AND Data/Spec

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Please help wikify this AND spec document on to this page. This page was the basis for Mapping ANDs Tagging Scheme to OSMs Tagging Scheme found here. Therefore please apply an corrections to this page also to the Mapping ANDs Tagging Scheme to OSMs Tagging Scheme page.

Here is a pure text version of the document AND Data/Spec-pure text version which had been created using a PDF-to-text converter and lots of manual editing.

Like the TIGER import, we need to convert their attribute spec etc in to OSM tags so that we can import the data.

For the copyright and license information please see the original document [ dead link ].

Locations File

Field AND descriptive name Format ID Description
ND_1 ND_ID N8 Internal AND-ID
ND_2 N2 0 Used for compatibility with AND format, always ‘0’
ND_3 N2 0 Used for compatibility with AND format, always ‘0’
ND_4 ND_TYPE N3 Node type
0 Standard node
1 Junction (exit)
2 Intersection
3 Border node
4 Directional information
5 Toll Booth Info
9 Level dead end, location other than a type 3 or 10-27 where a level may terminate
10 Capital City
11 Large city > 500,000
12 Medium city > 100,000
13 Small city > 50,000
14 Town > 20,000
15 Village > 5,000
16 Small village > 1,000
17 Tiny village < 1,000
19 Postal code point
20 Postal code area
21 Numbered town district (e.g. Dublin 4)
22 Town district > 100,000
23 Town district > 50,000
24 Town district > 20,000
25 Town district > 5,000
26 Town district > 1,000
27 Town district < 1,000
A town or village is upgraded (one or two types) if it is a national or regional centre.
A village of type 17 is upgraded to type 16 if it has an own postal code.
A village (type 16 or 17) is upgraded (one type) if it is important from a tourist point of view.
30 Railway station
36 Car/train terminal
40 Airport; no information available
41 Big international airport (>10,000 flights per year)
42 Medium international airport (400-10,000 flights per year)
43 Small international airport (<400 flights per year)
44 Heliport
45 Seaplane Base
46 Big national airport (>10,000 flights per year)
47 Medium national airport (400 - 10,000 flights per year)
48 Small national airport (<400 flights per year)
80 Rest area with at least parking and petrol station.
81 Rest area with parking only
82 Rest area with only parking and petrol station
83 Rest area with parking, petrol station and restaurant
84 Rest area with parking, petrol station, restaurant and hotel
85 Rest area with parking, restaurant and hotel
ND_5 ND_NATION N3 Nation code (table is available _c.lst file)
ND_6 ND_LEVEL N2 Connection level. The connection level of a node equals the level of the road on which it is situated (see Roads file)
ND_7 ND_DELETED L For backward compatibility (0)
ND_8 ND_ZIP C10 Postal code
ND_9 ND_NAME C60 Name
ND_10 ND_NAME_PREFIX C10 Name prefix, e.g. “la”
ND_11 ND_NAME_SUFFIX C20 Name suffix, e.g. “bei Wien” or “plage”
ND_12 ND_NAME_COMP C2 Compass direction (N, S, E, W, NE etc.) of ND_NAME
ND_13 ND_CODE C10 Official code belonging to ND_NAME.

Exit number
Community code
IATA airport code

ND_14 ND_PROV N3 Province code (table is available _p.lst file)
ND_15 ND_UN_PROV L Flag if province code is needed for unique making of ND_NAME
ND_16 ND_UN_CITY C60 City name for unique making of ND_NAME
ND_19 ND_UN_CITY_PROV N3 Province code for unique making of ND_UN_CITY
ND_20 ND_UN_CITY_COMP C2 Compass direction relative to ND_UN_CITY for unique making of ND_NAME
ND_21 ND_CONURB C60 Name of conurbation to which suburb or town district belongs
ND_24 ND_CONURB_UN_PROV N3 Province code for unique making of ND_CONURB
ND_25 ND_ID_PERMANENT N10 Permanent node ID, internal AND
ND_26 ND_DBLINK C60 Field for client specific ID or ID’s, e.g.
ESRI = 123456
ND_27 ND_KM C30 Kilometres / Mileage
ND_28 ND_TMC C60 TMC-code
ND_29 ND_OTHER C60 For internal use

