Humanitarian OSM Team/Working groups/Community/Mentorship
The HOT Community Working Group initiated a Mentorship Program to provide peer to peer learning and knowledge exchange in the humanitarian and open mapping space. We built upon the knowledge and efforts of other mapping communities in conducting their mentorship program, most specifically Women+ in Geospatial (W+G) Mentorship Programme.
The pilot program was initiated in 2022 and another one in 2023.
Mentorship is a powerful tool to help people learn, share, and contribute to communities. This initiative is much needed in open communities where there are people with years of experience and others willing to learn and share out of a passion for the objectives of the community. However, there is no mentorship program that specifically provides for people with a passion for open geo data. This problem presents an opportunity to leverage the capacity of the working group to encourage knowledge-sharing through mentorship.
The Program is also inspired by Angela Teyvi during her Community Working Group Ask Me Anything (AMA) Session in March 2022. Angela shared how mentorship has played a major role in her career development and capability in humanitarian open mapping. You can watch the recording here.
2022 (Pilot) Mentorship Program
In the pilot phase, the mentorship structure is peer mentorship. In peer mentorship, all members receive mentorship and are organized by a group facilitator who is already part of the group. The choice of this type of mentorship is to boost the interest, knowledge, and confidence of mentors to become great mentors for the next cohort of mentees.
- Increased confidence amongst participants in mentoring others
- Mentors share their skills and knowledge within their groups (peer support and learning)
- Retain the participants to be future mentors in the programme
- Full attendance or completing the pilot
Key details and Outcome
Peer-to-peer Mentorship
3 months (September 17 to December 17 2022)
- Professional development
- Open geospatial skills
- Open Community Building
- Data in Humanitarian
- 21 peer mentors
- 5 groups
- ~30 peer-to-peer mentorship sessions
- 3 Peer Mentors Sessions
- Confidence level to mentor increase from 4.35% (pre-program) to 4.7% (post program)
Legacy Projects
- Peer Mentorship Project Reflections by Muluba, December 2022
- Validation Workflow Project by Antonin, Anuradaha, Laxmi and Chisom Okwuchi, December 2022
2023 Mentorship Program
Building on the pilot mentorship program, we are proceeding with a Mentor-mentee and group mentorship structure. Lessons, feedback, suggestions from the pilot will be heavily incorporated into this design.
- Career and professional development of its members
- Retaining membership
- Increase community engagement
- Develop emerging leaders
- Promote diversity and inclusivity in the community
- Build relationships in the global network of humanitarian open mapping communities/contributors
- Program Guide
- Mentorship Guide
- Legacy Project Guide
- Mentorship Guide (Spanish)
- Program Guide(Spanish)
Key details and Outcome
- 1-to-1 mentorship
- Group mentorship (1 mentor to 2-3 mentees)
5 months (May to October 2023)
- Professional development
- Open geospatial skills
- Open Community Building
- Data in humanitarian work
- 28 Pairs and groups
- Mentors: 28
- Mentees: 50
- Opted Out: 18
- 81% Retention Rate
- ~25 Coordinators meetups
- Country: 46
- ~145 Pair / Group sessions
- 14 Mentorship Shoutout Tuesdays
- 2 All Mentors Session
- ~18 Legacy Projects
Legacy Projects
Professional development
- [Written Report | English] Tabuson Sharifu Nigo: Exploring the Humanitarian Landscape and Efforts: A Chronicle of My HOT Mentorship Experience
- [Blog | English] Dibikshya Shrestha: Personal Branding: The Key to Unlocking Your Full Potential and -Making a World of Difference
- [Blog | English] Pragya Pant: MENTORSHIP: MY JOURNEY FROM HOW TO WOW!
- [Written Report | English] Bafamodei Hopeful Honesty: The Role of Education and Empowerment in Eradication of Female Genital Mutilation: Case Study of Successful Interventions in Oyo State, Nigeria
Open geospatial skills
- [Written Report | English] Grace Gakenia Mathenge: Nyeri County Early Warning System for El Nino
- [Written Report | English] Vivek Dumre: Dam site suitability analysis using Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM): a case study of Syangja, Nepal
- [OSM Diary | English] Eka Diweti: Open Geospatial Data for Disaster Recovery/Response
Open Community Building
- [Video | French and English] Niba Bridget Manka'a: Advocacy on sustainable mindset shift in the next generation towards persons with disabilities
- [Written Report | English] Eminent Emmanuel Odongo: Report of community engagement on water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in Aoja village, Ogongora sub-county, Amuria district Uganda done on 1st and 2nd July, 2023
- [Interactive Map | English] Terry Mungai: Map of women community groups in Kasarani, Kenya
- [OSM Diaries | English] Ponciano da Costa de Jesus: OSM Community in Timor-Leste is Official Launch
Data in humanitarian work
- [OSM Diaries | English] Exploring Health Centre Data in eSwatini - here on Ibrahim's diary and here on Nombuso's diary
Write ups
What happened next?
