Foundation/Local Chapters/United States/Minutes/2021/08/25
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Call to Order
- Dani
- Diane
- Minh
- Maggie (ED)
- Martijn (2nd half)
Old Business
- Approval of July minutes
- Etiquette guidelines discussion on saturday went well
- Lots of work being laid down (9-10months!)
- Mappy hours continue!
- Food security mappy hour Sept. 8th
- Trails - Sept 22
- Meeting goal = how to SOLVE issues surrounding trail mapping
- Representative from Gaia will join
- NPS (Canyonlands) giving a presentation
- Staff
- Nellie was off b/c contract was over, but want to renew so she > can do a push for marketing sotmus
- Jess is on ’til end of the year.
- Funding discussions
- Active discussions with companies are underway
- Submission to Government Committee for the Census Bureau Open > Data for Good grant being developed.
New Business
- Request for money for work - how to we approach this
- Policies for all situations - hard to be unique to individuals
- Need to set up a framework for projects, have people apply and > then distribute funds when they are available.
- Potentially redirect people to OSMF microgrants program, > although it’s been quiet.
- Zoom
- concern about privacy and the breach that occured
- We are using Airmeet for the rest of our mappy hours
- OSM outreach in education
- Service learning is a good way to have OSM involved
- Non-profit service hours at universities - be a mentor > (supervise a student!)
- Map Roulette and tasking manager are helpful tools (high school > students)
- TeachOSM can use more tutorials
- Look at UVA data science model for exposure of OSM
- Internships?
- Black Girls M.A.P.P.
- Everywhere she maps (Courtney Clark)
- Youth Mappers - they’re good at getting the word out, but > they are NOT a non-profit. Funding comes from universities
Open Discussion
- LinkedIn
- a student in code for San Jose found osm via linkedin
- Is this a good platform for getting the word out about OSM?
- Probably not the right audience
- Newsletter
- US bike route post in newsletter was good
- Use this as a good example for communicating OSM to gov agencies
- Geared towards state DOTs, so not just feds.
Next Meeting
- See poll in slack for end of September