List of LINZ layers and notes
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This page describes a historic artifact in the history of OpenStreetMap. It does not reflect the current situation, but instead documents the historical concepts, issues, or ideas.
- About
This page was last updated 14 years ago and contains out-of-date information. See LINZ for the latest info. - Captured time
- 2011
This is the current list of LINZ layers. We are working through the Chatham Island(s) layers first to map LINZ layers to OSM tags.- See the LINZ data dictionary for official details on each one.
- Click the 'x' to check the import status.
List of LINZ layers Name Entity Geometry Type Chathams Mainland Notes airport_pnt Airport Point airport_poly Airport Polygon x x beacon_pnt Beacon Point x x bivouac_pnt Bivouac Point x blowhole_pnt Blowhole Point x boatramp_cl Boatramp Linestring x x Script req'd bog_poly Wetland Polygon boom_cl Breakwater Linestring x breakwtr_cl Breakwater Linestring x x bridge_cl Bridge Linestring x x building_pnt Building Point x x building_poly Building Polygon x x buoy_pnt Buoy Point x cad_road_cl Road Linestring canal_cl Watercourse Linestring x canal_poly Watercourse Polygon x cattlstp_pnt Gate Point x x cave_pnt Cave Point x cblwy_ind_cl Cableway Linestring x cblwy_peo_cl Cableway Linestring x cemetery_pnt Cemetery Point x x cemetery_poly Cemetery Polygon x x chimney_pnt Chimney Point x cliff_edge Cliff Linestring x x coastline Shoreline Linestring x contour Ground surface Linestring x crevasse_cl Crevasse Linestring cutting_edge Cutting Linestring x dam_cl Dam Linestring x x depform_edge Basin Linestring descrip_text Text Point x x distice_poly Icefield Polygon drain_cl Watercourse Linestring x x dredge_pnt Dredge Point x dredg_tl_cl Dumping ground Linestring x dry_dock_poly Dry dock Polygon x embankmnt_cl Embankment Linestring x exotic_poly Woodland Polygon x x fastice_poly Icefield Polygon fence_cl Fence Linestring x x ferry_cr_cl Lane Linestring x fish_fm_poly Aquaculture area Polygon x flare_pnt Chimney Point x floodgte_pnt Gate Point x flume_cl Watercourse Linestring x flume_pnt Watercourse Point x ford_pnt Ford Point x x fumarole_pnt Fumarole Point x gas_val_pnt Transmission line Point x gate_pnt Gate Point x x geo_bore_pnt Well Point x geo_name Text Point x x gl_lake_poly Lake Polygon golf_crs_poly Golf course Polygon x x grave_pnt Grave site Point x x grav_pit_poly Mine Polygon x height_pnt Spot height Point x x helipad_pnt Helipad Point x hist_ste_pnt Historical site Point x iceberg_poly Iceberg Polygon ice_clf_edge Cliff Linestring ice_poly Icefield Polygon x ice_shelf_poly Icefield Polygon ice_strm_cl Watercourse Linestring island_poly Island Polygon x x kiln_pnt Kiln Point x ladder_cl Ladder Linestring x ladder_pnt Ladder Point x lagoon_poly Lagoon Polygon x x lake_poly Lake Polygon x x landfill_poly Dumping ground Polygon x mangrove_poly Wetland Polygon x mari_complex_poly Woodland Polygon marne_fm_cl Aquaculture area Linestring x marne_fm_poly Aquaculture area Polygon x mast_pnt Tower Point x x melt_strm_cl Meltstrm Linestring mine_pnt Mine Point x mine_poly Mine Polygon x mixed_scrub_poly Woodland Polygon monument_pnt Monument Point x x moraine_poly Ground Polygon x moran_wl_poly Ground Polygon x mud_poly Ground Polygon x x named_feat Text Point native_poly Woodland Polygon x x orchard_poly Cropland Polygon x pa_pnt Historical site Point x pipeline_cl Transmission line Linestring x plantatn_poly Cropland Polygon pond_poly Lake Polygon x powerline_cl Transmission line Linestring x x pumce_pt_poly Mine Polygon x pylon_pnt Tower Point x quarry_poly Mine Polygon x x racetrk_cl Racetrack Linestring x x racetrk_pnt Racetrack Point racetrk_poly Racetrack Polygon x radar_dm_pnt Radar dome Point x railway_cl Railway Linestring x rail_stn_pnt Building Point x rapid_cl Rapids Linestring x rapid_poly Rapids Polygon x redoubt_pnt Historical site Point x reef_poly Reef Polygon x x reservr_poly Tank Polygon x res_area_poly Place Polygon x rifle_rg_poly Restricted area Polygon x river_cl Watercourse Linestring x x river_poly Watercourse Polygon x x road_cl Road Linestring x x rock_out_pnt Pinnacle Point x rock_pnt Shore Point x x rock_poly Shore Polygon x x rr_crossing_pnt Intersection Point runway_poly Runway Polygon x x saddle_pnt Gap Point x sand_poly Ground Polygon x x sat_stn_pnt Antenna Point x x scatscrb_poly Woodland Polygon x x scree_poly Talus Polygon x scrub_poly Woodland Polygon x x shaft_pnt Shaft Point x shelt_blt_cl Shelterbelt Linestring x x shingle_poly Ground Polygon x x shoal_poly Bar Polygon x showgrd_poly Show ground Polygon x sinkhole_pnt Sinkhole Point x siphon_pnt Siphon Point x siphon_poly Siphon Polygon x ski_lift_cl Cableway Linestring x ski_tow_cl Cableway Linestring x slipway_cl Boatramp Linestring x slip_edge Ground surface Linestring x snow_polySnowfield Polygon x Duplicate of ice_poly soakhole_pnt Soakhole Point x x spillwy_edge Spillway Linestring x Script req'd spring_pnt Spring Point x sprtfld_poly Sports field Polygon x stockyard_pnt Stockyard Point x x swamp_pnt Wetland Point x x swamp_poly Wetland Polygon x x tank_pnt Tank Point x x tank_poly Tank Polygon x telephn_cl Transmission line Linestring x tower_pnt Tower Point x track_cl Road Linestring x x tree_pnt Tree Point x x trig_pnt Control point Point tundra_poly Woodland Polygon tunnel_cl Tunnel Linestring x tussock_poly Woodland Polygon version_poly Polygon vineyard_poly Cropland Polygon x walkwire_cl Bridge Linestring x waterfal_cl Waterfall Linestring x waterfal_edg Waterfall Linestring x waterfal_pnt Waterfall Point x waterfal_poly Waterfall Polygon x water_r_cl Watercourse Linestring x weir_cl Dam Linestring x well_pnt Well Point x wharf_cl Wharf Linestring x x wharf_edge Wharf Linestring x windmill_pnt Windmill Point x wreck_pnt Wreck Point x x