Humanitarian OSM Team/Working groups/Community/Webinars
RexAll previous webinar recordings are available in our Youtube playlist.
Bookmark this page, or sign up via HOT Mailing list and/or Eventbrite and follow HOTOSM Eventbrite page for updates and news about upcoming Community Webinars!
If you want to get involved with the programming of webinars or suggest topics, please feel free to engage via the channels indicated here.
Webinar Programme
Past / Future | Title | Date | External links |
Past | Perspectives on AI Assisted Mapping in OSM | 11 July, 2023 | Re-watch here |
Future | Innovating for Good: Leveraging Open Source Tools to Improve WASH Programs | 16 June, 2023 | Rewatch: French session, English session |
Past | Reputation of Open Mapping & Data: Examining Governance, Privacy and Trust | 21 April, 2023 | Watch again here |
Past | Exploring Women's Involvement in OpenStreetMap Through Diverse Lenses | 31 March, 2023 | Re-watch hereQuestions, comments and feedback here |
Past | Field Mapping is Still the future: Update on Field Tasking Manager | 24 February, 2023 | Forum for questions / comments |
Past | Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Working Group Open Hour | 16 December, 2022 | Recording |
Past | Volunteerism in the 21st Century: The way to go | 9 December, 2022 | Recordingblogpost |
Past | Skillshare and Discussion: Generating and Promoting Open Data | 11 November, 2022 | watch again: Recording |
Past | Field Mapping is the Future Skillshare: A Tasking Manager Workflow for Open Data Kit (ODK)
Field Mapping is the Future Skillshare: Using Kobo Toolbox |
16 September, 2022 | Rewatch: French session, English session
Past | Open Source Geospatial data in environmental management: Context, opportunities and challenges | 5 & 13 May 2022 (12:00 utc) | Watch again: French session | English session
You can also read a blog on the session in English and French |
Past | Skillshare session : Open Community Forum | 8 April, 2022 | Recording here |
Past | Community Working Group Skillshare Session: OSM Diary and OSM Wiki | 26 February 2022 | Watch again on youtube |
Past | Power to Fly: Drones, Community and the Future of Mapping | 10 & 17 December (12:00 utc) | Watch again: Session 1 video | Session 2 video |
Past | Construcción de la comunidad local de OSM: Consejos, trucos y desafíos (Spanish Webinar: Local OSM community building: Tips, tricks and challenges) | 8 November, 16:00 UTC | Watch again on youtube. |
Past | Virtual Event Co-design Workshop: Learnings and Best Practices for Meaningful Online Sessions with Open Geospatial Communities! (at FOSS4G 2021) | 28 September 2021 17:00 UTC | View accepted proposal here. |
Past | Local OSM community building: Tips, tricks and challenges | 3 September 2021 06:00 & 16:00 UTC | Watch again on youtube: Session 1 | Session 2 |
Past | Ethical Mapping with and for People Living with Vulnerability (at State of the Map 2021) | 9 July 2021 15:00 UTC | About the panel session |
Past | Language Translation using Transifex (with Tech Working Group) | 8 June 2021 09:00 UTC | Watch again on youtube |
Past | The Importance of Data Quality in Humanitarian Mapping | 28 May 2021 06:00 & 16:00 UTC | Watch again on youtube: Session 1 | Session 2 |
Past | GeOsm community launch | 30 April 2021 1200 UTC | Watch the webinar again on youtube |
Past | Challenging Sexism and Misogyny in the Open Mapping Ecosystem | 26 March 2021 06:00 & 16:00 UTC | Watch again on youtube: Session 1 | Session 2 |
Past | Colonialism in Open Data and Mapping (2 timezone sessions) | 26 Feb 2021 06:00 & 16:00 UTC | Watch again on youtube: Session 1 | Session 2 |
Past | Mapping for Covid19 Response & Resilience pt. 2 | 29 Jan 2021 12:00 UTC | Watch the webinar again on youtube |
Past | Mapping for Covid19 Response & Resilience | Dec 2020 | Watch the webinar again on youtube |
Webinar Notes
Perspectives on AI Assisted Mapping in OSM
The webinar was a collaboration of the HOT community Working Group and Tech and Innovation Working Group.The webinar to looked at the perspectives and assumptions surrounding AI mapping in OSM and weigh the advantages and disadvantages.
