Humanitarian OSM Team/Working groups/Technical/meeting 2013-08-12
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Meeting of the HOT tech team on Monday 12th Aug
IRC log
- clara hi
- clara anybody around for meeting?
- sev_hotosm I am here
- pierzen hi, have to leave in 30 min.
- mkl me too, i have to leave in 30 minutes
- mkl should we start off with quick bday sprint updates, then go round to more updates?
- mkl clara, want to kick us off?
- clara k
- clara xamanu and me did an upgrade to Drupal 7
- clara recreating what's currently on the site
- clara and now we can theme it and add additional functionality
- mkl cool. anything we can look at? how far til we can switch over?
- dodobas hi
- clara doesn't look pretty now - but it's a mobile theme already
- mkl hi dodobas
- clara
- mkl oh that's nice, it's responsive?
- clara yes responsive
- mkl cool
- clara all the current accounts work on it but I changed the admin password on it
- clara we can switch over once the theme looks pretty, and an issue with Openlayers is fixed
- mkl what's the timeline to theme it ... and would we be able to swtich then?
- mkl right on
- clara xamanu should know how far the theme is off
- mkl need any help in particular from anyone? or got that openlayers stuff under control?
- mkl k
- mkl anything more clara?
- clara Openlayers is under control - and anybody who wants to work on it for other things can check the code out of the git repro
- clara -- end
- mkl thx
- mkl the only other bday sprint update, besides mine, is from skorasaurus, but he's not online
- mkl basically there's a relevant bug in josm that is getting fixed, and he's working on some mapcss stuff
- mkl also, nothing happened on the cross-site tool bar, mike ended up not having time
- mkl for me, i ended up doing some work on the tasking manager
- mkl in two parts. first was to pass tile background info through to iD from OSMTM. turns out that requires some more work on osm-website. i'm still looking at.
- mkl second part was to allow OSMTM to configure jobs based on arbitrary geographies
- mkl this was to help with coordination of the DC buildings import, which is based on census tracts
- mkl
- mkl turns out it works without too much change
- mkl
- mkl all the bday sprint leads will report back to kathleen and then that gets announced out
- mkl ok that's all from me on bday sprints
- mkl any questions? other comments on bday sprint? or we move on?
- clara no question from me
- mkl dodobas, sev_hotosm, pierzen: want to jump in?
- sev_hotosm regarding the TM, are you working on the latest version under developement?
- mkl yes. i forked on saturday.
- sev_hotosm we could access it previously here but seems does not work:
- mkl already made one pull request, to update the twitter bootstrap submodule
- sev_hotosm provides URL for each tile, revised a bit the validating process and comments
- mkl i don't know who was maintaining it
- sev_hotosm Pierre Giraud I htink
- mkl yea, would need to ask him.
- mkl do you know which branch that's based on?
- mkl hmm, there's quite a few. i better sync up with him
- sev_hotosm checking
- almccon ( has joined
- mkl anything more to add sev_hotosm? on this or any other tech topic?
- sev_hotosm
- sev_hotosm Yes, Pierre and I have edited the wikipage based on our feedback from the field:
- mkl whoa
- mkl that's a lot
- mkl i wonder how we can better manage this ... i would think many of these needs can be translated better into github tickets
- mkl including the LearnOSM section that started this off
- mkl basically, github tickets are the way to manage code issues
- mkl we should stop using the wiki for this
- mkl can you move these into tickets in the appropriate repositories?
- mkl in fact many of the Tasking Manager needs are already tickets
- mkl we can't keep this kind of thing in the wiki
- mkl for instance
- mkl sev_hotosm, pierzen?
- mkl guys, need to run in 8 minutes, so we should sort this out
- sev_hotosm what issues?
- dodobas well.. i'm still w8ting for the meeting with wonderchook
- pnorman waves, mostly asleep
- dodobas it was scheduled for friday... then postponed till monday...
- mkl sev_hotosm: i'm looking at the Needs section of
- pierzen Github is a system thought like those for Big computers in the 70's. People adapt to the machine. Now we generally see system thought differently. Github is not adaptative, not even to load images easily. What approach do we want for collaboration. Only super techie can collaborate ? are-they other approaches possible for LearnOsm in particular?
- mkl these should all be issues on github
- sev_hotosm SOme of these points are already Github issues
- mkl pierzen: are you saying that you do not understand how to use github issues?
- dodobas i did however get access to server, and gathered some information... but that about it :/
- sev_hotosm for months
- mkl it is different from this issue with LearnOSM (which I keep hearing about from you again and again, despite me saying repeatedly that we are working on it!)
- mkl yes, sev_hotosm. but posting them on the wiki will not get them to work faster
- mkl that isn't how coding works
- mkl these need to be issues
- mkl this stuff in the wiki just confuses developers, and makes a mess of the process
- sev_hotosm and I think a document joining the needs is not a bad thing rather than only scattered github issus
- pierzen have a good session alls, I have to leave now.
- mkl a process this group should be responsible for owning and managing
- mkl pierzen: please do not mention the learnosm issues again until i have something to report back on the documentation
- mkl i am very very frustrated by how this is going, and have little motivation to keep going when the same complaints arise, without any recognition of my work to try to solve the problems
- mkl sev_hotosm: they way to link scattered github issues is to have a list of the github repositories we are tracking
- mkl i am telling you, as a developer, this section on the wiki page is a bad thing
- sev_hotosm I am telling, as a non developer, this section on the wiki page is really useful
- mkl for who?
