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Country motorway trunk primary secondary tertiary unclassified
Greece Αempty Motorways ΕΟempty+E .. National Roads on E-roads

ΕΟ1 Primary National Roads

ΕΟ2 Secondary National Roads

City-level link roads

ΕΟ3 Tertiary National Roads

Old ΕΟEmpty Old National Roads

ΕΠ Provincial Roads

Town or suburban-level link roads

Priority Road Local roads with priority

Roads leading to settlements

Roads leading to factories, farms, etc

General conventions

  • Bypasses and realigments: National/Provincial roads usually follow the new alignment, with the remainder becoming an Old National/Provincial Road (example): other National/Provincial Roads may be modified to account for the bypass.
  • Downgrading: The fact that a section of road is not paved with asphalt or concrete is not enough to justify downgrading from its baseline classification: use surface=* and smoothness=* to describe the actual road surface instead. Downgrading is only appropriate if:
  1. Motor vehicles cannot legally use it (e.g. all Provincial Roads in Hydra).
  2. The surface is so poor that motor vehicles cannot use it for at least 3 months per year (e.g. way 794828975): in such cases, we should use note=* to explain why.
  • Networking: Where motor vehicles are allowed, cities, towns and villages should be reached by at least one classified road (trunk, primary, secondary or tertiary): the reason for doing this is to highlight the principal routes(s) to such places.


OSM Class
Road Class Tags Description
motorway Αempty Motorway
  • multi-lane dual carriageways with grade separated junctions
  • they usually allow speeds up to 130km/h
trunk ΕΟ1 National Road + E-road
Εθνική Οδός + Ευρωπαϊκή Οδός
  • E-roads on National Roads
  • Primary National Roads
  • highways planned to become motorways
primary ΕΟ2 National Road
Εθνική Οδός
  • Secondary National Roads
  • unnumbered highways connecting cities and major POI
secondary ΕΟ3 National Road
Εθνική Οδός
  • Tertiary National Roads
Old ΕΟEmpty Old National Road
Παλαιά Εθνική Οδός
  • Old National Roads: usually roads through towns that have been superseded by a bypass (example).
ΕΠ Provincial Road
Επαρχιακή Οδός
  • Primary Provincial Roads, except for:
  1. Sections where motor vehicles cannot legally use it (e.g. Hydra).
  2. Sections where the surface is so poor that motor vehicles cannot use it for at least 3 months per year (e.g. way 793640427)
  • unnumbered roads connecting towns and minor POI
tertiary Priority Road Local Road
Τοπική Οδός
  • Secondary Provincial Roads
  • roads connecting villages
  • residential roads with priority
Car road
Αμαξιτή οδός
unclassified Municipal Road
Δημοτική Οδός
  • Paved/unpaved rural streets serving factories, farms etc
  • Streets only serving local residents

Junction structure

In progress

Toll tagging

Toll tagging in Greece.svg

Many parts of the Greek motorway network have tolls. Use toll=yes for ways from which there is no "escape" to and from a toll booth (as shown above in red): this includes ways where all possible paths to get there require paying a toll beforehand. For free sections of motorway (as shown otherwise), use toll=no.

Other mapping conventions

  • Carriageway separation: Highways separated only by hatched lines (example) must not be mapped as a dual carriageway. There is a valid tag combination for those layouts, such as: lanes=4 + lanes:backward=2 + lanes:forward=1.
  • Navigator issues: if you see a problem with a navigator not recognising certain objects or directions, never edit the map just to please them, because it may attract complaints from the Greek community, or even the Data Working Group. Instead, report the issue to the developers:
  1. For GraphHopper issues, visit their official website for support options.
  2. For OSRM issues, send an email to the OSRM Mailing List, or visit their IRC channel.
  • Turn restrictions: Unless it is signed on the ground, do not add a U-turn restriction if the "from" and "to" way is the same: it not only fragments data, but navigators are not that silly to suggest a u-turn on a single carriageway.

