OSM Tag History

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OSM Tag History
Swimming pool amenity vs leisure Taghistory.png
Author: tyrasd/taghistory/graphs/contributors GitHub
License: MIT License
Platform: Web
Status: Active
Website: taghistory.raifer.tech
Source code: tyrasd/taghistory GitHub
Programming languages: HTML and C++

History of OSM tag usage

Feature Value
Map Display

OSM Tag History is a tool letting you plot graphs showing tag usage stats over time, was first created July 2016 and is available at taghistory.raifer.tech

OSM Tag History lets you compare multiple tags, and use it to observe a shift in usage over time from one tag to another.

See Category:OSMTagHistory for images used here on the wiki

An OSM Tag History graph showing the growth in leisure=swimming_pool mapping and the decline in use of the older tag amenity=swimming_pool

Martin Raifer's diary entry gives more details

Math1985' diary entry gives more example tag comparisons (and their histories)


It has an API! See OSM Tag History API docs


Developed by Martin Raifer.

Source code and bug tracking on github: https://github.com/tyrasd/taghistory

Permalink feature

For the example above (Swimming_pool_amenity_vs_leisure_Taghistory.png) the corresponding permalink looks like:

Taginfo Integration

The latest update of the data available through the OSM Tag History API was performed in May 2023. Data for more recent dates are filled in from Taginfo in the main web page at [1]. While this provides daily updated statistics for all key=* values, it does however only work for the "more popular" key=value tags (currently, those with at last 1000 uses in OSM). For all other tags, a rough projection from the latest known historic value to the current number of occurrences in the OSM database is provided in form of a dotted line.

See also