V・T・E![]() |
latitude: 9.0031, longitude: 1.6693 |
Browse map of Bassila 9°00′11.16″ N, 1°40′09.48″ E |
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Bassila is a town in Benin at latitude 9°00′11.16″ North, longitude 1°40′09.48″ East.
Capital of the "Commune de Bassila"
Being worked on from October 2010 by --Webtooslow 22:10, 1 November 2010 (UTC) (here in the Wiki) or Screentoosmall (in OpenStreetMap).
At the moment it is the phase of collecting losts of tracks and learning the ropes with JOSM.
There is encouragement in the Wiki to rather do the mapping (and make mistakes) than not to map. So mistakes are all over Bassila, not least plenty stuff missing. Streets ending somewhere mean nothing, except that they need more work.
If there are more mappers eventually, we will discuss policies for marking and tagging. It is too early to write a list even. And no, as far as we know, there are no street names at Bassila.
Please get in touch, preferably those who are (!) here in the region.
--Webtooslow 21:55, 1 November 2010 (UTC)