Humanitarian OSM Team/Meetings/Board/24 November 2020
HOT Board Meeting 24th of November 2020, 14:30 UTC
- Miriam Gonzalez
- Emmanuel Sambale
- Felix Delattre
- Ben Abelshausen
- Tyler Radford
- Gertrude Namitala
- Rob Baker
- Tasauf A Bai Billah
- Sarah Wise
- Sam Colchester
- Miriam Gonzalez
Call to order
Meeting called to order at 14:35 UTC by Interim President Miriam Gonzalez.
Approval of Previous Minutes
- Approval of the previous minutes (September)
- Approval of the previous minutes (October)
Motion by Miriam: to approve the September & October minutes.
- Approved by unanimous vote.
Previous Action Items
- Adjust and share the HOT-OSMF MOU draft (Ben) - pending
- Clarification statement on the roles of committees and working groups (All)
- Review proposals for board roles and committees (All)
- Clean up September board meeting minutes (Sam)
- Onboarding of temporary assistant (Miriam)
- Start hiring process for assistant to the board (Tyler)
- Approved COI guidelines are to be signed and uploaded to the website. (Felix)
- Reach out to facilitators to get feedback on their participation [for screen-to-screen sessions]. (Miriam)
- Find dates for the screen-to-screen sessions. (Miriam)
- Propose an immediate solution to comply with article 8.1 for the next board meeting (Executive committee)
- Reach out to the Governance Working Group to review and eventually propose amendments to the bylaws to the membership. (Felix)
- Seek feedback from the Governance Working Group around the envisioned structure of advisories to the board, taking into consideration the conditions of Boardly. (Felix)
- Reach out to the Tech Team for support on finding the best hosting solution for Loomio, to be used by staff and board. (Tyler)
- Decide on founding members for HOT Kenya (All)
Board role election
Motion by Miriam: to table this to face-to-face meeting (Dec 5, 2020).
- Approved by unanimous vote.
Committee roles review
Motion by Felix: to table this to face-to-face meeting (Dec 5, 2020).
- Approved by unanimous vote.
Operations update
Presenting: Tyler Operations Update November 2020
- Miriam asks about movement to paid use of Tasking Manager. Will volunteers that put a lot of their time into volunteering have to pay? Tyler clarifies that individual volunteers will not pay. Fees are only for largest institutional users of Tasking Manager.
- Felix asks about staffing plan - LATAM/Carribean hub missing from staffing plan. Tyler states that it will be added, but focused on Nairobi and Manila now, second two hubs aiming for Q3/Q4 next year
- Maning asks about pay as you use. Asks whether OSM’s model or the community perception risk of this new model have been explored. Tyler responds that original Missing Maps MOU of 5% costs was not met. New model in line with open source values and is an experiment for 2021. In last several years have lost money hosting the Tasking Manager - attempt to become sustainable
- Ben asks, who owns road map for Tasking Manager? Can organisations that pay have a say in the roadmap? Tyler states roadmap will be convened by tech team but decisions made by organisational owners of Tasking Manager
- Maning asks about tiers and pricing, has this been tested with one/two partners? Tyler responds that regular discussions with Missing Maps members has made them aware of fee structure and development of this model
Executive committee
- Prepare board meeting agenda
- Develop proposal for compliance with bylaws article 8.1
Finance committee
- Approved audit report for 2019
Communications committee
- Need Rob/Ribin present to discuss
Risk Management committee
- First meeting held, one application for membership. Conducting SWOT analysis.
Strategic Planning committee
- Pete Masters led a session last week, Big Blue Button recording on Google Drive and Pete’s related diary post
Code of Conduct committee
- This needs to commence, when new committee roles are defined it will be important to decide this role
HOT Board Screen-to-Screen
Presenting: Miriam
Motion by Miriam: to have two screen to screen meetings Dec 5th and Dec 12th.
- Approved by unanimous vote.
Motion by Miriam: to have a facilitator for the sessions to incorporate additional activities
- Amendment by Felix: to have specifically Allen Gunn facilitate for half the time in both sessions
- Amendment approved by unanimous vote.
- Amended motion approved by unanimous vote.
- Amendment approved by unanimous vote.
Action Miriam will speak to Tyler and then Allen Gunn about facilitation.
- Discussion on the format of the face-to-face. Assigning time to activities and constructive discussion. Facilitator could assist in this.
Reporting and approval of contracts
Presenting: Felix
- Referred in the last meeting to the executive committee for making a proposal for compliance with the HOT bylaws, Article 8.1.
- Proposal by the executive committee: Set up a separate email list ( with the executive committee subscribed. All monetary contracts of more than USD 50,000 (incoming or spending) and partnership agreements, including Memorandum of Understandings, are sent to this list and receive approval through unanimous consent after three (3) days, if after (3) days there is no answer or any clarification request, the contracts automatically will be approved. The reported contract names and involved parties - masking confidential ones, when necessary - then will be listed in the upcoming board meeting minutes.
Motion by Felix: to approve the Proposal by the executive committee (above).
- Amendment by Felix: to approve proposal text directly set out in proposal document.
- Amendment approved by unanimous vote.
- Amended motion approved by unanimous vote.
- Amendment approved by unanimous vote.
Other business
- Clarification statement on the roles of committees and working groups
- UN and Humanitarian Goals:
- Local participation in HOT organization in Kenya
- Guest speakers for the board meeting
- Executive sessions
- Governance Working Group needs a leader, Ben will lead the next session if need be.
- Felix raises good to tackle committee and working group maintenance/creation with Allen Gunn
- Ben raises should aim to do more asynchronously and be less dependent on meetings
- Ben to setup new GWG meeting.
Motion by Miriam: to approve January 26th as the next date for the board meeting and skip December.
- Approved by unanimous vote.
Questions from members
No questions.
Next board meeting
January 26th 14:30 UTC
Miriam Gonzalez, Interim President of the Board, declared the meeting adjourned at 15:57 UTC
Minutes approved
These board meeting minutes were approved on 26 January 2021.