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"OpenHistoricalMap/Contributors" redirects here. For information about contributing to OpenHistoricalMap, see OpenHistoricalMap/Contributing.

In the OpenHistoricalMap project, we draw from a large body of existing scholarship, combined with our own research and traditional OpenStreetMap methods such as field observations and local knowledge. The vast majority of our information sources are cited in situ within individual database records via the source=* key and variants of this key. You can access these citations by searching or querying for a specific node, way, or relation in the database. Our community project pages additionally acknowledge sources that we consult in specific geographic regions, time periods, or themes. This includes sources that we consult without copying directly.

In some cases, we have directly copied or adapted copyrighted materials that are available under the condition of providing attribution. In other cases, the author has requested that we provide more visible attribution as a courtesy or reproduce a disclaimer of warranty. This page aims to satisfy these requests and requirements. You can access this page via the Copyright page that is linked at the top of every page on the website.

Attribution and disclaimers

information sign

Please be sure to include all appropriate records for attribution, including source of the data, permanent links to any communications authorizing the use of the data (e.g. uploading or storing the communications here on the OHM wiki).

OpenHistoricalMap contributors

OHM users map for a variety of personal reasons and can mark their data at the object (node, way, closed way/area, relation) level. The default license for contributions is CC0.

OpenStreetMap contributors

Coastlines, bodies of water, and streams were imported from OpenStreetMap based on a 2012 distribution under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license. These elements continue to be available under the same license.

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC BY-SA.

ANR Communes / The Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure

A team from ANR Communes and Cambridge University's Group for the History of Population and Social Structure has contributed data to OHM with the tag 'source:name = ANR Communes shapefiles'.

Kartverket (Norwegian Mapping Authority)

Contains data from Kartverket (Norwegian Mapping Authority) released under the CC BY 4.0 licence.

Natural Earth Data

Natural Earth Data is an incomparable provider of natural and cultural geodata with absolutely no copyright restrictions.

The Newberry Library

Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: Dataset (U.S. Compilation: Historical States and Territories) Siczewicz, Peter. U.S. Historical States and Territories (Generalized .0001 deg). Emily Kelley, digital comp. Dataset. Atlas of Historical County Boundaries, ed. by John H. Long. Chicago: The Newberry Library, 2011. Available online from

The New York Public Library NYC Space//Time Directory

Building Inspector

Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2022

Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Contains data from the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, National border record (February 2018) released under the CC BY 4.0 licence.

Toronto Open Data

OpenHistoricalMap data includes data provided by the City of Toronto under the Open Government Licence – Toronto.

Ohio Department of Transportation

OpenHistoricalMap includes geodata derived from photographs published by The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) as part of their Aerial Imagery Archive. Thank you to the Ohio Department of Transportation for allowing OpenHistoricalMap to use this material. For more information, see File:ODOT OHM material release.pdf.

Other sources

See also