Arabic Speaking Countries

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Digital Egypt is currently working on enhancing the maps of Arabic Speaking countries.

Work also includes maintenance and enhancements in Egypt, the wiki page for the Egypt project can be found here.

Work is mainly focused on enhancing the road network for better alignment, verifying turn by turn tags, and correcting road names wherever applicable.

All edits will have the #digitalegypt in the comments of every edits.

For any questions or suggestions regarding a particular edit, kindly comment on our edits and we shall promptly respond. For general inquires, kindly email us at

We aim to work closely with the OSM community of each country and follow all agreed on guidelines.

List of countries

  1. Algeria
  2. Chad
  3. Djibouti
  4. Libya
  5. Mauritania
  6. Morocco
  7. Sudan
  8. Tunisia
  9. Bahrain
  10. Iraq
  11. Jordan
  12. Kuwait
  13. Lebanon
  14. Oman
  15. Qatar
  16. Syria
  17. Yemen
  18. United Arab Emirates


On going