Foundation/Local Chapters/United States/Minutes/2024/10/23
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October 23, 2024 regular meeting of the OpenStreetMap United States Board of Directors
Call to Order
Diane called the meeting to order at 4:10pm, Eastern, via video conference.
- Diane Fritz, President
- Maggie Cawley, Executive Director
- Matt Whilden, Secretary
- Levente Juhasz, Vice President
Approval of Minutes
- September minutes - approved
- The Executive Director (ED) provided an update to the board on OSM US’s activities over the prior month.
- Mapping USA
- Logo done
- Pricing tier finalized
- SotM Planning has begun. Logo, theme, 15 anniversary tie in
- Grab as first sponsor!
- Jake attended NAICS to do outreach and exploration
- NC Emergency Management update - adding another NC county due to Helene response
- Geoweek website is up
- Maggie traveling in November
- UMN Spatial Forum - Borchert lecture speaker
- Geography 2050
- Kaboom - exploring data and engineering partnership for playground map
- Budget update - improved from previous year
Old Business
- No old business considered
New Business
- Review and vote on SliceOSM community project application - approved
- Review and vote on OSM Merge community project application - approved
- Education track for SotMUS
- Dig up contacts at Boston academic geography departments
- Adjourned at 1:47 pm.
- Next board meeting to be held November 25, 2024