Eugene, Oregon/EugGIS data permission

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Below is an email conversation between UsefulRabbit and Spencer Helwig of EugGIS (Eugene, Oregon's GIS department) regarding the licensing of their data. The outcome was that the data can be considered to be in the public domain.


I am a volunteer with the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project, and a resident of Eugene. I am friends with Will Bradley, who recently spoke with Shane at the Oregon Active Transportation Summit about improving OSM in Eugene.

I’m interested in using some of the data from your EugGIS mapping portal to improve OSM. However, I couldn’t find specific licensing terms for the data.

In particular, I am interested in the following datasets (though clarification about all available in the EugGIS portal would be greatly appreciated):

1. The dataset of addresses. Currently, OSM is missing a large number of the addresses in Eugene (visualization of missing addresses in OSM), and importing the EugGIS database into ours could help improve coverage. 2. The dataset of small cell towers and other single-point datasets, like fire hydrants, parking meters, or trees. OSM has a large global database of these kinds of features, and we'd love an opportunity to improve global coverage using preexisting data.

Most of the data appears to be marked for public use, and a liability condition is present on all datasets. Does this mean that the datasets are public domain aside from that condition? If not, what license are the datasets under?

If there is no license, I suggest the Open Database License (the same license OSM uses) or a public domain license like the CC0.

Thank you for your time; I look forward to your response.

Gratefully, UsefulRabbit

OSM contributor (profile)

P.S.: A list of OSM-based services is available here.

Hello UsefulRabbit

Please feel free to use the GIS Data provided on the Eugene mapping HUB to update OSM. It is provided for public use and you can consider it public domain.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is data that you are looking for but do not find. We don’t have everything posted for public download, but we may be able to provide other items if they are of interest.

Spencer Helwig

GIS Coordinator

Eugene Public Works Engineering