Road categorization references

  • Βασιλικό Διάταγμα της 9-8-1955 Περί καθορισμού των Εθνικών οδών κατά τις διατάξεις του νόμου 3155/1955 "περί κατασκευής και συντηρήσεως οδών" , (Royal Order of August 8, 1955: About the determination of National roads by the orders of the 3155/1995 "About road construction and maintenance law") (ΦΕΚ 222/τ. Α'/20-08-1955).
  • ΦΕΚ 47/τ. Α'/8.2.1956 Περί Καθορισμού των Επαρχιακών Οδών των Νομών του Κράτους κατά τις διατάξεις του Νόμου 3155/1955 (About the determination of Provincial Roads of Prefectures of the Nation by the orders of the 3155/1995 Law") (ΦΕΚ 222/τ. Α'/20-08-1955(ΦΕΚ 63/Α)
  • ΦΕΚ 319/τ. Β'/1963 αριθμ. Γ. 25871/9-7-1963 Απόφαση Υπουργού Δημοσίων Έργων, Περί αριθμήσεως εθνικών οδών (Decition of the Minister of State Works: About the numbering of national roads) (ΦΕΚ 222/τ. Α'/20-08-1955(ΦΕΚ 63/Α)
  • ΦΕΚ 546/τ. Β'/11-12-1963, αριθμ. Γ. 43198/29-11-1963 Απόφαση Υπουργού Δημοσίων Έργων, Περί αριθμήσεως εθνικών οδών
  • ΦΕΚ 180/τ. Β'/12-4-1983, Υπουργική Απόφαση 7611.1./1/ΑΣ.188/1983 της 9-5-1982, Περί εισαγωγής αυτοκινήτων εν Αγίω Όρει και διανοίξεως δασοδρόμων εν Αυτώ (About the introduction of cars in Mount Athos and the roaming of forest roads on It.)
  • ΦΕΚ 664/τ .Β'/1995, Κατάταξη του Εθνικού Οδικού Δικτύου Πελοποννήσου σε βασικό (Πρωτεύον), Δευτερεύον και Τριτεύον (Ranking of the National Road Network of the Peloponnese to main (Primary), Secondary and Tertialy)
  • ΦΕΚ 800/τ. Β'/1995, Κατάταξη του Εθνικού Οδικού Δικτύου Πελοποννήσου σε βασικό (Πρωτεύον), Δευτερεύον και Τριτεύον (Ranking of the National Road Network of the Peloponnese to main (Primary), Secondary and Tertialy)
  • ΦΕΚ 735/τ. Β'/28-8-1995, Κατάταξη του Εθνικού Οδικού Δικτύου Περιφερειών Κρήτης, Βορείου & Νοτίου Αιγαίου και Ιονίων Νήσων σε βασικό (Πρωτεύον), Δευτερεύον και Τριτεύον Εθνικό Οδικό Δίκτυο (Ranking of the National Road Network of the Peripheries of Crete, Northern & Southern Aegean and Ionian Islands to main (Primary), Secondary and Tertialy)
  • ΦΕΚ 293/τ. Β'/1995 Περί Ανακατάταξης Επαρχιακού Οδικού Δικτύου των Νομών της Χώρας (About the re-ranking of the Provincial Road Network of the Prefectures of the Country)
  • ΦΕΚ 30/τ .Β'/1996 Κατάταξη Εθνικών Οδών Περιφερειών Αττικής, Στερεάς Ελλάδας, Θεσσαλίας, Ηπείρου, Μακεδονίας και Θράκης σε βασικό (Πρωτεύον), Δευτερεύον και Τριτεύον Εθνικό Οδικό Δίκτυο (Ranking of the National Road Network of the Peripheries of Attica, Sterea, Thessaly, Epirus, Macedonia and Thrace to main (Primary), Secondary and Tertialy)
  • ΦΕΚ 582/τ. ΑΑΠ/2008, Χαρακτηρισμός νέων οδικών αξόνων (characterization of new roads)
  • ΦΕΚ 2631/τ. Β'/2008, Κωδικοποίηση και αρίθμηση του Ελληνικού Διευρωπαϊκού Οδικού Δικτύου (codification and Numbering of the Greek Inter-European Road Network)
  • ΦΕΚ 253/τ. ΑΑΠ/2015 Χαρακτηρισμός και Αρίθμηση Αυτοκινητοδρόμων (characterization and numbering of Motorways)
  • Μητρώο Εθνικών Οδών, ΕΣΥΕ, 1998. (Register of National Roada)