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Public-images-osm logo.svg amenity = toilets
Amenity toilets.svg
A publicly accessible toilet Show/edit corresponding data item.
Rendering in OSM Carto
Group: amenities
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: approvedPage for proposal

Use amenity=toilets to identify the location of a toilet open to the public. Public toilets are commonly referred to as restrooms, washrooms, bathrooms, or toiletrooms.

How to tag

Place a node centrally at the location of the toilet amenities and tag it amenity=toilets. Alternatively draw an area over the toilet area and tag it with amenity=toilets, and if located in a dedicated building with building=toilets.

Following tags maybe useful to mark important properties:

You can tag toilet type with the following tags:

  • toilets:disposal
    • toilets:disposal=flush - toilets that move waste away from immediate area using a liquid (usually water).
    • toilets:disposal=pitlatrine - waste falls into a lined or unlined pit. If pitlatrine is composting composting=yes.
    • toilets:disposal=chemical - waste falls into a lined pit filled with a chemical.
    • toilets:disposal=bucket - waste drops into a container which is periodically removed by hand.
    • toilets:disposal=dry_toilet - a device dehydrates waste into dry matter.
    • toilets:disposal=tank - a storage tank emptied by a pumping truck. Often used for portable toilets.
    • toilets:disposal=incineration - A toilets that burns its contents to a sterile ash.
  • toilets:position=seated/urinal/squat - specify sitting position, use a semicolon to separate multiple values.
Image Description Tag
seated toilet Only seated toilets toilets:position=seated
urinal toilet Only urinal toilets toilets:position=urinal
squat toilet Only squat toilets toilets:position=squat
seated toileturinal toilet Seated and urinal toilets; i.e., more than one type. toilets:position=seated;urinal

(types listed separated by semicolons)

Toilets can have complex access rules. Those rules useful to toilets include:

Useful combinations include:

  • drinking_water=yes/no - if a drinking water source is immediately associated with (usually outside) the toilet. Note: for micro mapping, it is better to create a separate node with amenity=drinking_water.
  • indoor=yes - if the toilet entrance is indoors. Outdoor entrances are otherwise assumed.
  • name=*
  • operator=* - name of entity responsible for toilet (e.g. "City of X").
  • supervised=yes/no/interval - if the toilet is staffed. Note that a cleaner might expect a tip.

The male/female access details might be tagged simply for the overall amenity=toilets object:

  • female=yes/no - whether women can use this toilet.
  • male=yes/no - whether men can use this toilet.
  • unisex=yes - unisex toilet.
  • child=yes/no - children (seats and urinals for children).

Use gender_segregated=yes/no to unambiguously state whether a toilet is gender segregated or not.

It can be useful to map entrances or even areas of a toilet separately.

  • entrance=yes would typically go on a node on each entrance
  • female=yes/no, male=yes/no, unisex=yes/no tags go on the same entrance nodes or even on an area within a building.

Detail like this may be particularly useful for visually impaired users. Individual entrances/areas can also be individually mapped for wheelchair accessibility.

Toilets within places

Facilities such as shops and pubs often have toilets inside them for customers, and sometimes free for the public as part of a scheme (e.g. Richmond Council). On the usual tags of amenity=pub, building=yes, shop=* add the following tags and use the 'toilets' namespace.

  • toilets=yes/no - refers to toilets accessible to the public
  • toilets:wheelchair=yes/no/limited - refers to toilets accessible to a member of the public in a wheelchair
  • toilets:access=* - refers to toilets accessible to a member of the public. Note that for example toilets:access=customers means that a toilet exists but is only available to customers.

Avoid using toilet=* (singular).

In general don't map toilets that are inaccessible to the public. Many buildings have toilets inside for workers or owners, but mapping these could create needless conflict or unrealistic expectations. Use toilets=no for places you might expect to find a usable toilet (e.g. a railway station or trailhead) but no public toilets are made available.

Do not use toilets:access=* on toilets tagged as a separate object with amenity=toilets, use access=* instead.

Toilet equipment

Other proposed or emerging tags in combination

Buildings related to the toilet

  • building=toilets - An independent building built to house toilets.
  • man_made=septic_tank - Use for a nearby septic tank e.g., under the soil in the garden. The toilet itself is likely a "flush" type.


Possible tagging mistakes

If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!
If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!