Foundation/Local Chapters/United States/Minutes/2020/01/14
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- Minh
- Alyssa
- Ian
- Jonah
- Maggie
- Steven
Old business
December meeting minutes approved
OSMUS board elections
- 1st town hall meeting had a couple attendees
- Feedback about minutes’ brevity
- Alan to moderate election
Bylaws changes
- Staggered 2-year terms
- Terms would start in 2020
- Would be complicated if everyone were to run this year
- Proposal would be included in ballot
- Term limits: 1 year off after two 2-year terms
- Blog post about elections, including making the case for bylaw changes
- Mention in 3rd town hall, give candidates advance notice
- Mention in wiki
Local chapter status
- Continuing to discuss local chapter status with OSMF
SotMUS 2020
- Got some outreach in Slack about the decision process
- Corral questions & comments about selection process into public Slack channel so we can make changes more transparently
- Local organizing committee is mostly active the weekend of the event; lots of preparation beforehand
- First 20-minute meeting with Tuscon committee
Board appointments
- To bring in expertise in developing & executing on strategy
- Board/ED already has ability to appoint officers to board (as opposed to directors) without bylaw changes
- No candidates currently under consideration
Executive director
- Maggie accepted our offer and is employed as of Jan 1
- Working on payment logistics, state tax
- Partnerships with American Geographical Society with GeoTech Center – seminar in June, community college audience
- Trained about 500 teachers to date
- Several teachers returned to SotMUS in Minneapolis, gave positive feedback about attending the conference
- Current tooling for validation/assessment need improvement for classroom usage, need tracking per class, individual student – need grading tools beyond JOSM/OSMCha validation
- For 2020, fundraising is high priority – need to diversify funding stream, structured grants
- Create high school service organization – YouthMappers uninterested in high school outreach
ED updates
- Maggie to share 2019 year in review
- Working through open-ended responses to community survey with Jennings
- Put 2020 goals/priorities in document
- Synthesize 50 stakeholder meetings, board 2020 goals/priorities, community survey into plan of action
- Conference in Banff
- Mapathon in Seattle
- Annual giving campaign
- Working with DOT, MapRoulette, DWG to figure out DOT data sharing
- Meetings in Brussels along with Alyssa
- Alyssa to send details on Mozilla support event
- Haven’t received Indeed grant, will blog once we receive it
New business
- Guidelines for charter projects
Open discussion
- FEMA asked Ian (OpenAddresses) if there are any crowdsourcing tools for addresses, parallels with DOT discussions
1 more meeting with current board, time to be determined by Doodle poll, plus transition meeting