FR talk:Serveurs/

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Tertiary roads

In the UK you would not expect highway=tertiary roads to have a number. Could that be switched on and off separately from missing ref=* tags on more important roads? --Wynndale 17:40, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

Here you are. But I though that roads without number where supposed to be unclassified roads... by definition ;-) Sletuffe 21:42, 5 August 2009 (UTC)


Some nodes are tagged note="FIXME...". These should appear in the 'fixme' view as well as in the 'notes' view.

Well, that would make the style a little harder to write, and string comparaison are more CPU intensive. I suppose that's not a big deal to switch from fixmes to notes to see them (or else I would propose to convert "note=FIXME blabla" to "fixme=blabla" ) sletuffe 09:06, 3 September 2009 (UTC)

Also, are you picking up FIXME=... tags?

No, I do only pickup fixme=... (lowercase) tags as described here on the wiki : fixme=* sletuffe 09:06, 3 September 2009 (UTC)
I've changed that to support FIXME (uppercase) & fixme (lowercase) at the same time, also the proposition on the wiki states it should be lowercase sletuffe 11:02, 28 September 2010 (BST)

Administrative surfaces

  • what is the red line on (most) borders for? Here one is missing and i don't see why. wambacher
Honestly, I don't remember why I displayed that in the first place... the rule is to show a red line on every border with [admin_level]='8' or [admin_level]='6' or [admin_level]='2' but I don't remember why only those level and for what goal....
I think I'm just going to remove them unless I remember what was the expected use. sletuffe 11:08, 28 September 2010 (BST)
Now I remember (well, someone helped me) : It was to enlight orphans boundary ways, or ways member of a non-valid relation. I'm displaying it again; in a separate layer. sletuffe 13:48, 10 November 2012 (UTC)

Correct admin boundary relations are not rendering properly

There are several boundary relations that are not properly being rendered.

An example is the blank spot here:

Yet the two relations in that blank spot are complete and connect end-to-end:

--seav 15:48, 28 October 2011 (BST)

This tool does not update anymore out of europe because the server is not strong enough and was spending all it's time on updating the database. Unfortunetly, I plan to completly remove data from outside europe for disk space reasons. In the event of a new and stronger server available to me, I'll be covering the world again, but it's unlikely to occur soon. Sorry ;-( sletuffe 12:02, 14 November 2011 (UTC)
Can't you move to wikipedia toolserver? How about updating only once a month but the whole world? --Lulu-Ann 13:18, 16 November 2011 (UTC)
Maybe I could, but it might not be worth it. I do really recommand using OSM Inspector which I find much better than my "toy" tool for finding boundaries breakage and geometries errors. (I created those boundary rendering at a time where osm inspector did not propose it and is now kept for France special cases and needs). As of the month updates, this tool is only a side use of my database (The main use beeing openhikingmap for which I want quicker updates) sletuffe 13:39, 16 November 2011 (UTC)
Aww... sorry to hear that. OSM Inspector only covers Europe too for admin boundaries. I guess I have to find another solution or make a tool myself. --seav 02:39, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
The coverage is now extended to the whole world sletuffe 10:46, 6 April 2012 (BST)
You don't need another tool : it is open sourced, and if you prefer, you may as well install your copy on the Wikimedia toolserver. But beware that the tiles generation on the tool server has its own local usage policy (and if the tool is not used for more than one month, it gets deleted by their admins).
Note that this tool is hosted on a host with large bandwidth, on a server that is cirrently being upgraded with a new database. The coverage is worlwide since months now, but the new server will be faster to generate tiles, and will have a larger local cache for tiles. It will also be able to render more layers or more info on them.
OSM Inspector on the opposite only covers Europe (not completely though, because some parts of Spain in North Africa are not covered), as well as most oversea dependencies for France, the Netherlands and UK) due to lack of storage space for storing the generated tiles and also due to bandwidth constraints and processing power to load the diffs.
OSM Inspector also has never offered any "live" feed (most updates are just weekly, when offers a view after a few minutes with its live feeds). So its reports are frequently already corrected. It is not usable as a suitable quality tool to check for vandalism. Only as a tool for listing a lot minor errors left all around on the map. — Verdy_p (talk) 07:42, 21 September 2012 (BST)

Administrative Boundaries - Understanding, Colors

On a german city page I found some links. One group has been declared as "check map", another one as "see map". Among the "see map" group there is this link Karte sehen: Grenzen von Landkreisen, Samtgemeinden, Gemeinden (see map: boundaries of administrative districts, joint municipalities, communities/municipalities). As I did not understand what the colours mean I looked for further informatoin and following the link unter "A propos de ce service / What is this" I came to this main page.

Here the first I learnt was, that this map is wrong in the group "see map" but should be in the group "check map" (I'll do the correction on the respective city page). Even after reading the page it took me some time to find the "+" on the upper left side to see the "overlay selection box". Only after having seen which check-boxes have been used the colours began to make sense. My suggestions for better/easier understanding for newbies or casual users:

  • open the map with "open overlay selection box" like in Daten prüfen: OSM vs. Google
  • short explanation of the "+" on the upper left side on this main page Rennhenn 00:10, 7 November 2012 (UTC)
Note that the + is on the top right side (and not left). This "blue +" has been in use on the page for long, and I thought it was well known what this + was for. However, since I've been told it isn't obvious what it is for, I added an explaining screenshot on the documentation page (here) and the Layer Switcher is now open as default. sletuffe 12:29, 7 November 2012 (UTC)

Furthermore somewhere in this main page the following link could be mentioned: Administrative boundaries Rennhenn 00:10, 7 November 2012 (UTC)

added sletuffe 12:29, 7 November 2012 (UTC)
Seeing what it is, I changed my mind. It shows ways with boundary=* tag (and not area), and I think it is bad practice to show that just like if it was an error while I think it is perfectly correct not to tag ways at all. sletuffe 13:01, 7 November 2012 (UTC)
I changed my mind again. In fact, it might be usefull to see orphan ways with those tags. Adding link + adding this layer on this tool sletuffe 13:53, 10 November 2012 (UTC)