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Public-images-osm logo.svg religion
Religious syms.svg
Define a religião específica. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Grupo: Religião
Usado nos elementos
pode ser usado em pontosnão deve ser usado em linhaspode ser usado em áreasnão deve ser usado em relações
Combinações úteis
Situação: de facto

Como mapear

Todos os lugares de culto, independentemente da religião ou denominação obter a marca de amenity=place_of_worship. Você pode usar a chave religion=* e denomination=* para informações mais detalhadas.

Valores para a chave religion=*

(Esta não é uma lista exaustiva)

Etiqueta Religião Taginfo Note
buddhist Budismo
2020 stBN placeofworship buddhist.svg
Use dedicated_to=* to state the deity mainly worshiped by the place for Chinese Buddhism.
christian Cristianismo
2020 stBN placeofworship christian.svg
Since several main Christian denominations (including Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons) reject the cross, care should especially be used not to show this symbol in combination with denomination=jehovahs_witness, denomination=mormon, denomination=la_luz_del_mundo and denomination=iglesia_ni_cristo. Many other denominations, while not rejecting the cross, do not use it in worship, so a more generic symbol may be appropriate depending on audience. As such, instead of being used by default, this symbol could instead be reserved for denominations which strongly identify with the cross such as Catholic and Orthodox denominations. Protestant denominations also generally use the cross but prefer an empty (outlined) cross rather than a solid (filled) one.
hindu Hinduísmo
2020 stBN placeofworship hindu.svg
jain Jainismo
2020 stBN placeofworship jain.svg
jewish Judaísmo
2020 stBN placeofworship jewish.svg
muslim Islamismo
2020 stBN placeofworship muslim.svg
pagan Paganismo
2020 stBN placeofworship pagan.svg
shinto Xintoísmo
2020 stBN placeofworship shinto.svg
sikh Siquismo
2020 stBN placeofworship sikh.svg
taoist Taoismo
2020 stBN placeofworship taoist.svg
Use dedicated_to=* to state the deity mainly worshiped by the place of worship.
zoroastrian Zoroastrismo
2020 stBN placeofworship zoroastrian.svg
Other values without specifications of denomination
ancestor Veneration of the dead
animist Animismo
antoinist Antoinism
bahai Bahá'í
2020 stBN placeofworship bahai.svg
benzhu Benzhuism
caodaism Cao dai
chinese_folk Chinese folk religion Use dedicated_to=* to state the deity mainly worshiped by the place.
confucian Confucionismo
木鐸 --- Confucian wooden-clapper bell.svg
Use dedicated_to=* to state the deity mainly worshiped by the place especially if it's mainly worshipping anyone other than Confucius.
shamanic Shamanism
scientologist Cientologia
2020 stBN placeofworship scientologist.svg
self-realization_fellowship Self-Realization Fellowship
spiritualist Espiritualismo
tenrikyo Tenrikyo
unitarian_universalist Unitário-universalismo
vietnamese_folk Vietnamese folk
voodoo Vodu
yazidi Yazidi
multifaith Multi-fé
Outra religão All commonly used values according to Taginfo. Please avoid using Capital Letters
none Some de-facto used religion-values for irreligious use are: none (numbering 1282 uses to date), no, all, humanist, atheist, null, laica
See e.g. Atheism or Secular Humanism
These values are used for non-religions. Other tagging might be considered. See talk-page for the tag religion, Talk:Key:religion#Explicit_absense_of_religion
separator ";" separator
May be used to describe rare cases of religious objects, like a temple or a cemetery, shared by a limited number of multiple but specific religions.

For example, a particular religious cemetery that is both christian and jewish may be tagged as landuse=cemetery + religion=christian;jewish

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

Alterar esta tabela na versão em Língua Portuguesa.