- mkl will you be responsible for editing the wiki any time an update takes place in github?
- sev_hotosm but I can add every point to the right GitHUb issue
- mkl do you expect developers to follow the wiki page?
- xivk has quit (Quit: xivk)
- mkl why duplicate the list from github?
- sev_hotosm No, I hope this can serve for the discussion during the meetings
- sev_hotosm where is the list grouping all the needs on Github?
- mkl
- mkl if we need to make groupings, we can add labels
- sev_hotosm no, I mean a list with ALL the needs, not only for the TM
- mkl there should be a list of projects hot prioritizes
- mkl and a link to the issue lists
- sev_hotosm mapsomatic, HDDM, Tasking Manager, statistics, etc.
- mkl that's 4 links
- sev_hotosm No problem, I can add this
- mkl can you process all of this into issues?
- mkl and clean up the wiki page?
- sev_hotosm I just say the 2 are useful: both this page and Github, with links between the 2
- mkl why?
- mkl it only means that you will need to maintain two places where there is discussion of code issues
- sev_hotosm because in the wiki I have all the needs in once signel page, in Github not
- mkl but it won't have all the needs
- mkl you can't keep these two in sync
- sev_hotosm in github it is divided by tool/project
- mkl yea, that's not a problem though
- heatherleson ( has joined
- mkl the wiki is good for recording things which are a bit rougher, don't have a dedicated project yet. for instance, the statistics and osm contributor statistics
- mkl but for well defined projects, like HDDM, the tasking manager, learnosm
- mkl there is nothing gained by duplicating all the issues from github into the wiki
- clara sev_hotosm: can you make a list on the wiki that links to the different issues that are relevant for you? that way you have all of it together, without any duplication
- mkl sev_hotosm: you could add a label to these issues in github, which can help you group them
- mkl do you need someone to show you an example?
- heatherleson it would be helpful for fundraising to have a solid list of technical needs.
- mkl heatherleson: yes, but not at this level of detail in the wiki
- mkl we're talking about this:
- sev_hotosm no, it is OK, but basically, the main issue is not how ot present the needs, it is how to organize the way to solve them among the tech community
- heatherleson ::reading::
- mkl well the tech community says use github
- pnorman the wiki is not designed as an issue tracker
- mkl pnorman: exactly
- mkl (i gotta step away for a few minutes. back in a few)
- sev_hotosm if you carefully read this, it is not only about ¨issue tracker¨
- sev_hotosm eg for the HDDM rendering
- sev_hotosm Cover all the developing countries
- heatherleson perhaps the wiki is for project management and over all strategy. And, github for tickets and project tasks : )
- sev_hotosm Integration in different tools impacts various tools
- sev_hotosm like WP, FP, etc.
- sev_hotosm I totally agree Heather
- clara sev_hotosm: if you replace everything on the wiki page that is covered by an issue on github with a direct link to the issue - then we could see afterwards whether the rest is better on the wiki or in github
- sev_hotosm FOr me whis wikipage is the global page for the strategy and management regarding what needs to be done
- sev_hotosm a one or two pager about this does not seem a non sense for me, but something quite rational
- clara but for others the issue queue on github is the global page for management - to see not only what needs to be done but also who's doing it, how for things are etc
- sev_hotosm @clara : why not. I am just a bit surprised techy people are not able to find a feature request in github just wth a very quick search. Even I am able to do it :)
- sev_hotosm and for MapOSMatic for example, I wanted to put the needs down in order we can create appropriate feature requests on GitHub
- mkl sev_hotosm: the best place to put in feature requests is in github
- mkl what feature requests can't be found?
- mkl and don't confuse reporting a bug or feature request with it actually getting done
- mkl especially on open source projects
- mkl we need to organize ourselves well for this, and understand the motivations for contributing to open source
- sev_hotosm We have a misunderstanding: I am just telling this is the first draft of needs for MapOSMatic, put as other needs in an short, descriptive one pager. In order we can discuss how to create formalized/rephrased, etc feature request on github
- heatherleson this really comes down to clear communication
- heatherleson 1. website - how to get involved page fixed
- heatherleson 2. wiki - include a "help I want to " section explaining where to look for what
- heatherleson eg. -
- heatherleson then, you tell everyone which tool they use for what. end of story :)
- mkl guys, i have to run. but i think heatherleson makes sense. we need to have clear ways of communicated needs and channelling help
- heatherleson i learned github so that I can add feature requests. it drives the techs *somewhat* crazy, but it is great for tracking
- mkl heatherleson: as long as they're tagged 'feature request' it's all good
- heatherleson me too, just hopped on for some as I had some thoughts after my braining this past weekend
- heatherleson yes, tags are good
- mkl or just to be clear, Labels on github
- sev_hotosm I know how to create feature requests, I already did, you can check
- heatherleson e.g. - community task, feature, bug, question, won't fix, etc
- mkl ok i really gotta go
- clara a note on labels: for some reason I'm not able to add labels to my issues -
- clara maybe a permission issue
- mkl we need to understand more what our tech process is actually. mostly we are a volunteer, open source dev community
- mkl clara: yes i think so. send me an email reminder, i can fix
- sev_hotosm OK I hope next time we can talk about who is doing what, and let us start something
- clara will do
- mkl let's get this all organized well, and we can start
- mkl i will particularly look into the tasking manager, and learnosm (well continue to)
- mkl thx, and bye
- mkl also ... can someone post the irc log into the wiki
- mkl that we do need to do
- mkl thx bye
- clara is off as well
- clara bye
- sev_hotosm bye