Contra Costa County Address Import

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Contra Costa County Address Import is an import of Contra Costa County Addresses dataset which is Contra Costa County GIS data covering addresses in Contra Costa. The import is currently (as of 2024. January 10th) at the planning stage.


Import the address dataset from CCC GIS to OSM.


  • 2024 January 9th: Planning begins, primary evaluations of data start.
  • 2024 January 10th: County contacted about possible copyright issues.
  • 2024 September 1st: Frigyes06 pulled new county data, and reprocessed it. Result on gitea. Also posted on forum for review.
  • 2024 September 13th: No issues found, import begins.

Import Data


Provide links to your sources.

Data source site: County Website
Data license:
Type of license (if applicable): Public Domain
Link to permission (if required): N/A
OSM attribution (if required): N/A
ODbL Compliance verified: Compliant

OSM Data Files Courtesy of User:Zyphlar

Import Type

One-time import for now, data processed with QGIS, uploaded with JOSM

Data Preparation

Amazing writeup py Zyphlar:

Data Reduction & Simplification

See file above.

Tagging Plans

See file above.

Changeset Tags

Key Value
comment CCC Addresses Import 2024. #cccimport24
import yes
source Contra Costa County Addresses
source:date 2024-04-16
source:license PD

Data Transformation

The data is almost good as is, we will be using 2 custom functions as documented on gitea to transform street addresses to OSM compatible ones.

Data Transformation Results

Post a link to your OSM XML files.

Data Merge Workflow

Team Approach

I initiated the process, and Zyphlar has helped me a lot with data processing. Contributors always welcome


List all factors that will be evaluated in the import.


Detail the steps you'll take during the actual import.

Information to include:

  • Step by step instructions
  • Changeset size policy
  • Revert plans


Identify your approach to conflation here.


Add your QA plan here.

See also

The post to the community forum was sent on 2024-01-23 and can be found here