Gallery of funny signs and other funny stuff
Here we list some funny street signs or traffic marks we saw during our mapping trips.
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Was wohl passiert, wenn ich mich dem widersetze?
"Entrance for wheelchair users. In case of disability/blockade you'll get fined!" - The German word "Behinderung" stands for both hindrance/blockade and for disability.
Foreigners will be fined or towed. Brazilians get it both...
Maxspeed 20 Km/s (per second!)
In Canada, white and black traffic signs indicate legal requirements. Motorists are legally required here to "please drive slowly," very Canadian!
This big florescent sign saying stop for pedestrians and the give way markings on the street are for a zebra crossing, which is also a choke point for the street. All of these legally and culturally imply pedestrian priority! Ah, but alas... the tiny white caution sign says vehicles don't actually need to stop for pedestrians... (it also doesn't use the caution sign styling, and is facing the opposite direction of traffic)
Some special véhicules forbidden at the main gate of Jingzhou (荆州市), antique imperial city, in Hubei province, China
Where do you want to go today?
Handicap for fat cyclists
One-way street into a dead end
Cycleway with anti-cycle barrier
"Everything is going to be better. Including this way. Until then, sorry."
Merkwürdige Hausnummer in der Standortadresse / Strange house number zero
No parking. Except if you happen to have your ride with you.
Do not enter - except if you are parking.
Information at bus stop "Cemetery": "We'll give your future a home." (Advertisement of building society)
2 Verbote heben sich auf?
Don't think about disposing your waste here!
Verbot für Fahrzeuge aller Art - bis 2,5t Radfahrer und landwirtschaftlicher Verkehr frei
Homebrew but readable housenumber
Today nobody cares about usability...
Hurray, twenty meters full speed...
Wenn das jemand eintragen möchte: ttps://
Lösung des Demografieproblems?
Nette und weniger nette Menschen!
Das müssen große Hundehaufen sein, die diese Feuerwehrzufahrt blockieren können!
redirection:left dead end:left
Ausgeschriebene Hausnummer
15 markierten Wanderwegen auf einer Straße
Was denn nun? Fußgänger oder keine Fußgänger (Gefunden in Jena)
Hier zählt jeder. Gefunden in Berlin am Heizkraftwerk Klingenberg.
Achtung! Gefahr von kreuzenden Kellnern!
Gleiches mit gleichem vergelten? / "No dog pooping. Violators will have chicken poop thrown at."
Ballspiele nicht gestattet. Ballgames not allowed, in front of the table tennis.
motor_vehicle=agricultural, mill=yes. Oder gelten Mühlen auch als motor_vehicle?
To cycle or not to cycle...that is here the question!
No need to despair over street names - sometimes even the city authorities have trouble getting it right
Just an artistic installation
Funeral crossing when red light lit
Changing hamlet, change horse color
general maxspeed 30, but maxspeed 40 with rain or snow
Must be the way old cars drive to find a place to die (the left street is a roundabout, the deadend sign belongs to the right street).
"Parking Entrance" is here ... but on the opposite side.
St. Patrick's Quay in Cork. Different spelling (of the irish name) on two edges of the same building.
Market Place in Skibbereen. Different spelling (of the irish name) on two edges of the same building.
The Netherlands
Go whichever way you want to reach the Ring road.
Three different names for one street in Perm City
grave-candle vending machines on the wall of a graveyard in Tolmin
When you jump, please pay attention to the boats!
A street named "Street" in Colombres (Asturias).
Living street finishes... and starts!
Crossing only for pedestrians.
External links
For things that aren't from OSM but funny in a mapping way ;)
The crossing at the end of the road
News article. This seemingly useless crossing is located near San Vittore.
UK or US?
Down Under