- Understand community perspectives around AI-assisted mapping
Key points of discussion:
- Level of trust
- Assumptions, “bias” and hypotheses around the “universal” (vs localized) deployment of AI
- Data quality/Validation
- Do you have some experiences with mapping with AI buildings and roads? What is your opinion about the results?
- Would your group use pre-prepared AI data if it meant faster mapping?
- What is more important to your community? Faster mapping at the cost of more errors or less errors at the cost of slower speed?
Date : 11 July,2023
- 1st session - 10:00 AM UTC
- 2nd session - `18:00 PM UTC
Program flow
- 15mins presentation from HeiGit
- 45mins discussion
- Optional to extend for 30mins
- Radim Štampach, Ph.D. : Assistant professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia
- Milan Fila: Researcher at Masaryk University Brno
- Benjamin Herfort : Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology at Heidelberg University
- Victor N. Sunday : Geography and Environmental Management, University of Port Harcourt.
- Anne Lee Steel - Community Manager, The Turing Way
The session's main room is in Zoom. It will be recorded and live streamed through HOT's Youtube channel.
During the session we also used a Pad for notes hotosm-ai-webinar | : you can take a look at the feedback and add to it as well :)
If you are also interested in joining the HOT Tech and Innovation Working Group, fill this form.
Innovating for Good: Leveraging Open Source Tools to Improve WASH Programs
The webinar is focused on sharing knowledge and experiences on projects that are using or have used open mapping and OSM data for WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) and solid waste management projects. Our speakers will discuss how they have utilized these approaches to improve project planning, implementation, and monitoring in their respective contexts. The webinar will provide an opportunity to learn from experts in the field and engage in a discussion on the challenges, opportunities, and learnings when implementing these projects. Different communities will share how they worked on their projects, lessons from the projects, challenges they encountered, and how other communities can collaborate and support other forthcoming projects on WASH.
Speakers will also share use cases of OSM and open map data and how they are contributing to the overall goal of waste management in the local context.
The session's main room is in Zoom. It will be recorded and live streamed through HOT's Youtube channel.
Date : 16 June,2023
- English - 09:00 AM UTC
- French - `13:00 PM UTC
Program flow
- 1hr discussion
- 30 mins Q&A
Speakers (English):
- Zacharia Muindi - Lead Mapper - Map Kibera Trust
- Asha Mustapher - Project Manager & Community Mapping Facilitator, OpenMap Development Tanzania (OMDTZ)
- Abdullahi Adulkadur - OSM Somalia Team Lead
- Eromosele John Aitokhuehi- Civic Technologist | Assurance and Data Protection Lead , Lagos Business School (Pan-Atlantic University)
- Chabota Munachoonga- Chief Executive Officer, Open Data Lab Zambia (OSM Zambia)
- Maria Gorret Nabuwembo - GIS Analyst, MapRI Initiative Uganda
Speakers (French:
- Fatiman Alher - Ceo MapTic, International Relations manager OSM Niger, OSM Niger, MapTic Niger
- English session - Letwin Pondo / Hawa Adinani
- French session - Yves Emmanuel
The session's main room is in Zoom. It will be recorded and live streamed through HOT's Youtube channel.
Reputation of Open Mapping & Data: Examining Governance, Privacy and Trust
Organizations, including government institutions, non-profit organizations (e.g. humanitarian agencies, academia), and the private sector, are increasingly recognizing and utilizing Open Mapping and Open Data. Among the reasons is that it is open and free, meaning users have the freedom to add data, share it, develop features, etc. However, questions of trust, quality, security, privacy, and governance inevitably arise. If these questions are not properly addressed, they can reduce trust in open data and open map data in general.
The webinar aims to explore the issues of trust, quality, security, privacy, and governance surrounding Open Mapping and Open Data. We aim to have experienced individuals from different sectors who can provide insights and explore these topics in an open discussion. Our goal is not to force people to trust open data, but rather to facilitate a conversation around the risk-benefit paradigm.
