HOT March 12 2015 Community Mumble Call
This is the text portion of the March 12, 2015 HOT Community Call #3. The accompanying audio is available via DropBox
"To Lobby:" is Bgirardot (talk) speaking, the recorder of the audio and text.
[8:00:21 PM] mkl_mobile disconnected.
[8:00:37 PM] (Channel) jaakkoh: Hi all. I saw BlakeGirardot(bgirardot) and KristenEgermeier talk -- but don't hear anything .. -> Checking my audio settings..
[8:00:44 PM] RussMobile connected.
[8:00:44 PM] RussMobile moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:00:55 PM] RussMobile is now muted.
[8:01:04 PM] To Lobby: we have not heard you yet jaakkoh
[8:01:07 PM] To Lobby: now we do
[8:01:20 PM] heatherleson connected.
[8:01:20 PM] heatherleson moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:01:20 PM] heatherleson is now muted and deafened.
[8:01:22 PM] heatherleson is now unmuted.
[8:01:35 PM] To Lobby: sound good heather
[8:01:46 PM] Recording started
[8:01:55 PM] boris entered channel.
[8:02:05 PM] mkl_mobile connected.
[8:02:05 PM] mkl_mobile moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:02:12 PM] (Channel) RussMobile: I'm mobile and can't talk
[8:02:13 PM] nicochav_laptop connected.
[8:02:13 PM] nicochav_laptop moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:02:47 PM] To Lobby: I have irc
[8:03:04 PM] RussMobile is now unmuted.
[8:03:44 PM] RussMobile is now muted.
[8:04:10 PM] pierzen connected.
[8:04:10 PM] pierzen moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:04:32 PM] harry-wood connected.
[8:04:32 PM] harry-wood moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:06:47 PM] severin connected.
[8:06:47 PM] severin moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:09:06 PM] pedrito1414 connected.
[8:09:06 PM] pedrito1414 moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:09:24 PM] severin is now muted and deafened.
[8:10:00 PM] severin is now unmuted.
[8:10:37 PM] boris disconnected.
[8:10:42 PM] boris connected.
[8:10:42 PM] boris moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:10:43 PM] boris is now muted.
[8:12:35 PM] jcrowley is now muted.
[8:12:36 PM] jcrowley is now unmuted.
[8:13:19 PM] boris disconnected.
[8:13:23 PM] boris connected.
[8:13:23 PM] boris moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:13:24 PM] boris is now muted.
[8:13:52 PM] (Channel) mkl_mobile: Still there??
[8:13:55 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: y
[8:14:38 PM] (Channel) mkl_mobile: Can't hear anything
[8:15:24 PM] To Lobby: now we hear you mkl
[8:15:25 PM] (Channel) harry-wood: we're all still speaking
[8:15:43 PM] mkl_mobile disconnected.
[8:15:45 PM] (Channel) jcrowley: I can hear
[8:16:00 PM] mkl_mobile connected.
[8:16:00 PM] mkl_mobile moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:16:06 PM] pedrito1414 disconnected.
[8:16:20 PM] pedrito1414 connected.
[8:16:20 PM] pedrito1414 moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:16:20 PM] (Channel) mkl_mobile: Ok hi can hear again
[8:19:12 PM] pedrito1414 disconnected.
[8:20:13 PM] (Channel) mkl_mobile: Hand
[8:21:19 PM] mkl_mobile moved to ?????? ?????.
[8:21:22 PM] mkl_mobile entered channel.
[8:21:27 PM] mkl_mobile moved to Echo test.
[8:21:41 PM] mkl_mobile moved in from Echo test by harry-wood.
[8:21:59 PM] (Channel) harry-wood: Nico's sound is terrible. fuzzy Microphone
[8:22:33 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: thank you
[8:23:11 PM] mkl_mobile moved to Francophone.
[8:23:17 PM] mkl_mobile moved in from Francophone by harry-wood.
