Automated edits/Marc CH

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harmonization related to toilets:wheelchair

Proposal 1 change wheelchair_toilet=yes to toilets:wheelchair=yes

2 change wheelchair_toilet=no to toilets:wheelchair=no
3 change wheelchair:toilets=yes to toilets:wheelchair=yes
4 change wheelchair:toilets=no to toilets:wheelchair=no

Rationale wheelchair_toilet was the old tag before the approved features toilets:wheelchair 4 years ago.

wheelchair:toilets is a lack of harmonization of the German page (it has wheelchair:toilets and toilets:wheelchair)
all apps and sites I have check are using toilets:wheelchair or are broken but some datas have not yet been migrated

Frequency Regularly if needed
Areas affected World but no world talk done. So I fix it in Switzerland only. Another operation is underway in France. Germany also.
Outcome Create tag toilets:wheelchair=* (if it didn't exist yet) with the current value of wheelchair_toilet or wheelchair:toilets

Tag wheelchair_toilet and wheelchair:toilets deleted.

Talk Announcement made on talk-ch (Switzerland mailing) , no opposition
Status Done on 2017/08/30
Changeset(s) 1 51469562 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) 2 51515440 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) 3+4 51589987 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)

purge related to toilets:wheelchair=unknown

Proposal 1 delete toilets:wheelchair=unknown

2 delete wheelchair_toilet=unknown

Rationale without a toilets:wheelchair tag, the presence of toilet accessible to wheelchairs is already unknown. After searching, it was obviously a bug on that added the unknown status when a user did not fill in all the fields. This bug seems fixed because I haven't seen a recent case.
Frequency Once I hope. Regularly if needed
Talk Announcement made on talk-ch (Switzerland mailing) , no opposition
Areas affected World but no world talk done. So I fix it in Switzerland only. Another operation is underway in France. Germany also.
Outcome delete wheelchair_toilet=unknown and toilets:wheelchair=unknown
Status Done on 2017/08/30
Changeset(s) 51558891 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)

delete "fire_hydrant:ref" if duplicate with "ref"

Proposal delete "fire_hydrant:ref" tag for all node that have also a "ref" tag.
Rationale not knowing which tag to choose, a mapper put the same value in 2 tags. now that the wiki is accurate for this tag, he request to delete "fire_hydrant: ref" tag and keep only "ref".
Frequency Once
Areas affected Switzerland.
Outcome delete "fire_hydrant:ref" tag for all node that have also a "ref" tag.
Talk Request made on talk-ch (Switzerland mailing) , no opposition
Status Done on 2017/09/09
Changeset(s) 51878935 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)

delete fake "name":"Hydrant XXX" if duplicate with "ref"=XXX

Proposal delete "name":"Hydrant XXX" tag for all node that have also a "ref" tag.
Rationale "Hydrant XXX" is not a name. it a ref.
Frequency Once
Areas affected Switzerland.
Outcome delete "name" tag for all node that have also a the same number in "ref" tag.
Talk Request made on talk-ch (Switzerland mailing) , no opposition
Status Done on 2017/09/18
Changeset(s) 52140614 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)


Proposal change "fire_hydrant:brand" to "brand".
Rationale brand is not specific to fire_hydrant. common usage of brand is to use brand key without adding a prefix to repeat the name of the object
Frequency Once
Areas affected Switzerland.
Outcome change "fire_hydrant:brand" to "brand".
Talk Request made on talk-ch (Switzerland mailing) , no opposition
Status Done on 2017/10/02
Changeset(s) 52569521 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)