Roads file

Field AND descriptive name Format ID Description
RD_1 RD_ID N8 ID of roads
RD_2 N2 0 Used for compatibility with AND format, always ‘0’
RD_3 RD_LENGTH N5 Road length in hectometers
RD_4 RD_DIRECTION N1 Permitted Traffic Flow
0 Traffic allowed in both directions
1 Traffic allowed from RD_ID_FROM to RD_ID_TO
2 Traffic allowed from RD_ID_TO to RD_ID_FROM
RD_5 RD_TYPE N2 Road classification
1 Motor way
2 Federal highway dual carriage way (motor way characteristics)
3 Federal highway
4 Regional road
5 Local road
6 Other road
7 Ferry (cars and cargo)
9 Train ferry (passenger and/or cargo)
30 Railway, passenger and/or freight transport
50 Link to airports, railway stations
58 Walking connection between Railway stations
59 Virtual connection. Used to connect features in the data

that are not linked by any other defined features in the database

RD_6 RD_NATION N3 Nation code (table is available _c.lst file)
RD_7 RD_LEVEL N2 Connection level. The connection level of a road expresses the importance of that road. The general classification is as follows:
0 E-roads in Europe
1 Important national roads in such a way that all type 10 to 13 locations are connected.

Scale around 1 : 4,000,000

2 Secondary roads in such a way that all type 10 to 14 locations are connected.

Scale around 1 : 2,000,000

3 Through roads in such a way that all type 10 to 15 locations are connected.

Scale around 1 : 1,000,000

4 Local connector roads in such a way that all type 10 to 16 and 20 to 26 locations are connected.

Scale around 1 : 500,000

5 Other roads

Scale around 1 : 250,000

6 All other roads (streets)
10 All railways
RD_8 RD_DELETED L AND Internal Code
RD_9 RD_SLOW C1 C Slow road type (road within city limits)
RD_10 RD_NAME C60 Road (street) name
RD_11 RD_CODE_NAT1 C12 National road number
RD_12 RD_CODE_NAT2 C12 National road number
RD_13 RD_CODE_NAT3 C12 National road number
RD_14 RD_CODE_INT1 C12 International road number
RD_15 RD_CODE_INT2 C12 International road number
RD_16 RD_CODE_INT3 C12 International road number
RD_17 RD_TUNNEL L Tunnel flag: 1 = tunnel, 2 = bridge
RD_18 RD_TOLL L Toll flag
RD_19 RD_TIME N5 Ferry journey time in minutes
RD_20 RD_FLOOR N1 Relative height to a crossing feature

1 is below 2 is below 3 etc.
9 if relative height is unknown.

RD_21 RD_TONNAGE N3 Tonnage admitted on ferry
-1 Only passengers (ferries) – Also used for pedestrian streets/ virtual connections
3 max. 3.5 metric tons
28 max. 28 metric tons
40 max. 40 metric tons
99 > 100 tons
RD_22 RD_TOLL_CARGO L Toll (for trucks only) flag
RD_23 RD_OTHER C60 Other Attributes:
Sr#1 Slip road segment
Rb#1 Roundabout segment
Lb#1 Lay-by segment
4wd#1 Four wheel drive road segment
Unsealed#1 Unsealed road segments
Fc#[0-4] Functional road class 0 to 4
Lh#1 Long haul
Stub#1 Stub link
hn# Housenumber range

L : left, direction from FNODE_ to TNODE_
R: right, direction from FNODE_ to TNODE_
E: even
O: odd
M: mixed
e.g. hn#LE2-12#RO1-11

RD_24 RD_PROV N3 Province code (table is available _p.lst file)
RD_25 RD_CITY_ID N11 City code of link (link to ND_ID)
RD_26 RD_MUN_ID N11 Municipality code of link (table is available _m.dbf file)
FNODE_ FNODE_ N12 From node ID of link
TNODE_ TNODE_ N12 To node ID of link

Maneuvers and Path index file (TUR, PTH)

Maneuvers file *.TUR

No Field Format Values Description
1 ID N8 Maneuver ID
2 TYPE C60 Prohibited maneuver
Priority maneuver
Prohibited maneuver only.
3 BIFTYPE C60 Undefined
Multi lane fork
Simple fork
Exit bifurcation
Classification of the bifurcation type maneuver.