[8:23:44 PM] (Channel) mkl_mobile: I
[8:23:51 PM] jaakkoh disconnected.
[8:23:57 PM] (Channel) jcrowley: Since the sound quality is bad and we so little time, I need to say that this call is about developing a plan for an interim ED, not a review of Board actions. We can have another call on that and give the community time to vent and explore what happened. We have stuff to do on interim ED now.
[8:24:09 PM] jaakkoh connected.
[8:24:09 PM] jaakkoh moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:24:30 PM] mkl connected.
[8:24:30 PM] mkl moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:24:35 PM] (Channel) mkl: typing :)
[8:24:39 PM] (Channel) mkl: sorry go ahead
[8:24:40 PM] (Channel) jaakkoh: Hi all. I wonder if I'm reconnected?
[8:24:44 PM] (Channel) jaakkoh: (seems ok..)
[8:24:55 PM] (Channel) pierzen: yes jaakkoh
[8:25:05 PM] jaakkoh disconnected.
[8:25:06 PM] jaakkoh connected.
[8:25:06 PM] jaakkoh moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:25:33 PM] (Channel) jaakkoh: Hmm. Can't see anyone talking .. and I somehow think that someone is...
[8:25:44 PM] (Channel) harry-wood: yep we're talking
[8:25:44 PM] (Channel) mkl: Wanted to say that Harry's email to partners was very much appreciated. It shows a real level of professionalizm in HOT. This signals a kind stability in HOT and confidence that HOT will transition strongly.
[8:27:28 PM] jaakkoh disconnected.
[8:28:14 PM] jaakkoh connected.
[8:28:14 PM] jaakkoh moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:28:23 PM] pedrito1414 connected.
[8:28:23 PM] pedrito1414 moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:29:01 PM] jaakkoh disconnected.
[8:29:38 PM] jcrowley disconnected.
[8:29:49 PM] (Channel) boris: No
[8:30:14 PM] jaakkoh connected.
[8:30:14 PM] jaakkoh moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:30:27 PM] jaakkoh_mobile connected.
[8:30:27 PM] jaakkoh_mobile moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:30:48 PM] To Lobby: I misunderstood the question
[8:30:50 PM] To Lobby: heh
[8:31:21 PM] pedrito1414 disconnected.
[8:31:21 PM] jaakkoh_mobile disconnected.
[8:31:21 PM] jaakkoh disconnected.
[8:31:22 PM] (Channel) mkl: well organized, detail oriented, clear communicator
[8:32:15 PM] (Channel) severin: actually we discussed during call #2 taht we should review what is necessary to be filled and we felt this should be an extra admin person with no such powers the ED had
[8:32:17 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: I think that this exercise is not relevant
[8:32:18 PM] (Channel) harry-wood: For inspiration community meeting number 1 document had a similar list: (is that cheating?)
[8:32:25 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: and that we shall build a doc
[8:32:33 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: so I excuse myself on this
[8:32:35 PM] To Lobby: Perdito1414 from irc: Wants the interim ED to hit the ground running
[8:32:40 PM] (Channel) RussMobile: Contract negotiation
[8:32:46 PM] pedrito1414 connected.
[8:32:46 PM] pedrito1414 moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:32:52 PM] To Lobby: Perdito1414 from irc: Wants the interim ED to hit the ground running
[8:33:57 PM] jaakkoh connected.
[8:33:57 PM] jaakkoh moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:34:50 PM] (Channel) pierzen: We have a community of highly qualified contributors in various sectors. A transitional executive committee would be more efficient then hire somebody from outside with the short time of transition.
[8:35:13 PM] jaakkoh disconnected.
[8:35:45 PM] jaakkoh connected.
[8:35:45 PM] jaakkoh moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:36:00 PM] (Channel) severin: +1 with pierzen
[8:36:12 PM] nicochav_laptop2 connected.
[8:36:12 PM] nicochav_laptop2 moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:36:32 PM] (Channel) mkl: In a transition, this is certainly not the time to radically restructure.
