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Bitcoin logo.svg

Bitcoin (Bitcoin on Wikipedia) is a cryptocurrency: a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is upheld and maintained not by a central authority, such as a government or bank, but by those who participate in the network.

Additional general information can be found at

Donating Bitcoin

The OpenStreetMap project also accepts Bitcoin (XBT) donations.[1][2]

Mapping Payment Infrastructure


  • currency:XBT=yes Bitcoin is accepted/dispensed.
  • currency:XBT=no Bitcoin is not accepted/dispensed.
  • currency:others=no Add this tag if all accepted/dispensed currencies have been added to the feature, all other currencies which have not been explicitly tagged are treated as "not accepted".

Please use currency:XBT=*. "XBT" is ISO 4217 compliant. Do not use currency:bitcoin=* or currency:BTC=*.


  • payment:onchain=yes Add this tag if Bitcoin on-chain payments are accepted.

For more examples, see our wiki page on Cryptocurrency.

External links
