Humanitarian OSM Team/Indonesia Trainee
HOT has the need to have trained individuals who are available to work in the field. So far this training has occured in an ad-hoc fashion for the most part. Early this year in Haiti there was a program to train people in the techniques of HOT, individuals traveled to Haiti and stayed in the flat HOT had there at the time. We would like to have a similar program in Indonesia this fall.
Kate Chapman will be in Indonesia this November and part of December working in Jakarta and Padang. We see this as an opportunity for a person or two to learn about HOT’s preparedness work in Indonesia. There are two sets of dates for this to potentially work, one is more important than the other. October 31st until November 11th is the most important one, HOT will be setting up some field collection in Padang during that time. The other time-frame is between November 21st and December 9th and would be two weeks during that time.
We are looking for people who would be interested in being available for future HOT disaster risk reduction projects. Meaning by deciding to participate in this training, we would expect that you would be committed to future work of at least 2-4 weeks on other work that HOT is doing. The minimum mission time for HOT currently is 2 weeks, so that kind of availability would be needed in the future. The ideal person should already be involved in HOT responses remotely and experienced in OpenStreetMap. During these particular trips we will be deploying new HOT tools, so the most ideal situation is one where the person volunteering already knows how to program. This trip won’t requiring programming, but there may be some editing of configuration files and server maintenance. Ideally we would want to be training someone who could lead future projects. Fluency in English is required for this trip.
Assisting in this project is entirely unpaid. HOT is already working in Indonesia and is using this as an opportunity to train more people. We will provide housing and travel support, but the travel support is going to depend highly on where the person is traveling from as to if it is completely covered.
For more information about HOT’s work in Indonesia please check-out our blog.
If interested please email:
Note: There has been a bit of confusion from some people. This is not specific to train in order to work in Indonesia. HOT previously has had people come on missions to be trained for future travel all over the world. If our pilot in Indonesia continues we will definitely need other people to work there. That position would look a bit different, for example having experience in Indonesia previously would be important as well as weight put on speaking Bahasa Indonesia. Of course our Indonesian friends are welcome to apply for this position as well.