[8:37:08 PM] nicochav_laptop2 is now muted.
[8:37:08 PM] nicochav_laptop2 is now unmuted.
[8:37:22 PM] (Channel) mkl: The most stable way to move forward is to identify an interim ED to keep this organization running
[8:37:39 PM] (Channel) severin: IMHO a one week hand over with all the duties Kate had is actually a radically restructure :)
[8:37:57 PM] nicochav_laptop2 disconnected.
[8:38:16 PM] (Channel) harry-wood: hand
[8:38:59 PM] (Channel) mkl: We have very little time to act so must be decisive. This person will have the support of many of us in the community and the board. Many of us will be on hand to help in the transition, definitely. But for things to really work, someone needs to take on the responsibility
[8:39:10 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: who would like to speak next?
[8:39:51 PM] To Lobby: a couple of months is optimistic
[8:39:52 PM] jaakkoh disconnected.
[8:40:16 PM] jaakkoh connected.
[8:40:16 PM] jaakkoh moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:40:19 PM] pedrito1414 disconnected.
[8:41:01 PM] (Channel) harry-wood: hand
[8:41:24 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: Still issues with tech/mic here, I emailed my view as an email in reply to Russ notes on Calls #1,2
[8:41:35 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: We need to define the workload
[8:41:48 PM] To Lobby: I don't think it is too much power, but it is just too much for what 1 person can do well. Kate happened to be amazing
[8:41:50 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: and see what are the gaps for time of transition
[8:42:16 PM] (Channel) mkl: HOT has made significant progress over the past year in involving membership productively in key parts of HOT. The working groups are very open and active. Extraordinarily so, compared with other communities and organizations
[8:42:31 PM] (Channel) harry-wood: "kate happened to be amazing" is a good point
[8:42:43 PM] jaakkoh disconnected.
[8:42:50 PM] (Channel) RussMobile: Have to go, always available via email and I'll follow up as soon as able.
[8:43:00 PM] pedrito1414 connected.
[8:43:00 PM] pedrito1414 moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:43:09 PM] RussMobile disconnected.
[8:43:16 PM] jaakkoh connected.
[8:43:16 PM] jaakkoh moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:43:59 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: can sev be my proxy
[8:44:47 PM] jaakkoh disconnected.
[8:45:17 PM] jaakkoh connected.
[8:45:17 PM] jaakkoh moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:45:18 PM] (Channel) severin: @Kristen can you list them please?
[8:45:53 PM] jcrowley connected.
[8:45:53 PM] jcrowley moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:49:04 PM] nicochav_laptop2 connected.
[8:49:04 PM] nicochav_laptop2 moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[8:49:09 PM] (Channel) jaakkoh: If this message comes through then I just want to note for the record that I'm sorry that my connection isn't really working out making my participation in this (too) really impossible. The connection is just way too erratic (and I get no audio anymore).
[8:49:21 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: i will read this soon
[8:49:22 PM] (Channel) severin: hand
[8:49:30 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: noted, sev.
[8:49:50 PM] (Channel) pierzen: Jaakkoh, You can react through the google doc
[8:50:15 PM] nicochav_laptop2 is now muted.
[8:50:18 PM] nicochav_laptop2 is now unmuted.
[8:50:24 PM] (Channel) jaakkoh: Let's see if that could work. I'll try. Could someone send the link (again), pls?
[8:50:41 PM] To Lobby:
[8:51:00 PM] (Channel) jaakkoh: Thanks.
[8:51:43 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: hand - heather next
[8:51:48 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: who else would like to speak
[8:52:23 PM] (Channel) jaakkoh: Ok, so the GDoc opens fine.. Something.
[8:52:47 PM] To Lobby: hand
[8:52:58 PM] nicochav_laptop2 disconnected.
[8:54:32 PM] (Channel) mkl: BlakeGirardot: agreed
[8:54:35 PM] (Channel) severin: +1
[8:54:51 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: +1
[8:55:07 PM] pedrito1414 disconnected.
