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Dokumentoidut arvot: 27
Tila: de facto


Katso myös: Names

Tavoitteena on helpottaa karttakohteiden löytämistä ja helpottaa paikkojen tunnistamista. Lisätietoja on englanniksi Nimet-sivulla.


Taulukossa on lueteltu pääasialliset käyttötavat.

Key Value Element Comment
name User defined node way area The common default name. Notes:
  • For disputed areas, please use the name as displayed on, e.g., street signs for the name tag
  • Put all alternatives into either localized name tags (e.g., name:tr/name:el) or the variants (e.g., loc_name/old_name/alt_name)
  • Do not abbreviate words: abbreviations

For details refer to Names#Good_practice.

name:<xx> User defined node way area Name in different language; e.g., name:fr=Londres. Note that all key variants below can use a language suffix. See: Multilingual names.
name:left[:<xx>], name:right[:<xx>] User defined way Used when a way has different names for different sides (e.g., a street that's forming the boundary between two municipalities).
int_name[:<xx>] User defined node way area International name. Consider using language specific names instead; e.g., name:en=.... International does not (necessarily) mean English. It is used to give the name transliterated to Latin script in Belarus, Bulgaria, Greece, Kazakhstan and Northern Macedonia
loc_name[:<xx>] User defined node way area Local name.
nat_name[:<xx>] User defined node way area National name.
official_name[:<xx>] User defined node way area Official name. Useful where there is some elaborate official name, while a different one is a common name typically used. Example: official_name=Principat d'Andorra (where "name" is name=Andorra).
old_name[:<xx>] User defined node way area Historical/old name, still in some use.
ref_name[:<xx>] User defined node way area Unique, human-readable name of this object in an external data management system.
reg_name[:<xx>] User defined node way area Regional name.
short_name[:<xx>] User defined node way area Should be a recognizable commonly-used short version of the name, not a nickname (use alt_name for that), useful for searching (recognized by Nominatim).
sorting_name[:<xx>] User defined node way area Name, used for correct sorting of names — This is only needed when sorting names cannot be based only on their orthography (using the Unicode Collation Algorithm with collation tables tailored by language and script, or when sorted lists of names are including names written in multiple languages and/or scripts) but requires ignoring some parts such as:
  • ignoring leading articles, or
  • lowering the relative importance of first names cited before a last name,
  • ignoring the generic part of a street name when it occurs before the specific name (e.g., in French with "rue", "boulevard", "place", etc.),

all of them being ignored at the primary sort level and not easily inferable by a preprocessing algorithm.

alt_name[:<xx>] User defined node way area Alternative name by which the feature is known. If there is a name that does not fit in any of the above keys, alt_name can be used; e.g., name=Field Fare Road and alt_name=Fieldfare Road, or name=University Centre and alt_name=Grad Pad. In rare cases, the key is used for multiple semicolon-separated names; e.g. alt_name=name1;name2;name3, but this usage is not preferred.
nickname[:<xx>] User defined node way area Nickname (e.g. "Warschauer Allee" for BAB 2 in Germany relation 3140168).
name_1 , name_2 , ... Do not use this tag, suffixed name tagging for multiple values is deprecated.

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.