here how shapes files will be converted to OSM XML.

Cleaning data

With 5% of potential data duplication, the method proposed to clean it is manual using JOSM.

Import task

To coordinate this import a task in tareas will be open.


Under requirement

Tagging proposed

Draft tags

  • name = VERE_NOMBR
  • is_in = VERE_NOM_M;VERE_NOM_C (import team suggest not to use this tag)
  • divipola= VERE_COD_C
  • boundary=administrative
  • admin_level=8 please see to admin level in wiki page of boundary tag.
  • source = UN-OCHA Colombia 2015 (import team suggest to use this tag with main objects and in changeset)

Data quality

Data come from OCHA Colombia, organization that work in partnership with Colombia Goverment to create maps for this desaster.

Conflation methods

People responsible

  • Talk-co: Fredy Rivera (aka humano)
  • OCHA: Liliana Carvajal G. Asistente de Cartografía. Unidad de Información. United Nations - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

Carrera 13 Nº 93-12 Ofic. 402. Edificio Ejecutivo Plaza. Bogotá - Colombia. Tel: (57-1) 622 11 00 (ext. 1305). Fax: (57-1) 622 1100. E-mail: