3D Hydrography Program

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Comparison between the new 3DHP and old NHD
Comparison between the new 3DHP and old NHD

The 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) is a United States-wide w:en:hydrography dataset produced by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). It is the successor to the now retired NHD and uses data from the USGS 3D Elevation Program (3DEP). This dataset includes natural and man-made water features: rivers, lakes, drains, springs, sinks, canals, culverts, and pipelines. Unlike the NHD the 3DHP does not make a distinction between lakes and ponds, and between rivers and streams. Named features include GNIS IDs which can specify a stream versus a river however.

As a product of the US Government, the dataset is in the public domain. The 3DHP is the first nationwide remapping of water in the United States since 1992.[1] The first new data was made available as a service in October 2023. Complete coverage of the United States is expected to be done in 2032.[2]

Getting the data

See: Access 3DHP Data Products | U.S. Geological Survey

The GIS web service usgs_3dhp_all can be found through 3dhp.nationalmap.gov. This service returns data from the old NHD wherever new data is not available. Currently that is almost everywhere.

To filter out NHD data from the web service, workunitid<>'NHD' can be used.

A downloadable copy of the data as of 2024 is available at 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) 2024 Staged Product (FY25 Release) - ScienceBase-Catalog. The Alaska file is approximately 1.7 gigabytes in FileGDB format or 3 GB as a GeoPackage. The continental United States file is 11 GB in FileGDB format or 20 GB as a GeoPackage.

Eventually there should be 3DHP data available from the USGS National Map.

3DHP coverage of the U.S.
3DHP coverage of the U.S.
3DHP coverage of Alaska
3DHP coverage of Alaska

Data structure and fields

The data in the 3DHP is structured into several different types of features:

  • Hydro locations (points)
  • Flowlines (lines)
  • Waterbodies (polygons)
  • Drainage areas (polygons)
  • Catchments (polygons)

Drainage areas and catchments are probably not relevant to OpenStreetMap. The flowlines and waterbodies would be the most likely to be of interest.

Common fields

3DHP service info
3DHP service info
  • id3dhp: Unique identifier
  • featuredate: Date the feature was created
  • mainstemid: A url representing a w:en:Main stem (example 1, example 2)
  • gnisid: gnis:feature_id=*
  • gnisidlabel: name=*
  • featuretype: Indicator of the type of feature
  • featuretypelabel: Text description of the above (‘River’, ‘Canal’, …)


There does not appear to be any indication of a water feature being intermittent. It could be possible to use the NHD to find features with FCODE 39001, 39010, 43614, 46003, or 46007 and conflate them with data in the 3DHP at the same location.

Feature type Code Description OSM Tag Comments
Flowline 1 River waterway=stream or waterway=river
Flowline 2 Canal waterway=canal
Flowline 3 Drainageway waterway=drain
Flowline 4 Surface Connector waterway=stream or waterway=river
Flowline 5 Waterbody Connector waterway=link or waterway=flowline
Flowline 6 Elevation Breaching Connector waterway=stream + tunnel=culvert
Flowline 7 Hydro Unenforced Connector man_made=pipeline
Waterbody 1 River natural=water + water=stream or water=river
Waterbody 2 Canal natural=water + water=canal
Waterbody 3 Lake natural=water + maybe water=lake or water=pond or water=reservoir
Waterbody 4 Ocean or Great Lake N/A
Hydrolocation 1 Catchment Outlet N/A
Hydrolocation 2 Confluence N/A
Hydrolocation 3 Waterbody Outlet N/A
Hydrolocation 4 Divergence N/A
Hydrolocation 5 Terminus N/A
Hydrolocation 6 Headwater N/A
Hydrolocation 7 Spring natural=spring
Hydrolocation 8 Sink natural=sinkhole + sinkhole=ponor
Hydrolocation 9 External Connection N/A
Hydrolocation 10 Reachcode Start N/A Start point of an NHD reach code (found on existing ways with nhd:reach_code=* or NHD:ReachCode=*)
Hydrolocation 11 Reachcode End N/A End point of an NHD reach code

See also

NHD import coverage
NHD import coverage as of November 2024

External links