Department of Conservation

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Department of Conservation / Te Papa Atawhai (DOC) is a New Zealand government department that manages over 25% of the country's land. DOC also manages 1000 backcountry huts, and over 200 campsites.

DOC has released some of its data under the CC BY 3.0 license. It was originally made available under the Official Information Act. This data can now be downloaded from the DOC Open Data Portal.

Data Attribution

An email request was made to DOC on 18 June 2009 via the web enquiry form given on their 'Contact us' web page. The question was asked:

Under the CC Licence the creator has to be attributed. I would propose doing this by adding a upload tag, like "DOC data under CC Licence".

I'm not asking DOC to endorse this, but merely asking if DOC has strong objections to this proposal (i.e. The intention is to behave in a way that will not be offensive to either DOC or Open Street Map).

A DOC spokesperson replied the following day with the following clarification:

Thanks for your enquiry. Attached is the general disclaimer that must be displayed with the track dataset. I have also included the metadata which explains a how the track information is created and maintained.

These tracks are collected as asset information for DOC's internal systems and the data was supplied to Koordinates from an official information request.

So DOC's only concern is that the general disclaimer is provided with the track data.

I hope I have provided clarification for you, if you have any questions or would like to discuss please call or email me.

The DOC general disclaimer has been added to the Contributors page, as requested. It is suggested that uploads of this DOC data to OSM provide a link to this page in the upload history tag.

DOC Metadata and General Disclaimer

Spatial Representation of the Department Of Conservation's Assets - Tracks

The tracks fall on public conservation land managed by DOC. They are assets managed by the Department. The Asset Management Information System (AMIS) database provides attribute information of the tracks. The spatial extent of the tracks is maintained by DOC's conservancy staff and held in a national geodatabase.

The spatial data is captured by 6 different methods
1) Differential GPS data capture with infill of missing points
2) GPS data capture with infill of missing points
3) Digitised from aerial photography (hardcopy)
4) Digitised from aerial photography (scanned)
5) LINZ 50k topographical data
6) Digitised from LINZ MZMS 260 map images

Result of Official Information Act request

This data was provided by DoC under the New Zealand Official Information Act.

Conditions of use

The information and data are provided as a public service by the Department of Conservation (DOC) under the following conditions:

1) The information supplied is provided for general information only.
2) The Department of Conservation makes no claims, promises or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of the information, or its suitability for any purpose.
3) The Department of Conservation does not accept any liability for the content and shall not be responsible or liable for any claims of any kind arising from the use of the information.
4) The Crown (through the Department of Conservation) remains the sole owner of the intellectual property in the information on this disk.


Dataset Feature Count Status in OSM Tagging
Huts 938 ☑Y Imported in 2018, updated in 2022, and continously refined by mappers See #Huts below
Lodges 19 ☑Y All have been manually mapped See #Lodges below
Campsites 280 ☑Y About 30 missing campsites imported in 2022, all others were already mapped See #Campsites below
Tracks 3,254 Nay! Many tracks have been mapped using other data sources, not DOC. See #Tracks below
Protected Areas 10,958 Work is ongoing to import all conservational land (as of October 2024). See #Protected Areas below

All feautures imported from DOC have a ref:doc=* tag. This value can be used to lookup information about that feature using DOC's API. This tag also enables data in OSM to be easily compared/conflated with the latest data from DOC.


Huts were first imported in 2018. This data was updated in 2022, at the same time as non-DOC huts were imported from LINZ. (see here for details). This data has been continously refined by mappers. way Example Hut.

Huts were imported as node Nodes, but it is preferable to map the buildings as an area Area.



Lodges are not available from DOC's GIS portal, nor from their v2 developer API. All lodges have all been mapped. way Example lodge.



About 30 missing campsites imported in 2022, all others were already mapped. In 2022 many campsites were converted from node Nodes to area Areas, and additional tag were added. way Example Campsite.



Many tracks are already mapped, based on aerial imagery, OpenStreetMap GPS traces, or surveys.

As of October 2024, there has been no attempt to import these feaures from DOC.

Protected Areas

DOC's Protected Areas dataset is from the NaPALIS system, so the same data is also available from LINZ.

As of October 2024, there is an ongoing project to import these areas, as part of the LINZ data import.


Converting protection_title to protect_class

The Protected areas of New Zealand are categoried based on a protection_title=*, such as Scenic Reserve (see this Wikipedia article and this DOC website for more info). Therefore, we need to convert the protection_title=* into protect_class=*. The following table describes how each value is converted to its IUCN category. This is the same approach that wikidata uses, as prescribed in this report from Manaaki Whenua/Landcare Research[pp.27-28].

protection_title=* protection_title:wikidata=* protect_class=*
National Park Q62301 2
Marine Reserve Q1846270 1a
National Reserve Q6978070 2
Recreation Reserve Q112161186 5
Historic Reserve Q112161119 3
Scenic Reserve Q63248569 3
Nature Reserve Q113561028 1a
Scientific Reserve Q113561096 1a
Government Purpose Reserve Q112136688 4
Local Purpose Reserve Q113576158 5
Wilderness Area(generic) Q2445527 1b
Conservation Park Q5162994 2
Ecological Area Q112136526 1a
Sanctuary Area Q112136448 1a
Watercourse Area Q113588180 4
Amenity Area Q112160795 7
Wildlife Management Area(generic) Q8001309 4
[W]Marginal Strip Q130348775 6
[W]Stewardship Area Q106571205 4
Ramsar Site Q19683138 98
World Heritage Site Q9259 98
[W]Wildlife Sanctuary Q8946564 1a
[W]Marine Mammal Sanctuary Q130516999 1a
Marine Park(generic) Q1185274 1a
Conservation Covenant(generic) Q3480552 4
[W]Wildlife Refuge(generic) Q1377575 4
Antarctic Specially Protected Area Q3031290 1a
Antarctic Specially Managed Area Q3501464 1a

Discardable Tags

Previous imports added some obsolete tags which can safely be discarded:

See Also
