Humanitarian OSM Team/Meetings/Board/23 November 2021
HOT Board Meeting 23 November 2021, 13:30 UTC
Kate Chapman, Kuo-Yu “slayer” Chuang, Nate Smith, Shoaib Burq, Tyler Radford, Courtney Clark.
Felix Delattre, Gertrude (Trudy) Namitala.
Rupert Allan, Matt Gibb, Pete Masters, Samaila Alio.
Kate Chapman
Inna Nogeste
Call to order
Meeting called to order at 13:32 UTC by Chair Kate Chapman.
Approval of Previous Minutes
Approval of the October HOT Board Meeting minutes.
Motion by Nate: Approve the October HOT Board Meeting minutes. Motion approved.
Previous Action Items
- Board to review the draft of the whistleblower process (Felix,Tyler) - WIP
- Board Committee memberships - Board members interested in their respective committees are to liaise with the EA to organise invitations to the meetings (Kate) - Done
- Possible Face-to-Face meeting - Board to provide feedback if December is possible to meet or not (Kate) - Done
- Possible Face-to-Face meeting - Each Board member to research on their personal ability to travel during December and to be reviewed by the Executive Committee asynchronously via email (Kate - Done
- Future Board Meetings - Kate to do a concrete proposal, perhaps via Loomio (Kate) - WIP.
Circular resolutions approved since previous meeting
None to report.
Contracts approved since previous meeting
- 21 October 2021 - Grant Agreement Between Danish Refugee Council and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Inc. (HOT); For activities to be conducted under the H2H fund mechanism: H2H Network Haiti support package.
Operations update
Presenting: Tyler
Tyler thanked the Voting Members who attended the Board meeting today.
The HOT Summit was held yesterday and Tyler encouraged people to go back and view the presentations on YouTube, especially from Paula Gil Baizan at the Norwegian Refugee Council. Tyler’s presentation at the HOT Summit 2021 is available here,
Tyler provided an overview of the following:
- Operational changes: There will be three major structural changes to staff teams (these are also mentioned in Tyler’s HOT Summit presentation):
- The Field Programs Team will be aligned directly with the regional hubs
- A Data Team will be created as of 1 December 2021and led by Paul Uithol
- The Tech Team will no longer report directly to the Executive Director but to the regional hubs.
- The regional hubs will be rolling out 3 grant programs in Q1.
- The Open Mapping Hub - Asia Pacific is getting started with the “She Leads & She Inspires” program
- The Senior Management Team (SMT) is holding its Q4 2021 meeting in Madrid, Spain, in December.
Tyler explained to the new Board that his operations updates to the previous board used to be highlights from the HOT Monthly Roundup. However, both previous and current Board members have requested a more executive summary of how HOT is meeting its objectives for the year.
Tyler proposed that his future operations updates to the Board be a presentation of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) Snapshot - Board Highlight Report, which includes highlights of each region and their main objectives and requested feedback from the Board on how to proceed.
OKRs will be presented at future Board Meetings.
The Board discussed whether Tyler’s presentation of OKRs should be monthly or quarterly. Kate provided an example of what Wikimedia does on a quarterly basis.
Board member for only one year
Presenting: Kate
Which Board member/s will be standing for only 1 year?
According to the Bylaws, the Board needs to decide who is staying for a 2-year term and a 1-year term to allow for continuity.
The Board discussed how and when this should be decided. Felix and Trudy have both served 1 year on the Board. It was decided to delay this decision until the next Board meeting in December.
Board meeting - day and start time
Presenting: Kate
Which weekday and start time suits all Board members? A Doodle Poll was used to indicate members’ availability.
Are there to be 2 start times due to Summer/Winter time in some countries? For example,
- November - February
- March - October
The Doodle Poll indicated that almost all Board members are available on Mondays. The majority of Board members aren’t available on Tuesdays. A decision to have 2 start times due to Daylight Saving Time (DST) will be made when DST starts next year in affected countries.
Board meeting - w/c 27 December 2021
Presenting: Kate
Is the Board meeting in December to be held, scheduled earlier, or cancelled?
The Board discussed possible alternative dates and start times. It was decided to hold the meeting straight after the Strategy Committee meeting on 21 December 2021.
Motion from Courtney: Move the December Board meeting to 21 Dec @ 14:00 UTC. Seconded. Motion approved.
The Board calendar invitation is to be updated.
Board In-person meeting
Presenting: Kate
This was a discussion about possible dates and locations for the Board’s in-person meeting and whether to have an in-person or virtual Board meeting.
The Board discussed the advantage of meeting in-person, however, at least 1 Board member needs to have a long quarantine when returning home. It was decided to have a longer screen-to-screen meeting during Q1 2022 and plan for an in-person Board meeting during Q2 2022.
Potential dates for the Q1 screen-to-screen meeting will be provided, which both Tyler and Allen Gunn will also attend.
The Q2 in-person meeting could potentially be held at the same time as the HOT Summit 2022 or perhaps the FOSS4G conference in Firenze, Italy, on 22-28 August 2022.
Tyler is on leave during January 2022.
Board Committee roles
Presenting: Kate
Which Board member is joining which Board committee?
Board members have decided which committees they want to join.
However, the Code of Conduct (CoC) Committee needs 2 Board members and no one has signed up for it yet. An explanation of the CoC Committee’s responsibilities was provided. Shoaib volunteered to be on the CoC committee.
Kate will contact Heather Leson to see if she is chairing the CoC Committee.
Risk Management Committee - update
Presenting: Shoaib
Two HOT Staff members have joined the committee.
Felix has put together a working document to categorise the different risks that HOT might need to consider.
Strategy Committee - update
Presenting: Nate
The committee had its initial meeting during November and discussed what it wants to accomplish, ways to engage in the strategy process and what oversight the committee should have on a day-to-day basis.
The Executive Director and staff have been requested to provide proposals for the initial strategy process.
This will be an agenda item at the next Board Meeting.
Staff will drive the strategy process, the committee and board will provide oversight and specific milestones.
Kate mentioned how Wikimedia developed its 2030 strategy plan and that there are different levels of participation
A question was raised if there can be a fusion of the Strategy and Tech committees and how to further engage with the local community.
Other business
No other business was raised.
Questions from Voting Members
No questions were raised by Voting Members.
Tabled topics
The following are not reflected in the notes because there has been no action since the last Board meeting or there was insufficient time to discuss the topic at a Board meeting.
- Role of local boards (waiting for feedback from Governance WG)
- Strategic plan 2022-2025
- Whistleblower process (needs input; it is in the action items)
New Action Items
- Operations Update - review Wikimedia’s example provided by Kate (Tyler) - Pending
- Operations Update - Board to provide feedback to Tyler by Friday 3 December 2021 as to whether to present HOT’s OKRs to the Board on a monthly or quarterly basis (Kate) - Pending
- Board member for only one year - Board members are to think about who wants to volunteer for a 1-year term, or whether to vote on which Board members are to serve for 1 year (Kate) - Pending
- Board member for only one year - ask Felix and Trudy what information they have about this because they’ve been in this situation before (Kate) - Pending
- Board meeting - day and start time - follow up with Trudy about moving Board Meetings to a Monday (Kate) - Pending
- Board In-person meeting - Board members to indicate their availability for a Q1 meeting via a Doodle Poll (Kate) - Pending
- Board Committee roles - email Heather Leson about the Code of Conduct Committee and CC Shoaib (Kate) - Pending
Next board meeting
21 December 2021 @ 14:00 UTC
Chair Kate Chapman declared the meeting adjourned at 14:28 UTC.