User talk:ProMoFu

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Hi this is pavi . I am using Iphone 3G . I want to know the best tool by which tracking can be done . My GPS reciever is very inaccurate and takes hell lot of time to get nice results.

I have used trails,mapZen POI collector and xGPS .

  • xGPS has options to re-kick ( restart) the GPS device and that kind of gives somewhat accurate results . But it shows a google maps on background which for one eats my 3G data and the other is I want to have a look at OSM
  • Mapzen POI collector is a superb app but I am unable to get GPS positioning to be accurate . I had to exit to other app like trails or xGPS
  • Trails is a strange app which I am unable to use correctly . Trails gives everything I need I could also set accuracy . But my GPS traces are coming worse. One thing I was able to achieve by trails is accuravy in points by waiting till I get satellite info and marking point .

But traces have gone completely out of place !

Any recommendations ? --Pavi 18:13, 7 May 2010 (UTC)