Ballyragget Place Names Project

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The Ballyragget Place Names Project commenced in September of 2024 in an effort to record place names such as field names and names of roads, lanes and hills. There are several reasons why these have already been forgotten or are at the verge of being forgotten. One reason is that the information is and was not recorded and is no longer handed on. Another reason is that Eircodes will make place names obsolete, so younger residents see no longer a need to learn them.

Mapping liaison is Anne-Karoline Distel (b-unicycling), whereas Juanita Dunphy as a local resident is head of communications.

The community in Ballyragget has apparently been quite unlucky in the past with grant applications, but this project with its OpenSource and OpenData approach will keep costs low and have the data accessible for everyone who is interested.

The hashtag #BallyraggetPlaceNames is being used for change sets on OpenStreetMap.

This uMap presents some of the data collected through this project and previously.

Features being mapped

landuse + name (+ name:etymology, + old_name)
highway=unclassified + name
man_made=water_well (+ manufacturer, + colour)
historic=mass path & barrier=stile