Andhra Pradesh/Imports/PMGSY Facilities Import

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There are 42,474 geo-tagged facilities released under GODL License for Andhra Pradesh. Plan is to import them and improve data quality in Andhra.

Import Data


Source site:

State wise CSV:

Data License: Government Open Data License - India (GODL).

ODbL compliance: Yes


Data Statistics
S. No Category PMGSY Count OSM Count

pre import

Imported Count OSM Count

post import

Import Status Users Comments
1 Bank 2612 666 0 Not Started
2 High School - General 4822 1176 0 Not Started
3 Primary Health Centre 2076 0 Not Started
4 Panchayat Headquarter 12080 0 Not Started
5 Mandi (Notified) 873 0 Not Started
6 Collection Centre or Pack House 5709 0 Not Started
7 Agro Industry 3275 0 Not Started
8 Fuel Station 1410 1143 1040 2183 Completed ph4ni 216 already exist in OSM. Updated brands of 41 from PMGSY data. Rest are bad data.
9 Veterinary Hospital 2887 23 0 Not Started
10 High School - Girls 331 0 Not Started
11 Block Headquarter 499 0 Not Started
12 ITI 116 0 Not Started
13 Bedded Hospital 238 0 Not Started
14 Degree College 546 0 Not Started
15 Higher Secondary School 706 0 Not Started
16 Cold Storage 214 0 Not Started
17 Bus Stand 2661 896 0 Not Started
18 GRaM (Notified) 170 0 Not Started
19 Community Health Centre 219 0 Not Started
20 Warehouse 803 0 Not Started
21 Is Part of Rurban Cluster? 150 0 Not Started
22 Sugar Mills 77 0 Not Started
Total 42474 1040

OSM Data Files

To be prepared

Import Type

This will be a one-time import. There are not many attributes so there won't really be a need for Conflation.

Data Merge Workflow

GIF showing AP fuel stations before and after PMGSY import.
GIF of AP fuel stations before and after PMGSY import.


  1. User:Ph4ni


  • Import category and district wise. The dataset is using old district names.
  • Download relevant data from overpass. Do a nearest neighbor match between OSM data and PMGSY data. Delete overlaps in PMGSY data.
  • Convert the resultant CSV to OSM compatible format by using tags in columns.
  • Then convert that CSV file to .osm file using JOSM OpenData plugin.

See also

Posted in OSM AP Telegram group, yet to post in community forum.