Colombia/Project/2010 floods/Imagery and data sources

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information sign

Yahoo imagery is no longer available as of 13 September 2011.

GPS tracks

Following is some information on GPS tracks collected in direct relation to the post flood efforts in Colombia.

Area Link Upload date Use status Notice
Bogotá (La Perseverancia) tracelink
2011-02-09 unknown Notice
Bogotá (La Perseverancia) tracelink 2011-02-11 unknown Notice


Humanitarian Field visits

Flikr Groups

Aerial imagery needed

Flood zones in Colombia (from Nov 2010)

Colombian Floods OSM mapping team already has vectorized the major of towns and streets Bing Aerial imagery. This is a call for helping us with new and updated images and cover other zones of disasters.

Regions demarcated in the 'Flood zones in colombia' image at right are those which need satellite imagery, mapping activity and active updates.

Aerial imagery available

will likely always be incomplete ... please add more if you find or discover mention of additional areas and sources


Date: may 27 2011. Contact: Einar Bjorgo,

Map of floods in La Mojana, Colombia. The map was produced on request from UN OCHA in the context of the International Charter Space and Major Disasters. It can be downloaded from:

For the Middle Magdalena area between El Plato, San Benito de Abad, Magangué and El Banco, satellite image derived flood extent vector files can be received from WMS:

To use this wms in JOSM, you have to add this entry in Preferences/wms: wms:

Disaster managers and field staff in Colombia to assist in validation of the flood extent analysis by sending us geographic position tagged photos. One such application, developed in the GEO-PICTURES project, can be downloaded for Android mobile phones here:


Coverage: partial for Departments Tolima and Cauca

Date: 2002
URI: (6 Mb image)
Type: Satellite image
Where discussed:


Bing coverage ways shown against background of Colombia national boundary (includes ways marked 'yes' in table)

Ways in the table below have been collected into relation Bing Imagery Colombia, as indicated by 'yes' in the 'part of relation' column. See also image at right.

Bing coverage via "Coverage Analyzer" showing Atlantico Department boundary; permalink
Ad hoc name for coverage Way Link
(or other link)
Part of Relation Covered Cities
and Aerodromes
at zoom 10
Cali, Tolima, Bogotá and Medellín (boundary) File:Bing magdalena.png
Santa Marta, Ciénaga y alrededores (boundary) way 87801450 Yes Santa Marta
Pueblo Nuevo
Sincelejo, Chinú (boundary) way 87803840 Yes Sincelejo
Los Palmitos
Riohacha y Maicao (area) Cobertura
Putumayo + Ecuador way 96452718 Yes (none)
Caquetá—Putumayo way 96455581 Yes (none)
Putumayo (San Miguel) + Sucumbios way 96456375 Yes Nuevo Loga (Lago Agria)
La joya de los Sachas
Puerto Francisco de Orellana
Nariño (Ipiales) + Ecuador (Tulcán) way 96457422 Yes Tulcán
Cobertura BING Arauca oriental way 96460135 Yes (none)
Amazonas (El Estrecho) way 96460661 Yes (none)
Arauca, Colombia—Venezuela way 96464389 Yes Boconoito
San Jorge (aerodrome)
Amazonas, Arica way 96463791 Yes Puerto Arica
Puerto Arica (aerodrome)
Vaupes zona frontera way 96466517 Yes Campo De Aterrizaje (aerodrome)
Vaupes-Guanía-Brasil way 96467775 Yes Uainambi South (aerodrome)
Guanía-Brasli way 96468622 Yes (none)
Vichada, Colombia—Venezuela way 96468887 Yes La Venturosa West (aerodrome)
La Venturosa Sudeste 2 (aerodrome)
Guainía con Venezuela way 96470935 Yes Puerto Carreño
Aeropuerto Germán Olano (aerodrome)
Puerto Ayacucho
Cacique Aramare (aerodrome)
Caño Tambor 2 (aerodrome)
Vichada y Guanía (Pt. Inírida) way 96473663 Yes Inírida
Guanía, Río Inírida way 96475414 Yes (none)
Guanía interior way 96477862 Yes (none)
Guanía interior way 96479954 Yes (none)
Guaviara-Caqueta, Parque Nal. de Chiribiquete way 96484462 Yes (none)
Caqueta, Parque Nal. de Chiribiquete, Area Araracuara way 96488203 Yes Puerto Santander
Araracuara Airport (aerodrome)
entre Guatavita—Sisga—Gacheta way 96489068 Yes (none)
Cundinamarca, Páramo de Sumapaz way 96489977 Yes Guiterrez
Cuidad Bolivar
cobertura Arauca way 96483581 Yes Caranal
cobertura Puerto Lleras way 96484882 Yes (none)
frontera Colombia—Venezuela way 96488957 Yes La Grita
frontera Colombia—Venezuela way 96488955 Yes (none)
frontera Colombia—Venezuela Puerto Santander way 96489288 Yes Puerto Santander
frontera Colombia—Venezuela Puerto Santander way 96490125 Yes La Gabarra
La guajira Cerrejón way 88776626 Yes Riohacha
San Jan del Cesar
Cotoprix (aerodrome)
Macho Bayo (aerodrome)
Ritacho (aerodrome)
Kukurumaharru (aerodrome)
Rioacha Highway Sinu Pavimentada (aerodrome)
Aeropuerto Almirante Padilla (aerodrome)
Buenavista Airport (aerodrome)
La guajira Cerrejón way 96492453 Yes Albania (aerodrome)
Chocó, Darien, frontera con Panamá way 96492452 Yes (none)
Córdoba, San Bernardo del Viento way 96492994 Yes San Bernardo del Viento
Nariño, Resguardos Awá way 96493970 Yes (none)
Meta, area rural de Vistahermosa way 96494191 Yes (none)
La Dorada Caldas way 96494467 Yes Puerto Salgar
Base Aérea Germán Olano (aerodrome)
Cartegena way 93721776 Yes Cartegena
Santa Rosa
Aeropuerto Rafael Nunez (aerodrome)
populations of Bolivar, Sucre, Córdoba way 98473480 No San Onafre
Santiago de Tolu
San Andres de Sotavento
Pueblo Nuevo
Paneta Rica
Caldas: Samaná, Norcasia way 98486827 No Norcasia
Barrancabermeja way 98490132 No Barrancabermeja
volcano nariño way 98491074 No Pasto
Bolivar - Sucre - Magdalena way 98512940 No Buenavista

Potential sources

Administrative boundaries

Data which can be used for the identification and boundary delineation of Departments and Municipalities is available from the UNOCHA (United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs). Department boundaries have been made available in OSM format and are listed in a table at 2010 Colombia floods/ImportDept; this table also provides a level of coordination to the import effort. Municipality boundaries have in part been made available in OSM format and are described in tabular form at 2010 Colombia floods/ImportMuni.

Tagging guidelines to go along with the UNOCHA data have been described at Colombia/OCHA Boundary Import.

Progress in the importing has been summarized in pie-charts at 2010 Colombia floods/Tasks and Ideas#Help with the import of boundaries.