Date: 21st April, 2023
Time: 12:00 UTC | 20:00 SGT (UTC+8) | 08:00 ET (UTC-4)
Program flow:
- 1hr discussion
- 30 mins Q&A
Moderator: Lars Peter: Director, ACAPS Project & Host of Trumanitarian
- Jorieke Vyncke- MSF Missing Maps coordinator, GIS advisor & Missing Maps Project Coordinator at Médecins Sans Frontièr
- Muhammad Saleem : Lead Researcher, Founder of OpenGIScience Research Lab
- Mumbua Mutunga - Applied Epi : Mumbua is an R instructor and medical statistician who has worked with KEMRI and CEMA in Kenya, with particular expertise in rabies surveillance and elimination programs. She is passionate about supporting people to leverage R and other statistical tools to do meaningful work in disease prevention and control.
- Ma. Simeona Martinez - Assistant Professor, University of the Philippines - Department of Geography : Ma'am Ony teaches GIS for Human Geographic Research, Remote Sensing and Aerial Photography, and Digital Cartography. She is the lead author of 3 scholarly works and has additionally co-authored 4 more. Ma'am Ony is also a member of the Philippine Geographical Society and is currently a researcher of the Philippine Disaster Information System (PHIL-DIS) project.
The session's main room is in Zoom. It will be recorded and live streamed through HOT's Youtube channel.
Exploring Women's Involvement in OpenStreetMap Through Diverse Lenses
A panel discussion with panelists to dive into Exploring Women's Involvement in OpenStreetMap Through Diverse Lenses This discussion also look into the
- The gaps that exist between the participation of those who identify as women as to other genders.
- What prevents those who identify as women from participating in open communities (unseen/unheard).
- How best to encourage those who identify as women to participate in open communities
- How the participation of those who identify as women already active in open communities can be increased and retained.
Date: 31st March, 2023
Time: 12pm UTC
Program flow:
- 50 mins discussion
- 10 mins Q&A
- [Optional] 30 mins breakout room
If there are no breakout rooms, discussions continue for the additional 25mins
Moderator: Dr. Prince Kwame Odame ( Africa) - Lecturer, University of Education Winneba-Ghana
- Stellamaris Wavamunno Nakacwa - Program Director, Youthmappers EverywhereSheMaps
- Mikko Tamura - Community Manager, Open Mapping Hub- Asia Pacific
- Jaqueline Amorim - Expert Mapper, Geostatical Data/HOT Data Quality Intern, 2022
The session's main room is in Zoom. It will be recorded and live streamed through HOT's Youtube channel.
Field Mapping is Still the future: Update on Field Tasking Manager
Please join us for a demo and discussion of the Field Mapping Tasking Manager (FMTM). After some prototyping, testing, and feedback on the Field Mapping Tasking Manager, we are pleased to present an update on our progress, and request feedback on the choices and directions we are taking.
Date: 24th February, 2023
French - 10am UTC
English - 12pm UTC
Program flow
Duration: 1 hour
Speaker: Ivan Gayton
French: Muluba Bienvenu
English : Jikka Defino
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Working Group Open Hour
You are invited to the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Working Group Open Hour. Come and learn about the various working groups and how you can participate
Date: 16th Deceneber,2022
Time: 12 PM UTC
Program flow:
35 - 40 mins main session (2-5mins talk per WG)
20 mins breakout rooms
Volunteerism in the 21st Century: The way to go
The Humanitarian Open Mapping Community Working Group invites you to a panel discussion with expert speakers who build volunteer communities and are volunteers themselves. They are going to dive into why volunteer, it's advantages and disadvantages and how to effectively manage volunteers.
Date: 9th December, 2022
Time: 12PM UTC
Program flow:
- 50 mins discussion
- 10 mins Q&A
- [Optional] 30 mins breakout room
- Laura Mugeha (Africa) - Laura is a Geospatial engineer working at the intersection of open tech, open data and development. She works at a Kenyan social enterprise to support teams to adopt data for good. Laura is also a YouthMappers regional ambassador where she supports chapters in East + Central Africa. In her free time, she volunteers with local open data communities.