Path index file *.PTH

No Field Format Values Description
1 ID N8 Maneuver ID
2 SEQNR N1 Sequence number
3 TRPELID N8 Road element ID / Node ID, derived from Fnode_ or Tnode_ (refers to roads file : AND_ID of link).

Signpost index table and signpost file (SIT, SIP)

Signpost Index Table file *.SIT

No Field Format Values Description
1 ID N8 Signpost ID
2 SEQNR N1 Sequence Number
3 TREL ID N8 Roads ID (refers to Roads file: RD_ID)
4 TREL TYPE C60 Road Type (Road)

Signpost Table file *.SIP

No Field Format Values Description
1 ID N8 Signpost ID
2 JUNCTION ID N8 Road Node ID (derived from Fnode_ or Tnode_)
3 SEQNR1 N1 Sequence Number
4 SEQNR2 N1 Sequence Number
5 INFO TYPE C60 Information type
6 TEXT C60 Place name/Exit name
7 TEXT LANG C3 MARC Language code
8 CON TYPE N1 0 Undefined
1 Branch
2 Towards
3 Exit

Boundary files

Field AND descriptive name Format ID Description
ND_1 ND_ID N8 Internal AND Link ID
ND_4 ND_TYPE N3 Region type
90 Land
91 Inner seas and huge lakes with major geographical referential impact
92 Very big river/lake and/or country separating river/lake
94 Province/department separating river/lake
95 Capital or Metropolis
96 Forest, Woodland
97 Other river/lake
98 Other city cities having population more than 5000
99 Airports (National and International)
100 Ocean, sea
101 City park, garden
102 Regional, national park
103 Small cities having population less than 5000
104 Cemeteries
105 Golf course
106 Beach, dune
107 Plain sand
108 Moors, heath land
109 Industrial area
ND_5 ND_NATION N3 Nation code (table is available)
ND_9 ND_NAME C60 Name
ND_14 ND_PROVINCE N3 Province code (table is available)

Following administrative boundaries are delivered:

<file name>_admin0.* Highest delivered administrative division. Equal to order 0 in GDF3.0 specification (country).
<file name>_admin8.* Lowest delivered administrative division. Equal to order 8 in GDF3.0 specification.
<file name>_admin[1..7].* Intermediate administrative division.

Landuse boundaries:

<file name>_a.* Airports (National and International)
<file name>_b.* Beach, dune and plain sand
<file name>_c.* City, built-up area
<file name>_ce.* Cemetery
<file name>_f.* Forest, woodland
<file name>_gf.* Golf course
<file name>_h.* Moors and heath land
<file name>_i.* Island
<file name>_in.* Industrial area
<file name>_o.* Ocean/sea
<file name>_pk.* Park, garden
<file name>_w.* Water boundaries or
<file name>_w_maj.* Major water boundaries
<file name>_w_min.* Minor water boundaries

Administrative division files

The level of the administrative division can vary from country to country but it is referred to as the province boundary layer in all cases, and is the most detailed level of administrative division supplied for each country.

Administrative divisions format

Associated with the province boundary layer, there are 4 comma-separated ‘*.lst’ files:

  • *_p.lst (Province)
  • *_r.lst (Region)
  • *_s.lst (State)
  • *_c.lst (Country)

Administrative divisions in the data

The number of hierarchical divisions that occur is country-specific. All countries receive the lowest or most detailed administrative division - i.e. the ‘Province’.

