Category:Item with no description in language EN

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This category shows all Key:* and Tag:* pages that exist in some language, but do not have an English description.

To add a description:

  • Log in to the Wiki (upper right corner)
  • Go to any one of the pages listed here
  • In the sidebar on the right, click the gray pencil right next to the description
  • On the data item page, if the interface is not in English, switch to English (at the top)
  • Click the "edit" in the top right corner next to all the labels / descriptions
  • Add description in English, as well as one or more aliases/keywords (3rd column), one string per line.
  • Click save. This category page will update automatically after some time.
    • To force refresh you can do null edit - open article for edition and save without making changes, this forces its refresh

See also data item description.

Pages in category "Item with no description in language EN"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 224 total.

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