[8:55:26 PM] (Channel) pierzen: There might be divergent views about how leadership should be exerced, governance, openess be applied in HOT. This said, Speaking to have a transitional executive committee to transfer informations, knowlede, this is neither naive, against good organization.
[8:55:34 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: 5 minutes
[8:55:55 PM] (Channel) jcrowley: Blake, I acknowledge what you say, but also have to say that this community needs leadership right now. We need to provide a space for the interim to work.
[8:57:25 PM] (Channel) severin: unfortunately, we cannot find in 2weeks someone taht can get the vision with one week of hand over
[8:57:42 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: +1
[8:57:49 PM] (Channel) mkl: No matter who comes in, I hope we will give them our support and help.
[8:58:01 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: sev i will read this
[8:58:54 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: Hiring the right ED for HOT is a process that require time, be based on past/future foreseeable workload and associate the membership
[8:58:56 PM] (Channel) jaakkoh: Yes. It's somewhat obvious that we're quite unlikely goign to find a perfect longer term candidate w/ such short notice. (re: Sev, Nico's +1)
[8:58:59 PM] (Channel) mkl: No one is saying we are going to find a permanent ED in the next two weeks. But we need to find someone urgently to keep things running well. This is the legal responsibility the organization has, simple.
[8:59:07 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: i promise to read this. one minute
[8:59:27 PM] (Channel) severin: definitely, full support of course, all of us want HTO to continue the best as possible during this transition period
[9:00:01 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: @mkl: w/o knowing precisely the workload, we can not define what is the most appropriate solution to handle the transition
[9:00:41 PM] (Channel) mkl: we know there is a very full workload for sure. there is no question. kate is working hard to flesh this out fully. look already at the list on the google doc
[9:01:03 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: Nothing has been shared though mkl
[9:01:03 PM] (Channel) jaakkoh: Re: Nico: Agility is clearly one of desired characteristics of the interim..
[9:01:17 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: *and shall have been handed over to us weeks ahead of this time
[9:01:29 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: ok,
[9:01:43 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: +1 on Pierre's comment on JC's statement over Kate
[9:02:12 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: @JC : pls withdraw this statement
[9:02:35 PM] (Channel) jaakkoh: BTW. Would someone who's had a solid connection (Blake?) be able to also post the text chat log of this session, pls?
[9:02:46 PM] To Lobby: I will
[9:03:07 PM] (Channel) jaakkoh: Thx
[9:04:21 PM] pedrito1414 connected.
[9:04:21 PM] pedrito1414 moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[9:04:22 PM] (Channel) KristenEgermeier: Hey Heather, you're cutitng out a bit
[9:04:23 PM] (Channel) severin: hand
[9:04:23 PM] pedrito1414 disconnected.
[9:05:07 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: sev's turn
[9:05:07 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: yes
[9:05:09 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: sorry, my net is bad
[9:05:38 PM] heatherleson disconnected.
[9:05:40 PM] heatherleson connected.
[9:05:40 PM] heatherleson moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[9:05:40 PM] pedrito1414 connected.
[9:05:40 PM] pedrito1414 moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[9:05:49 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: hand
[9:07:51 PM] (Channel) mkl: Agreed. We've moved beyond this discussion. Especially the Face to Face meeting in July moved things forward very well. We need to focus on a stable transition for the good of HOT.
[9:08:34 PM] (Channel) severin: sorry it seems my voice flow was cut so you might not have understood me
[9:09:26 PM] (Channel) severin: I was saying nobody criticized Kate's work
[9:10:02 PM] (Channel) mkl: Let's not get hung up on this statement
[9:10:38 PM] (Channel) severin: everybody agrees AFAK about her high involvement
[9:10:45 PM] (Channel) mkl: We have hard work to do to support the transition
[9:11:19 PM] mkl_mobile disconnected.
[9:11:36 PM] mkl_mobile connected.
