Diesel GCC Upload

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Diesel GCC Upload

This page documents the import of diesel fuel stations in the GCC states into OpenStreetMap. The import consists of approximately 1515 data points, with 868 new features and 677 updates to existing features.

Data Source and Preparation

The data was sourced from https://github.com/SAE40/arabian-gulf-diesel-fuel-stations. The following steps were taken to prepare the data for import:

  1. Download the latest OSM data for the GCC region from Geofabrik.
  2. Convert the .osm.pbf file to .o5m using osmconvert: osmconvert gcc-states-latest.osm.pbf -o=1.o5m
  3. Filter existing fuel stations from the OSM data: osmfilter 1.o5m --keep="amenity=fuel" -o=fuel_stations.osm
  4. Convert fuel station polygons to points (centroids) using Global Mapper.
  5. Convert both the source data and the filtered OSM fuel station data to GeoPackage format (.gpkg).
  6. Reproject both layers to EPSG:32638 (WGS 84 / UTM zone 38N) in QGIS.
  7. Create a 100-meter buffer around existing fuel stations.
  8. Perform a spatial join (intersect) between the source data and the buffered fuel stations in QGIS.
  9. Reproject the resulting layer back to EPSG:4326 (WGS 84).
  10. Review and clean the data in JOSM:
    1. Verify locations against recent satellite imagery.
    2. Correct any spelling or tagging errors.
    3. Identify and mark duplicates for manual review.
    4. Add tags for brand=*, amenity=fuel, and fuel:diesel=yes.
    5. For existing features, add the tag Upload=Update current map feature.

Import Process

The import will be performed in two phases using the dedicated OSM user account **Diesel_GCC_Upload**:

  1. **Automated Import:** 838 new diesel fuel stations will be uploaded directly.
  2. **Manual Update:** 677 existing features will be updated manually within JOSM.

Data Quality Assurance

All data points have been reviewed in JOSM using high-resolution satellite imagery to verify location accuracy. Duplicate entries and potential conflicts with existing OSM data have been addressed.

Local Community Notification

Notifications regarding this import have been sent to the following local communities:


For any questions or concerns regarding this import, please contact https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Abdullah%20Abdulrhman.

Uploaded Changeset Discussion

All 527 edits:
