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I support OSM by being a
member of the
OpenStreetMap Foundation
Do you?

Babel user information
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau.
es-1 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento básico del español.
Users by language

After being involved with the awesomely fun and successful State of the Map 2009, I would like to continue my personal efforts and involvement with OpenStreetMap by joining the OSMF Board. I think the Foundation can benefit from a female perspective at the board level to help fully realize the project's goals and world wide potential.

I have spent the past 7 months or so hosting mapping parties in the western United States. I organized events to bring both experienced and new mappers together to learn, map and have fun! I am relatively a new mapper myself, but with that said, a 'newbies' outlook, understanding and ideas bring diversity to the board:

My biggest interest is in the communication of, within and about OSM. Better communication generates new mappers, retains current members and allows them to have input in the project as a whole. An organized form of communication will be necessary with the number of mappers reaching 135,000 and climbing!

  • We need to get rolling with the 'communications working group' . I would like to see better use of our current communication tools (talk lists, 'friending' mappers, email, what else can we create??) to promote better communication within the organization. We also need to be more efficient about using (or increase) today's communication and marketing tools (like twitter, blogs, FaceBook, LinkedIn) to get mappers talking and involved as AND gaining new mappers!
  • Create better and more user friendly mapping tools (as we've seen good progress with the new Potlatch)
  • And a new website (or update) that is inviting, easy to navigate and encourages new mappers to map AND join the Foundation. In particular, have ready made template(s) for mappers to host their own mapping events, and a calendar/directory to create SEO exposure. This would of course drive people to...
  • Local chapters!! I predict that by enabling local groups, OSM adopters can find a support system in the Foundation to help them continue mapping and build their communities.
  • Continue to improve the State of the Map Conference to be bigger and better each year!
  • As OSM becomes more and more about data and info beyond streets, I would like to see organization around, and support to, these projects. Hiking trails, ski trails, water ways, and many many more!

More ideas and info to come!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Happy Mapping!