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Author: MapBox
License: BSD
Platforms: macOS, Linux, and Windows
Version: 1.1.0 (2019-06-05)
Website: https://tilemill-project.github.io/tilemill/
Source code: https://github.com/tilemill-project/tilemill

Mapnik webfrontend for custom mapstyles

Feature Value
Map Display
Display map yes
Map data vector
Source offline
Rotate map
3D view
Shows website
Shows phone number
Shows operation hours
Routing no
Create route manually
Calculate route
Create route via Waypoints
Routing profiles
Turn restrictions
Calculate route without Internet (Offline routing)
Routing providers
Avoid traffic
Traffic Provider
Navigate no
Find location
Find nearby POIs
Navigate to point
Navigation with voice / Voice guidance
Keep on road
Lane guidance
Works without GPS
Navigate along predefined route
Make track no
Customizable log interval
Track formats
Fast POI buttons
Upload GPX to OSM
Monitoring no
Show current track
Open existing track
Altitude diagram
Show POD value
Satellite view
Show live NMEA data
Show speed
Send current position

TileMill is a design environment developed by Mapbox for cartography, constituting Mapnik as a renderer, CartoCSS as a stylesheet language, and a locally-served web interface with node.js as a server and based on Backbone.js for the client. Older versions up to 0.10.x are available with a native GUI on all supported platforms. The newer versions since 1.0.x use the browser for the GUI and require a node.js installation, and work on Mac, Ubuntu and Windows.

TileMill works well to load OSM data from a PostGIS database, in addition to loading shapefiles, GeoTIFFs, GeoJSON files, CSV files, both locally and from URLs.

TileMill supports exporting to multiple formats: MBTiles, PDF, PNG, JPG and Mapnik XML configuration files. Mercator is the main supported projection.

In 2015, TileMill was no longer under active development by Mapbox, which replaced it with Mapbox Studio, an online system that uses vector tiles.

In 2016, Mapbox transferred management of the TileMill project to a community of volunteer developers who continue to maintain it. The significant enhancements have been upgrading the library dependencies to keep pace with Mapnik and Carto, as well as improving the static map export functionality. The Kosmtik and Maputnik projects are actively developed alternatives to TileMill.

TileMill works well for individuals looking to render their own custom OpenStreetMap based maps using a simplified interface. The main hurdle to getting a TileMill-OSM environment running is setting up a PostgreSQL database, but which is covered in the installation instructions.