- Juan Arellano (Latin America) - Juan is a translation and social media expert. Experience at localization, community management for NGOs, volunteer lead, community building. He is also part of the HOT Open Mapping Hub Latam team. Former contributor to Global Voices, The Engine Room, Periodismo Ciudadano
- Sabrina Szeto (Asia) - Sabrina is a consultant who uses geospatial data to address environmental and sustainable development challenges. Her passion lies in helping organizations use GIS and earth observation data to fulfill their missions. She is a co-founder of Women in Geospatial+ and also volunteers as a Google Developer Expert for Earth Engine.
Moderator: Laxmi Goparaju
The session's main room is in Zoom. It will be recorded and live streamed through HOT's Youtube channel.
The session was in two parts:
- The first part, a skillshare on how to run a mapathon to generate open data - led by Lale Pirlot from Missing Maps
- The second part, round table discussion on how we can promote use of open data as well as what is the benefits and disadvantages - Led by Laxmi Goparaju, Scientific advisor at Vindhyan Ecology and Natural History Foundation, India.
You can find all resources, feedback and add your suggestions here.
This community working group skillshare focused on editing OSM diaries and the OSM wiki
- Writing and publishing OSM diaries - led by Arnalie Vicario
- Editing the OSM wiki - led by Geoffrey Kateregga
You can continue the conversation and find all the recordings and resources here on the Community WG forum.
Power to Fly: Drones, Community, and the Future of Mapping
Continue the conversation here!
The Community Working Group (Humanitarian Open Mapping) invites everyone who are interested to learn about community drone mapping, as well as the usage and usability of data generated using drones.
Format: The webinar will take place in two consecutive Fridays of December, at 12:00 UTC:
- 10 December [Part 1]: State of the Community Drone Mapping - Recordings here
- Part 1 focused on Current State of Community drone mapping. We invited Digna Gasper of Open Skies Fellows and OpenMap Development Tanzania (OMDTZ) to provide a presentation regarding their work. Ms. Gasper talked about the technical possibilities for community drone mapping as well as what can be done with inexpensive and accessible community drones.
- Speaker: Digna Gasper, Innovation Officer, OpenMap Development Tanzania
- 17 December [Part 2]: Usability and usage of drone mapping and data - Recording here
- Part 2 focused on usability and usage of drones. We invited drone data collectors and users to talk about the opportunities we can do with drones and its data.
- Speakers:
- Taichi Furhashi @mapconcierge, Aoyama Gakuin Univ. & CrisisMappers Japan - Drone for disaster management and response in Japan
- Ndapile Mkuwu @Ndapile_M, African Drone and Data Academy - Drones and the Youth
- Hessel Winsemius @hcwinsemius, Rainbow Sensing - Usage of drone data in flood modelling and urban resilience
Construcción de la comunidad local de OSM: Consejos, trucos y desafíos
Spanish Webinar: Local OSM community building: Tips, tricks and challenges Fecha / Hora: 08 de noviembre a las 16:00 UTC (tentativo)
Comparta consejos, trucos y desafíos relacionados con el inicio y el mantenimiento de las comunidades locales de OSM con miembros de OSM y comunidades cercanas de todo el mundo!
Se votó que el tema del seminario web del grupo de trabajo comunitario de agosto fuera la participación de la comunidad local para apoyar el aprendizaje entre pares y la resolución de problemas. Esto se debe a una solicitud de apoyo y orientación por parte de Victor Sunday, del grupo de trabajo comunitario Unique Mappers Network (UNM) de Nigeria, sobre cómo motivar y animar a los miembros experimentados de la comunidad para que apoyen a los nuevos miembros. Hemos llevado a cabo dos (2) seminarios web en inglés relacionados con el inicio y el mantenimiento de las comunidades OSM (ver grabaciones: Sesión 1 | Sesión 2).
