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Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: werner2101
Tagging: osm=*
Applies to: relation, area, way, node
Definition: Tag for internal OSM objects

Rendered as: None
Draft started: 2010-12-15


This proposal is intented for all osm objects that support mapping.

Supporting objects are:

  • aerial imagery boundaries
  • temporary objects

It is also intented to mark and protect experimental/test objects from being corrected by bots or mappers that are doing QA work.



Key Value Description
type osm additional type tag for all relations. Not required for ways and nodes
osm imagery the imagery tag
imagery satelite, aerial (optional) kind of imagery
name * a short name of the object
source * provider of the imagery
url * link to osm wiki. The wiki page should contain all additional informations like licensing, ...
hires yes, no whether the imagery has high resolution
resolution xx unit exact or estimated resolution of the imagery in meter/pixel. This is a better alternative for the hires tag

Note: This tagging is intented to replace all the current relation tagging (type=boundary; boundary=[imagery, satelite, satelite_imagery]), ...

osm=workset, osm=temporary

These tags should be used for objects, that are only temporary. Another usages are e.g. relations that it easier to download a group of objects.

Key Value Description
type osm additional type tag for all relations. Not required for ways and nodes
osm workset, temporary kind of object
note, description * short note or description about the purpose of the object

The mapper, who created such an object, is resposible to delete it as soon as it is no longer in use.

QA mappers should not touch these objects or change their tagging.

osm=test, osm=experimental

These tags mark objects that have a non-standard or newly created tagging.

Key Value Description
type osm additional type tag for all relations. Not required for ways and nodes
osm test, experimental kind of object
note, description * short note or description about the purpose of the object
url * link to a osm wiki page that describes the test or experiment.

These tags can be easily removed as soon as the tagging is widely accepted.

QA mappers should not touch these objects or change their tagging.

Links and Tools

  • Anouncement on tagging mailing list: TBD
  • Taginfo: key:osm
  • List of all osm tagged relations: TBD