- Ponsyano officially launched OSM Timor-Leste after guidance from his mentor, Walter (who also did support sessions for other community leaders in T-L)
- Mentees Neelima and Pragya were guests on geomob podcast talking about Women in geo: the role of internships and mentorship (Petya was their mentor)
- Mentee Hopeful and mentor Preet collaborated on an event: #ZeroTolerance for FGM using open mapping
2024 Mentorship Program
This is the 2nd cohort of the HOT Community Working Group Mentorship Program, aimed at empowering individuals from across HOT’s priority regions with the skills, knowledge and networks to contribute meaningfully to humanitarian and development challenges through open mapping.
- Career and professional development of its members
- Retaining membership
- Increase community engagement
- Develop emerging leaders
- Promote diversity and inclusivity in the community
- Build relationships in the global network of humanitarian open mapping communities/contributors
- Program Guide
- Mentorship Guide
- Legacy Project Guide
- Mentorship Guide (Spanish)
- Program Guide(Spanish)
Key details and Outcome
- 1-to-1 mentorship
- Group mentorship (1 mentor to 2-3 mentees)
5 months (June to November 2024)
- Open geospatial skills
- Open Community Building
- Data in humanitarian work
- Mentors: 63
- Mentees: 100
- Legacy project: 23- 13 final project and 10 project proposal
- Mentorship Tuesday shoutouts: 11
- Groups: 27-1:1 mentorship & 33 group Mentorship
- Countries: 43
Legacy Projects
- [Storymap] Bright Chishite - Mapping the Impacts of Lead Runoff, A case study of Kabwe Canal in Zambia
- [Report] Alamale-Matthew Joyce - A Technical Report on Wheat Yield Estimation Using Linear Regression Model in Njoro Sub-County, Kenya
- [Story Map] Anuoluwapo Kuye - Unlocking the power of OSM Data for problem solving - Equipping individuals on the basics of QGIS and OSM data
- [Research Proposal] Mercy Akintola - Urban Heat Island (UHI) Deep-Detection Model
- [Report] Arun Kumar Bhomi and Rabina Poudyal - Mapping and Updating Emergency Response POIs for Women Using Mapillary and OpenStreetMap.
- [Story Map] America Jane Elohor - River State Health Facilities Mapping Project - Improving Healthcare Facilities Through GIS
- [Video] Vanessa Bolognani - Table Joins with OSM data
- [Video] Amy Yeung - Collaborative Mapping in Sapecho: Community Driven Geographic data for sustainable develpment
- [Mapping Task] Satish Khamkar - Mapathon for Parner Town, Ahmednagar District (Maharashtra, India)
- [Story Map] Adeola Anthonia Oyetunde - Open Mapping for disaster preparedness & response:Enhancing Community Resilience to Floods in our Local Community
- [Story Map] Divine Igbanibo -Brighter Futures: The Power of Education and Mentorship:The Boy, A Mine of Diamonds or A-Bomb to Destroy -ORVIL W. REID
- [Report] Daniel Enechojo Akor & Maryam Samaila Mohammed - Mapping Assessment of Flood Vulnerable Communities for Enhanced Disaster Resilience in Healthcare Centers and Communities in Numan, Adamawa State, Nigeria
- [Map] Buhlebenkosi Moyo -Hwange Boundary Map & Gwanda State Unniversity Boundary Map
- [Report] Ekwok Egana Sunday -Mapping and Assessing Exposed Electric Transformers in Ikoyi-Obalende LCDA: A Safety and Infrastructure Improvement
- [Poster] Faridah Nakabugo, and Mee Mee Alainmar -How OpenStreetMap Empowers Wheelchair-friendly Cities
- [Mapping Task] Priscilla Kapolo & Bob Masika -Mapping the Nzoia Sugar Company Plantation Reserve
Write ups
- Anuoluwapo Kuye - LinkedIn Post