Este seminario web será en español. Aunque los diferentes contextos, culturas y situaciones hacen que no exista un enfoque genérico para la creación de comunidades, creemos que podemos aprender, adoptar y adaptar mucho de los demás compartiendo y documentando experiencias y desarrollando redes de apoyo.
Los consejos, trucos y desafíos presentados y discutidos también constituirán las primeras aportaciones a una guía de buenas practicas de construcción de la comunidad OSM que también está siendo desarrollado por el Grupo de Trabajo de la Comunidad.
1. Olga Lidia Paredes - Bolivia
2. Jorge Luis Batista @dicepb - Cuba
3. Sandra Lucía Hernández Zetina @sanlhz - Mexico, Geochicas, Youthmappers - UAEMEX
4. Ulises Ibarra - Mexico, Geoinquietos
5. Johnattan Rupire - Perú
6. Joaquin Garcia - Spain
7. Esther (Lanxana) - Spain
8. Miguel Sevilla-Callejo @msevilla00 (msevilla00) - MapColabora / Geoinquietos Zaragoza
9. Mariela Centeno - Ecuador
10. Omar Vega Ramos - OSM Perú
11. Carmen Diez @carmen10maica - GeoChicas
12. Rodrigo Rodriguez -
Virtual Event Co-design Workshop: Learnings and Best Practices for Meaningful Online Sessions with Open Geospatial Communities! (at FOSS4G 2021)
Date / Time: 28 September 2021, 17:00 UTC
Abstract: The Workshop aims to gather and engage different open geospatial communities and members to crowdsource learning experiences and best practices in designing and/or co-designing virtual sessions (such as mapathons, workshops, webinars, etc) to create meaningful engagement and open dialogues for and with the participants. This is also a venue to discuss how we can ensure inclusive and accessible online sessions for all.
Local OSM community building: Tips, tricks and challenges
Date / Time: 03 September at 06:00 & 16:00 UTC (to accommodate different time zones).
Watch again on Youtube: Session 1 | Session 2
Share tips, tricks and challenges related to starting and sustaining local OSM communities with OSM leaders and members across the globe!
The topic for the community working group webinar for August was voted as Local community engagement to support peer learning and collaborative problem solving. This was prompted by a request for support and guidance to the community working group from Victor Sunday of Unique Mappers Network (UNM) in Nigeria around how to motivate and incentivise experienced community members to support new community members.
Although different contexts, cultures and situations means there is no generic approach to community building, we believe that we can learn, adopt and adapt a lot from each other through sharing and documenting experiences and developing networks of support.
Also, acknowledging that the experts in community building are community members themselves, the webinar is open for many different contributions from many different people and will include the opportunity for plenty of participation in the form of questions and discussion.
The tips, tricks and challenges presented and discussed will also form the first contributions to an OSM community building playbook that is also being developed by the Community Working Group.
1. Herry Kasunga - Crowd2Map
2. Mikko Tamura - OSM Philippines / Mapbeks
3. Carrol Chan - OSM Fiji
4. Dinar Adiatma - OSM Indonesia
5. Can Unen - OSM Turkey / Yer Çizenler
6. Aishworya Shrestha - OSM Nepal / Kathmandu Living Labs
7. Anisa Kuci - OSM Italy
8. Mumbere Kombi Jackson - OSM RDC
9. Satoshi Iida - OSM Japan
10. Suthakaran Sundaralingam - OSM Sri Lanka
11. Ark Arjun - OSM Kerala
Moderator/Host: Pete Masters - Missing Maps UK / Community WG
1. Sawan Shariar - OSM Bangladesh / Youthmappers
2. Sharon Omoja - OSM Kenya
3. Natalia Arruda - OSM Colombia / Youthmappers
4. Narcelio de Sa - OSM Brazil
5. Ronald Tumusiime - Map Uganda
6. Jaria Jallow - OSM The Gambia / Youthmappers
7. Abdurahman Al Furjani - OSM Libya
8. Janet Chapman - Crowd2Map
9. Mikko Tamura - OSM Philippines / Mapbeks
10. Tsongo Muluba Bienvenu - OSM RDC
Moderator/Host: Chomba Chishala - OSM Zambia / Youthmappers
Ethical Mapping with and for People Living with Vulnerability (at State of the Map 2021)
9 July, 15:00 UTC at State of the Map 2021
This panel is organized by the Humanitarian Open Mapping Community Working Group and Erica Hagen, EthicalGeo Fellow and author of “The GeoEthics in Vulnerability Principles”.
