Humanitarian OSM Team/Meetings/Board/21 December 2021
HOT Board Meeting 21 December 2021, 14:00 UTC
Courtney Clark, Gertrude (Trudy) Namitala, Kate Chapman, Nate Smith, Shoaib Burq, Felix Delattre, Kuo-Yu “slayer” Chuang, Tyler Radford, Ibrahima Cisse, Monica Nthiga, Nama Budhathoki, Rebecca Firth.
Janet Chapman, Ralph Aytoun, Victor N. Sunday, Mary Marcellinus, Sarah Wise, Marc Mashawu, Victor Chukwuma Ezugwu.
Kate Chapman
Inna Nogeste
Call to order
Meeting called to order at 14:04 UTC by Chair Kate Chapman.
Approval of Previous Minutes
Approval of the November 2021 HOT Board Meeting minutes.
Motion from Courtney: Approve the November 2021 HOT Board Meeting minutes. Motion approved.
Previous Action Items
- Board to review the draft of the whistleblower process (Felix,Tyler) - WIP
- Future Board Meetings - Kate to do a concrete proposal, perhaps via Loomio (Kate) - Done
- Operations Update - Board to provide feedback to Tyler by Friday 3 December 2021 as to whether to present HOT’s OKRs to the Board on a monthly or quarterly basis (Kate) - Done
- Board member for only one year - Board members are to think about who wants to volunteer for a 1-year term, or whether to vote on which Board members are to serve for 1 year (Kate) - WIP
- Board member for only one year - ask Felix and Trudy what information they have about this because they’ve been in this situation before (Kate) - WIP
- Board meeting - day and start time - follow up with Trudy about moving Board Meetings to a Monday (Kate) - Done
- Board In-person meeting - Board members to indicate their availability for a Q1 meeting via a Doodle Poll (Kate) - Done
- Board Committee roles - email Heather Leson about the Code of Conduct Committee and CC Shoaib (Kate) - Pending
- Operations Update - review Wikimedia’s example provided by Kate (Tyler) - Pending.
Circular resolutions approved since previous meeting
None to report.
Contracts approved since previous meeting
- 12 November 2021; MoU between Open Mapping Hub - Asia Pacific and Action for Economic Reforms
- 15 November 2021; Staff contract; Duncan Kebut, Senior Mapping Supervisor for various projects in Kenya
- 15 November 2021; Staff contract; Wilson Munyaradzi, Disaster Services Manager for the Eastern & Southern Africa hub
- 5 December 2021; MoU between HOT and OpenStreetMap Haiti North and North East Community (COSMHANNE).
Operations update
Presenting: Tyler
HOT's progress against our Objectives for the year - Q4 2021 Implementation Update.
At previous Board meetings, Tyler has presented highlights from the HOT Monthly Roundup newsletters.
From this Board meeting and onwards, Tyler has reformatted his presentations into an implementation update, which will focus on HOT’s goals for the year and how the organisation is progressing against those goals. This update will be presented to the Board at Board meetings on a quarterly basis.
Tyler presented the following:
- Highlights from the LAC Region
- HOT-wide objectives and key results
- Metrics at a glance
The Board liked this new format of reporting on a quarterly basis.
There was a Q&A session from Board members which included a discussion about HOT values, how to make them easier to access on the HOT website and the Strategy Committee’s work on HOT values.
HOT Directors’ presentations
Presenting: Kate
The following Directors presented their areas followed by a Q&A from the Board:
Rebecca Firth - Senior Director of Strategy and Programs
Regional Directors of the Open Mapping Hubs:
Nama Raj Budhathoki - Asia Pacific
Monica Nthiga - Eastern and Southern Africa
Ibrahima Cisse - Western and Northern Africa
Rebecca presented an overview of the newly created Strategy and Programs Team, which came into being on 1 November 2021. There are different Hub models and she provided an update on the Latin America Open Mapping Hub where a strong relationship network has been built in the region with OSM and other open data community groups. Communications’ activities from the last quarter were also presented in relation to Open Mapping hubs and the HOT website .
