Foundation/Local Chapters/United States/Minutes/2021/11/23
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Call to Order
- Dani
- Diane
- Jubal
- Maggie (ED)
- Martijn
- Minh
Old Business
- Elections
- Template document available
- Red Cross Contract - gelling all of our things together
- 12 months of OSM
- Finishes in 2 weeks
- 30 days of OSM
- giving out T-shirts
- Gift certificate to the store mugs/socks cozy things
- Trails Working Group
- More communication before any changes
- Blog post
- Lay out plan in front of everyone
- Participation is still high
- Next meeting is Dec 1st
- Use this group as a model for other work
- Can’t require vaccines - U of AZ rules preside: communicate this to attendees
- Fundraising to $27,000
- Canned contact ready to send out to prospective donors
- So far: 10 talks, 62 scholarship applications (can give 10-15)
- 10 yr anniversary - tracking down all the logos (from t-shirts or logos)?
- Open data for good
- We’ll find out about $25,000 in Dec. that we went after.
- 120,000 from Craigslist in total!
New Business
- 2022 Budget draft / 2021 PL statement
- Goals - laying out worst case/ middle / love to happen scenarios
- Want to grow org, but no bankrupting is the priority
- We’ll vote on this in the Dec. meeting
- Increase time for Nellie & Jess and bring on another person
- Steering committee for TeachOSM
- Volunteer base needs something to drive it forward
- TeachOSM is a program under OSMUS, so we can work here
- Work on tying OSM to geography curriculums
- Strategy for budget - not just visioning - do this in Dec. 13th week
- We need programs - what do we do as an organization? Need to define this.
- Progression for other charter projects? Not always into a program.
- Annual Members meeting date
- Townhall for public bylaws change (different than members mtg - Jan 16th)
- Combine these? Members only first. Perhaps on the week of the 10th.
- Strategy 2022 meeting date
- Week of Dec 13
Open Discussion
- OSMF elections
- What might these mean for our relationship with OSMF
- Running: a few people from the U.S., all others are from Germany
- Moderation team with 5 new people! - presenting on on the 26th
- SOTM Africa - Martijn presented
- Good energy
- Middle of the night
- Hop-in was the platform used - also by HOTOSM summit
- Public maintainer of ID editor and funding discussed
- Discord channel
- How do we interact here?
- Push to LWG / OSMf and see what they recommend
- Board policies
- Set up onboarding and offboarding
- Time-bound email addresses need to be established
- Clean up access to the board space
- Github template - checklist
Next Meeting
Dec. meeting early in the 20th week … or early Jan.
2:12pm MDT