- Moderator: Courtney Clark @courtneymclark3 Program Director, Everywhere She Maps (YouthMappers and American Geographical Society)
- Panelists:
- Edoardo Neerhut @eneerhut Program Manager, Facebook (Mapillary)
- Paromita Basak @Paromitabasak1 Intern, Food and Agriculture Organization Headquarters, Project Assistant, C2M2 Project Bangladesh(Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab)
- Innocent Maholi @InnocentMaholi Co-founder and Executive Director, OpenMap Development Tanzania
- Rosario Casanova President of the Academic Network UN-GGIM: Americas
- Erica Hagen @ricaji Director, GroundTruth Initiative; Founder and Trustee, Map Kibera Trust; EthicalGeo Fellow
Description: Today’s world of geospatial technology and data is evolving quickly. However, the lives of those living with vulnerability may not be improving, yet are shaped by these new technologies. The communities who stand to benefit most from improving technologies, including mapping, are instead increasingly left out of key conversations, opportunities, and developments that center around their lives and their data” (Erica Hagen, “The GeoEthics in Vulnerability Principles”). This panel will discuss ethical issues that should be considered while mapping with and for communities living in vulnerability.
Language Translation using Transifex (with Tech Working Group)
In collaboration with Tech Working Group, we coordinated the skill sharing session for Tech Talk: Language Translation using Transifex, with guest speakers Can Uner and Oguzhan Er of Yer Cizenler / OSM Turkey.
The Importance of Data Quality in Humanitarian Mapping
Webinar mini-series on 28 May 2021 at 06:00 & 16:00 UTC (to accommodate different time zones).
- Earlier Block (Asia/Pacific, Africa, Europe time zones): 06:00 UTC
- Moderator: Tommy Charles @Godpherytommy1 OSM Sierra Leone / Youthmappers
- Panel: Shamillah Nassozi @Shammie_n - OSM Uganda; Michael Heißmeier @michael63- HOT Training WG; Feye Andal @dfeyeandal - OSM Philippines & UP Resilience Institute; Simon Wilde @siwilde - Crowd2Map Tanzania; Dr. Gaston Mbonglou - City Navigator
- Later Block (Africa, Europe. Americas time zones): 16:00 UTC
- Moderator: Arnalie Vicario @arnalielsewhere - HOT Community Working Group
- Panel: Ralph Aytoun @RAytoun- HOT Global Validation Lead / Missing Maps UK; Martijn van Exel @mvexel- OSM US Board / MapRoulette; Laura Cardoso de Oliveira Avelino @LCOAvelino - Canadian Red Cross; Jorge Aguirre @JAAS- Kaart
Description: Data quality is fundamental for communities, governments, aid organizations, and other end-users benefiting from open mapping data. But as the Wikipedia of maps, that anyone can contribute to, how do we ensure that the data is accurate and clear before it gets to end-users in the community, government, and aid and humanitarian aid agencies.
GeOsm community launch
Join the GeOsm Family for the launch of the GeOsm Platform on 30 April, 12:00 UTC
About this Event
Access to data should not be a luxury! It's a path to greater equality everywhere in the world. It's an opportunity for civic engagement and an essential way to access critical services. Open data improves educational attainment, access to basic social services, helps people grow more food, and find or create new jobs and opportunities.
The goal of the GeOsm Family initiative is to make an open-source platform available for the whole digital community. We believe a reliable open spatial data infrastructure will initiate many economic activities, and it will facilitate the creation of an ecosystem of start-ups and civil society initiatives that will develop innovations based on those newly accessible spatial data. While their activities grow, those users will enrich this shared infrastructure while allowing the monitoring and evaluation of the SDGs in a georeferenced way.
This event is organized by GeOsm Family, and supported by OpenStreetMap and HOT.
