Samoa Cyclone Simulation

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OpenStreetMap Samoa Cyclone Simulation

This page is for coordinating Humanitarian OpenStreetMap activities for 'Samoa Cyclone Simulation'.

Following a recommandateion of the First International Expert Meeting on "Crowdsource Mapping for Preparedness and Emergency Response" in july, a Simulation Exercise is conducted in Samoa, Dec 3 2011. Humanitarian OSM Team (HOT) is participating in a coordinated manner whith other Humanitarian Mapping Communities and Preparedness and Emergency Response Communities to this simulation. The objective is to improve Preparedness and Emergency Response and coordination of the various communities involved.

HOT participates to this Simulation by mapping Samoa Islands. We also work on consolidating various Assesments Reports from Emergency Response communities in Web Mapping application similar to what is used in Ushahidi and Sahana Systems. This should improve the workflow of information and our capacity to identify more precisely areas where emergencies arise and help establishing mapping priorities.


HOT activities are coordinated during the day by Pierre Béland and Jean-Guilhem Cailton. Information is sent through the HOT mailing list The OFTC #hot channel will be used to chat during the day.

D.Leng from Samoa coordinates with various organisms and will provide various map data. Emergency Response groups have been contacted. Ushahidi and SBTF will provide Situational Reports in the form of GEORSS live feeds during the simulation.

GISCorps particpates to this HOT Mapping Activity. The contact person is Randal Hale.


Bing offers high-res Imagery for Samoa. But certain parts of the islands are covered by clouds.
Nextview Imagery is courtesy of UNOSAT. The rights to use the data is provided only for the time of the Exercise. Instructions to access the Imagery is given in the HOTOSM Task Manager.


HOTOSM Task Manager serves to distribute tasks to mappers. There are five tasks where mappers can select an area to map. In each Task Page, instructions are given for mapping.

  • [1]Samoa Cyclone Simulation (Savai'i Island) - Overview Mapping (Bing Imagery)
To map major infrastructures and rivers
  • [2]Samoa Cyclone Simulation (Upolu Island) - Overview Mapping (Bing Imagery)
To map major infrastructures and rivers
  • [3]Samoa Cyclone Simulation (Savai'i Island) - Detailed Mapping (Bing Imagery)
  • [4]Samoa Cyclone Simulation (Upolu Island) - Detailed Mapping (Bing Imagery)
  • [5]Samoa Cyclone Simulation (Savai'i Island) - Detailed Mapping (NextView Imagery from UNOSAT)


When editing, specify the source of your information.

Source=Bing (Bing Imagery)
Source=Nextview (Nextview from UNOSAT)
Source=GPS (GPS traces)
Source=GPS; Bing (GPS traces updated with Bing Imagery)
Source=PGS (Prototype Global Shoreline for coastlines)
Source=PGS; Bing (PGS Imagery updated with Bing Imagery)


During the Simulation, various Preparedness and Emergency Response communities are providing Mapping Data and Assesment Reports. The Samoa Cyclone Mapping Monitor, developped by Pierre Béland and Jean-Guilhem Cailton, gather this information as Overlays in an Openlayers API. Some data added as KML Overlays are huge files and may take sometime to show. This information is for the simulation only and should not be mapped.

GeoRSS is an emerging standard for encoding location as part of a Web feed and Ushahidi and Sahana systems provide Assessment reports with this format. GeoRSS feeds from Ushahidi and SBTF assure a continuous update of the GEORSS Overleays in the Samoa Cyclone Mapping Monitor. Clickable markers show the location and reports Events.

Map of Samoa

External references

Wikipedia Samoa