Foundation/Local Chapters/United States/Minutes-2014-11-11
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- Alyssa
- Eleanor
- Alex
- Martijn (notes)
- alyssa gives an update on her recovery which is going well. She is getting back on track with email backlog and getting on Github etc.
- Randy remains a good intermediary
- Alex, Ian or Martijn can do onboarding with Alyssa at any time.
- Accountant: 2013 is fileable with an 990-EZ instead of 990-N
- Ian is on getting 2013 bank statements needed to complete 2013 books.
- 3 months are missing.
- This still needs to be completed soonest because we need to make sure we are actually within
- Alyssa asks about the numbers for previous years to get some insight in past practice. Going forward, we can consider giving
- Let's defer until Ian can make it.
- Alyssa asks if there is a formal decision process, and description of roles. We discuss briefly how the decision process went in the past.
- Alex points to the Chapter wiki, where Articles and Bylaws are posted (that should contain role definition)
- Steve All requested we request the use of AASHTO data in OSM.
- Data is out there but not with compatible license.
- Alyssa - is this N-American? Yes, US data.
- Martijn says to be careful not to endorse this particular dataset for mapping or import.
- Process would be for us to vote on whether we want to do this, then send a letter and request this permission.
- This could be a test case for a standard course of action in these cases.
- This is the form we'd send:
- Should we be this specific in the description of use? Concerned that it might
- Alex proposes to vote on sending this form. Unanymous thumbs up.
- Alex will send form
- Alex and Martijn give their take on SOTM in Argentina. Diverse, fun, but small (~160ppl) and with similar ambition level / professionalism as the past years.
- South America as neighbors, should we collaborate more?
- Coordination becomes more important as the number of events increases. Talks with Henk an LatAm will continue on that topic.
- More SOTM talk soon, Ian, Martijn please fill out doodle
- No blog yet, should we do one?
- We should announce the OSM-specific and other Geo week events.
- Eleanor will write blog post.
Other business
- Martijn to install IRC connector for Slack.
- Martijn to set up weekly cal invite for 5PM EST.