International Women’s Month webinar: Challenging Sexism and Misogyny in the Open Mapping Ecosystem
Webinar mini-series on 26 March 2021 at 06:00 & 16:00 UTC (to accommodate different time zones).
- Asia time zone webinar, 06:00 UTC
- Moderator: Leigh Lunas,
@leighmedy GeoLadies PH, Philippines Flying Labs
- Panel:
@violaine_do Violaine Doutreleau from OSM Tahiti / À Vos Cartes / Oceania, French Polynesia; Aishworya Shrestha from OSM Nepal / Kathmandu Living Labs;
@laura_mugeha Laura Mugeha from OSM Kenya / Youthmappers
- Moderator: Leigh Lunas,
- Americas time zone webinar, 16:00 UTC
- Moderator:
@kanarinka Catherine D’Ignazio, Director of Data + Feminism Lab at MIT
- Panel:
@Tshedy4 Tshedy Thobei from MapLesotho;
@Honorable_Nath Nathalie Sidibe from OSM Mali;
@mapeadora Celine Jacquin from Geochicas
- Moderator:
Sexism [ˈsekˌsizəm]: prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender.
Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/): the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls.
- Open Mapping Ecosystem: the shared landscape consisting of open mapping data creators/contributors (eg mappers), users, donors, etc.
Join our webinar to hear from a diverse panel of people who identify as women from the Open Mapping ecosystem as they discuss the current state of sexism and misogyny within the map and associated communities, as well as how we all can become more anti-sexist and anti-misogynistic.
The first hour of the session will be dedicated to the discussion between the moderator and panelists, with some opportunity for questions from participants. During the final 30 minutes, participants will be invited to join small breakout rooms for continued discussion that invites everyone to share their experiences, concerns, and ideas verbally or through the chat.
Colonialism in Open Data and Mapping
Webinar mini-series on 26 Feb 2021 at 06:00 & 16:00 UTC (to accommodate different timezones).
And while maps may be missing from digital platforms and social networks, we are still here.
— David Garcia, 2020
Maps and digital data have played crucial roles in humanitarian aid eg. disaster response. Although it is of best interest to help local communities through generating data and features on the map, humanitarian actors and mappers should take note that we are not only mapping features (houses, roads, waterways, etc), but also mapping the land, oceans, and communities who live and are stewards of that space. With this webinar, we want to examine and discuss this balance (community <> digital information), decolonising open data and open mapping, and representation and power in humanitarian mapping, among others.
- Asia time zone webinar, 06:00 UTC
- Moderator: Celina Agaton
- Panel: David Garcia, Tasauf A Baki Billah, Immaculata Mwanja
- Americas time zone webinar, 16:00 UTC
- Moderator: Heather Leson
- Trudy Hope,
@la_geofeminista Selene Yang, Willy Franck Sob
Mapping for Covid19 Response & Resilience pt 2
Planned webinar for January 2021 exploring local responses from OSM communities to the covid19 outbreak.
As part of the COVID-19 Response, HOT supported 24 countries through mapping and the HOT Rapid Response Microgrants. Through the Microgrants, 7 OpenStreetMap communities were provided with microgrants to support their local response to the pandemic in Liberia, Uganda, Kenya, Mongolia, Nigeria and DRC.
This webinar features speakers from Public Lab Mongolia, OSM Senegal, iLab Liberia
Mapping for COVID-19 Response and Resilience
As part of the COVID-19 Response, HOT supported 24 countries through mapping and the HOT Rapid Response Microgrants. Through the Microgrants, 7 OpenStreetMap communities were provided with microgrants to support their local response to the pandemic in Liberia, Uganda, Kenya, Mongolia, Nigeria and DRC.
This webinar featured speakers from Humanitarian Mappers (Nigeria), Map Kibera (Kenya), Map Uganda (Uganda) and the COVID-19 Activation Team
Learnings from webinar organisers / producers / audience
The Community Working Group organises a review after each webinar and participants are always invited to leave feedback. The community webinar learnings page gathers together the learnings from feedback and reviews to help the community working group (and others) to continually improve.