The term ‘Province’ is used here and refers to the most detailed level of administrative division represented by AND within a country. Due to the large variation in use of this term between countries, it does not always indicate actual provinces as described within a country in its administrative hierarchy. The same is true for the terms ‘Region’ and ‘State’.

Currently, a maximum of 3 administrative levels (below country level) exists in AND’s Global Road Data. For the purpose of this document the most detailed level will be described as the ‘Province’, the level above this as the ‘Region’ and the one above this as the ‘State’ division.

AdmindevAND.JPG Administrative Division Hierarchy in AND Data

The provision of province, region, state and country information in the AND data varies between and within datasets as the following table illustrates:

Continent Province Information Region Information State Information Country Information
Europe eur_p.lst eur_r.lst eur_s.lst eur_c.lst
North America nam_p.lst nam_r.lst Not applicable nam_c.lst
Central/South America sam_p.lst sam_r.lst Not applicable sam_c.lst
Australasia as_p.lst as_r.lst Not applicable as_c.lst
Africa af_p.lst af_r.lst Not applicable af_c.lst
North Pole Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable np_c.lst

All ‘*.lst’ files, except _c.lst, have a corresponding ‘*.num’ file that give a total count of the administrative divisions per country.

The format of the ‘*.num’ files is as follows:

Field Field name Description
1 Country number Same number as in *_c.lst
2 Division count Total number of administrative divisions
3 Division name Official administrative naming

Description of the *.lst files

Administrative boundary information in AND data is supplied as a graphical province boundary file and one or more accompanying ‘*.lst’ files.

The following tables describe the field structure of the ‘*.lst’ files at each administrative level:

Field Province information
1 Nation code
2 Province code (AND assigned)
3 Province Abbreviation/code (Official)
4 Province Name
5 Official number (Germany only)
6 Region code
7 State code

Field Region information
1 Nation code
2 Region code (AND assigned)
3 Region Abbreviation/code (Official)
4 Region Name

Field State information
1 Nation code
2 State code (AND assigned)
3 State Abbreviation/code (Official)
4 State Name

Field Country Information
1 Nation code
2 Nation Abbreviation/code (Official)
3 Nation Name

Apart from the <dataset>_c.lst file at country level, the province or ‘<dataset>_p.lst’ file is the only file that can be directly associated with the graphical province boundaries.

The boundaries contain a province code attribute – a six digit figure comprising the nation code (first 3 digits) and province code (last three digits) combined.

This can be used to match the boundaries to their corresponding entry in the <dataset>_p.lst file.


The <dataset>_r.lst file and <dataset>_s.lst file are not directly linked with the graphical data. Instead they provide extra information on the region or state in which each province resides.

The associated region and state for each province is identified in a ‘region code’ and ‘state code’ field in the <dataset>_p.lst file. The process by which region or state information can be retrieved and linked to the graphical data is described in the next section.

Linking and mapping all administrative data

The country or <dataset>_c.lst file can be linked to all other *.lst files as follows:

Example of administrative division mapping

The following example shows how these links can be used to map all administrative information to the province boundary layer.

In Switzerland, there are 2 hierarchical administrative divisions (below Country) – province and region. There is the AND province boundary data, a <dataset>_p.lst file, a <dataset>_r.lst file and a <dataset>_c.lst file.

Each province in the AND province boundary data has a 6 digit code. This can be used to link information from the <dataset>_p.lst file. Once this record has been identified, further information in the ‘region code’ and ‘state code’ fields can be used to link the <dataset>_r.lst file and <dataset>_s.lst file to the map.

Alias format file

The purpose of the alias file is to provide alternative names for named nodes addressable on the administrative level (e.g. cities).

The names are stored in a *.csv format using the following structure:

Field Field name Description
1 Xlong Longitude in decimal degrees
2 Ylat Latitude in decimal degrees
3 Mode Always ‘V’ corresponding to “alias name”
4 Lang1-Lang2 The language codes refer to the USMARC Code list for languages
5 Name1 Official language name
6 Name2 Alternative name