Talk:Tag:amenity=changing places

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Hi, thanks for your input. The tag should be amenity=changing_places. I know people compare this to an toilet and want to put it under toilets, but this a separate function and building. So this is the main tag and under this tag we would add the tags/keys of toilets and changing-table. A changing place is a new concept coming from the UK, but is used all over the world now. It has clear descriptions and rules what a changing place is. Thats why we want to add this as a amenity and not a tag under toilets.

Not the right route

This isn't going to work as a tagging scheme, not least because you can't have spaces in tag names. But it is not a good approach to create a top-level tag for a sub-category (of toilets) and a scheme that is country (UK) specific.

More viable tagging will involve adding to amenity=toilets.

To get some consensus amongst UK mappers, you are best starting a discussion on the Talk GB mailing list.

Phodgkin (talk) 09:18, 6 May 2024 (UTC)