Australian Mapping Community/Past Events/Samford Mapping Party January 2010

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This will be a friendly meetup of openstreetmappers in Brisbane, hopefully with a few interested newbies thrown into the mix.

When: Saturday 16th January 2010

Where: Samford, Queensland

The Plan

Please feel free to call David on 0407 151 912 on the day if you can't find us.

15:00 - 15:30 Quick drinks at Samford Valley Hotel to plan mapping (look for the OSM Australia poster)

15:30 - 18:30 Map your chosen area

18:30 - 20:00 Dinner at the Samford Valley Hotel (including CommonMap debate and incorporation vote, see at bottom)

The Map

Please help us map Samford and the surrounding areas. You can add anything that you think is important, but some of the types of things that other mappers like to collect are:

  • missing streets (paved and unpaved)
  • street names
  • missing street facilities (traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, speed bumps, etc.)
  • missing streets and paths
  • missing parks/schools/etc
  • missing amenities (water fountains, toilets, playgrounds, seats, shelters, etc.)
  • shops/restaurants/pubs

However, if you aren't sure what to do, please let me know, and I'll be glad to get you started.

If you want a printable map suitable for making notes on, you can make them using the excellent Walking Papers.

There is a rail trail through Samford from Ferny Grove on the old Rail Alignment of the abandoned Dayboro Branch Line. It's described here: which can't be copied, but perhaps could inspire a GPS trace along the alignment with public access?

Who's coming?

Cake sections

Anybody is welcome. Please RSVP to David Dean using the contact details below, or just add your name here if you have the technology. Put a cake section label next to your name if you want to claim it:

  • David Dean (Section I & J)
  • Chas66 Section B & C - sorry won't be here on 16th, will try and do these cake sections prior
  • Hugh Sections H & K
  • Ash
  • Hoylen Section F & G
  • Stephen Kelly
  • someone else

Quick add this to your Google Calendar with the following:

Samford Mapping Party, 15:00 16th January 2010 at Samford Valley Hotel

CommonMap debate and incorporation vote

During dinner, those who are interested in joining the CommonMap Association are welcome to attend. Interested parties are invited and will be entitled to register as members of the Association at the venue.

The purpose of coming together at the dinner is to resolve if CommonMap will become an incorporated association.

Regular attendees of these Brisbane get-togethers will know that Brendan Morley and Baden Appleyard are interested in establishing a similar repository for worldwide geodata but without the Share-Alike restriction. The working title is "CommonMap Inc." It all has to start somewhere and this may as well be the moment.

To get CommonMap Inc. up and running needs 7 Queenslanders to agree at the same time and place to bring the incorporated association into existence. If you agree with the establishment of an association to host geodata under CC-BY (non-SA) licence, then please contact Brendan Morley through this wiki, or just add your name here if you have the technology.

Details of the proposed CommonMap incorporation is described here.

The meeting agenda is described here.

If you don't agree, please still turn up and have some dinner anyway. The world needs all kinds of people.


David Dean or email, mobile 0407151912, twitter @dbdean