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Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: tormi
Tagging: landuse=apiary
Applies to: area node
Definition: An apiary is a place where beehives of honey bees are kept.

Draft started: 2012-07-04
RFC start: 2012-07-04


An apiary in Harju County, Estonia

Having information about locations of apiaries is important for several reasons, incl for the safety of humans (to avoid stinging) and also of bees (to avoid pesticide usage near apiaries).

There are millions of apiaries worldwide of which only a few are mapped at OSM. Seems like it's not clear enough for mappers, which tags should be used to describe an apiary (see "Tags currently in use").

For insect/bee hotels go to: Tag:man_made=insect_hotel

Proposed Tag


Key Value Element Comment
landuse apiary area node If an area is smaller than 5 m by 5 m, it would not be mapped as an area, but as a node.

Related keys

Key Value Comment
capacity=* number Number of beehives.
operator=* * Beekeeper's name.
seasonal=* yes Beehives are located seasonally (migratory beekeeping).
building=* yes Beehives are kept within the building.

Tags currently in use

man_made=beehive building=beehive landuse=beehive amenity=beehive

landuse=apiary man_made=apiary shop=apiary building=apiary

man_made=beehive + capacity=* man_made=beehive + seasonal=* man_made=beehive + operator=* landuse=apiary + building=*
5 nodes + 5 ways + 0 relations (2018-01-20 3 nodes + 0 ways + 0 relations (2018-01-20 7 nodes + 7 ways + 0 relations (2018-01-20 1 nodes + 9 ways + 0 relations (2018-01-20

man_made=beehive + building=* man_made=bee_shed man_made=bee_house building=beehouse
3 nodes + 81 ways + 0 relations (2018-01-20

craft=beekeeper shop=beekeeper shop=honey animal=bee

man_made=bee_mating_station museum=apis mellifera taxon=apis mellifera mellifera

beehive:type=* apiary=* beehive=* bees_nest=*