[9:11:36 PM] mkl_mobile moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[9:11:51 PM] (Channel) KristenEgermeier: losing you Heather
[9:12:10 PM] (Channel) mkl: yes
[9:12:11 PM] To Lobby: yes
[9:12:42 PM] (Channel) severin: yes, and be sure I volunteer to any work I could be relevant to support the transition (whatever if I am elected or not) as I think all of us
[9:12:53 PM] (Channel) mkl: sounds excellent Heather
[9:12:56 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: +1
[9:13:00 PM] (Channel) severin: lost you
[9:13:00 PM] (Channel) severin: back
[9:13:02 PM] (Channel) harry-wood: thanks sev
[9:13:03 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: on sev's statement
[9:14:20 PM] (Channel) harry-wood: losing you again
[9:14:38 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: One point : there is no legtimacy for this former board to take a decision on how this transition has to be handled in the context of an election
[9:14:53 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: This former board can prepare the work for the next one
[9:14:56 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: that's all
[9:15:03 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: and this has to be made clear
[9:15:07 PM] (Channel) mkl: that is not a correct statement
[9:15:12 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: @heather : ur reaking
[9:15:22 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: breaking
[9:15:31 PM] pedrito1414 disconnected.
[9:15:41 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: I reak>
[9:15:44 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: harry can you please close the call
[9:15:50 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: in a nice way
[9:15:53 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: thank you.
[9:16:02 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: thanks everyone for this time
[9:16:19 PM] pedrito1414 connected.
[9:16:19 PM] pedrito1414 moved in from HOT Murmur Server by the server.
[9:16:19 PM] pedrito1414 disconnected.
[9:16:51 PM] (Channel) mkl: the current Board has all legal authority to make decision about the current situation with the interim ED
[9:17:35 PM] (Channel) jcrowley: Nico, I disagree. Stability is more important than disruptive interventions to bring HOT into a radically different organization.
[9:17:42 PM] (Channel) severin: hand
[9:17:46 PM] (Channel) severin: waht is the next step?
[9:17:50 PM] (Channel) severin: OK
[9:18:30 PM] (Channel) severin: volunteer to discuss with Gunner too
[9:18:46 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: mkl and john, continuity/stability can be ensured through different ways
[9:18:46 PM] (Channel) severin: time?
[9:18:56 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: +1 on talking with Gunner
[9:19:09 PM] (Channel) harry-wood: Thank's everyone. I have to go too
[9:19:18 PM] (Channel) mkl: thank you!
[9:19:20 PM] To Lobby: Thank you thank you Kristen
[9:19:22 PM] (Channel) harry-wood: Some good thoughts from everyone
[9:19:24 PM] (Channel) jcrowley: I have to go to a client call, which I am overdue for by 5 min
[9:19:26 PM] Recording stopped
[9:19:31 PM] (Channel) severin: thanks!
[9:19:34 PM] (Channel) boris: Thanx
[9:19:36 PM] (Channel) heatherleson: night
[9:19:39 PM] heatherleson disconnected.
[9:19:40 PM] (Channel) KristenEgermeier: Thanks everyone!
[9:19:41 PM] severin disconnected.
[9:19:42 PM] (Channel) pierzen: thanks, good night
[9:19:43 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: Good by all
[9:19:43 PM] jcrowley disconnected.
[9:19:47 PM] harry-wood disconnected.
[9:19:47 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: thanks for this time
[9:19:52 PM] boris disconnected.
[9:19:55 PM] KristenEgermeier disconnected.
[9:19:57 PM] (Channel) nicochav_laptop: and for the passion and thoughts brought into this call
[9:20:32 PM] mkl disconnected.
[9:20:46 PM] (Channel) jaakkoh: Thanks to all (who could actually participate). I'll listen to the audio(s) as soon as they are available and pitch in some of my own thoughts over email.
[9:20:53 PM] Cristiano disconnected.
[10:20:30 PM] mkl_mobile disconnected.
[10:22:41 PM] jaakkoh disconnected.