Nama presented Open Mapping Hub - Asia Pacific which is almost fully staffed. The Hub’s OKRs include 3 Objectives and 10 Key results. Some examples of OKRs and their progress was discussed. The Hub has also organised Map&Chat sessions, She Leads and She Inspires - Women in Leadership program and Booster grants.
Monica presented Open MappingHub - Eastern & Southern Africa’s OKRs, its regional partnerships, operational and human resource requirements and its priorities for Q3 and Q4 2021.
Ibrahima presented Open MappingHub - Western & Northern Africa (WNA) which currently has 2 staff and hiring is in progress. The Hub is having discussions with OSM communities and five areas have been prioritised. The choice will depend on the communities’ priorities and what is important for them. Registering the Hub in Dakar is ongoing as is work to lay the foundation and vision to launch the WNA Hub.
There was a Q&A session which included a discussion of adaptation of staffing, documentation and community consultations to local languages as well as how HOT finds local partners and organisations. The Open MappingHub - Western & Northern Africa presents the map as a solution to ensure ownership
HOT Uganda entity
Presenting: Kate
The Board is to approve the 2019 and 2020 audited financial statements for HOT Uganda. The Uganda financial statements were audited as part of the global audit. There needs to be a statement of the Board to approve these.
Motion from Nate: Approve the 2019 and 2020 audited financial statements. Two Board members abstained. Motion approved by a majority.
Board member for only one year
Presenting: Kate
Which Board member/s will be standing for only 1 year?
Kate and Nate were both willing to stand for only 1 year.
Motion from Kate: Kate has the 1 year term and her position will be up for election in the next HOT election. Motion approved.
Whistleblower policy
Presenting: Felix
The Board has reviewed the Whistleblower Policy and will vote on it after the December Board meeting using Loomio.
This policy was discussed at the previous board and is for both internal and external use. It was suggested that the policy have a more informal tone.
The Executive Committee advised using a Loomio circular resolution to approve it.
Board’s virtual meeting in Q1 2022
Presenting: Kate
The current date is set for Friday 18 February 2022 and is planned to be a 4 to 6 hour meeting. Due to the Board members’ timezones, the day will need to be confirmed.
This date was confirmed and a start time will be proposed based on the Board member’s time zones.
Executive Committee update
None to report.
Risk Management Committee update
Presenting: Felix, Shoaib
The Chair position will be rotated between Felix and Shoaib.
The committee is going through the Risk Management process and will be defining the first steps during the next couple of meetings.
The committee will review the internal processes already in place and help define the work and scope of the committee.
The alias will be removed and only will be used.
Strategy Committee update
Presenting: Nate
The committee discussed the gap analysis of the existing documents - looking at what needs to stay and what needs to be discarded. There is a proposal of what sections to cover in the development process.
Good progress was made on what to discuss in 2022 and making decisions on what to prioiritise in 2022 or 2023.
Other business
Europe registration update
The Board approved registration in Europe a few months ago. Germany was selected with HeiGIT supporting the registration and logistics. Information has been provided to an attorney who will draft articles of association, which will be reviewed before submitting it to the tax authorities.
The Board asked what type of entity it would be and who would be the founders’ group. Tyler believed that it will be a non-profit company and requires one Managing Director, which would be Tyler, so that the registration can proceed.
The role of regional boards, their roles and responsibilities and how they interact with the global board needs to be reviewed and will be discussed in the Governance Working Group and Strategy Committee.
Tyler recommended that the registration proceed.
Questions from Voting Members
No questions were raised by Voting Members.
Tabled topics
The following are not reflected in the notes because there has been no action since the last Board meeting or there was insufficient time to discuss the topic at a Board meeting.
- Role of local boards
- Strategic plan 2022-2025
- Whistleblower process (needs input; it is in the action items).
New Action Items
- Metrics at a glance - it would be helpful to have more nuanced data for this. Tyler invites ideas/thoughts about how to do so (Kate) - Pending
- Whistleblower policy - Board to review the policy and provide feedback (Felix) - Pending
- Board’s virtual meeting in Q1 2022 - propose a start time based on the Board member’s time zones (Kate) - Pending
Next board meeting
24 January 2022 @ 14:00 UTC
Chair Kate Chapman declared the meeting adjourned at 15:26 UTC.