Import/Catalogue/Hobsons Bay City Council

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OpenStreetMap has received a waiver to use data from Hobsons Bay City Council in March 2019.

Data source site: Hobsons Bay City Council
Type of license: CC BY 2.5 and CC BY 3.0
Link to permission (if required): Waiver
OSM attribution:
ODbL Compliance verified: Waiver has been obtained

Import Accounts

An import account named HobsonsBayCityCouncil_Import will be used to import data from this source.


Source Tagging

Each item will have a source tag: Bay City Council added to it. In addition, the changesets will also have the same source tag.

Data Imported

Street and Park Trees

This import has now concluded.

Metadata here

In Hobsons Bay, there has been little mapping of street trees in the past. This import will add quality tree data to the area.

Processing of Data

A Python file will be used to process the raw data.

Tags: 'eastings', 'northings', 'melway_ref', 'suburb', 'ward_name', will be removed.

Trees that are tagged as 'vacant' or 'stump' will also be removed.


  • natural=tree - This will be on all nodes imported.
  • Bay City Council
  • circumference=* - This will be on nodes with a valid circumference.
  • species=* - This will be on nodes with valid species, and exclude 'Unknown', 'Not Applicable' values.
  • genus=* - This will be on nodes without valid species but valid genus.

Changeset Tags


The area of each changeset will be around 500x500 metres, with manual checking of any existing trees to take place. Existing trees will be cross-checked with imagery and additional tags from the import will be appended to the existing tree if accurate.

Picnic Setting within Open spaces

Metadata here

Processing of Data

A Python file will be used to process the raw data.

Tags: 'Location', 'Suburb', 'Setting type', X_Coordinate', 'Y_Coordinate', will be removed.


  • leisure=picnic_table - This will be on all nodes imported.
  • Bay City Council
  • material=* - This will be on nodes that specify material of table.
  • covered=* - Aerial imagery will be used to determine whether the table is covered or not.

Changeset Tags


Manual checking of existing tables will occur. Existing tables will be cross-checked with imagery and additional tags from the import will be appended to the existing table if accurate.

Bicycle Racks

Metadata here

Processing of Data

A Python file will be used to process the raw data.

Tags: 'Location', 'Suburb', X_Coordinate', 'Y_Coordinate', 'BicycleRackMaterial', will be removed.


Changeset Tags


Manual checking of existing bicycle racks will occur. Existing bicycle racks will be cross-checked with imagery and additional tags from the import will be appended to the existing table if accurate.


Metadata here

Processing of Data

A Python file will be used to process the raw data.

Tags: 'Location', 'Suburb', X_Coordinate', 'Y_Coordinate', will be removed.


  • amenity=bbq - This will be on all nodes imported.
  • Bay City Council
  • fuel=electric - All barbeques in this dataset are electric.

Changeset Tags


Manual checking of existing barbeques will occur. Existing barbeques will be cross-checked with imagery and additional tags from the import will be appended to the existing barbeque if accurate.


Metadata here

Processing of Data

A Python file will be used to process the raw data.

Tags: 'Location', 'Suburb', X_Coordinate', 'Y_Coordinate', 'Seat_type', will be removed.


Changeset Tags


Manual checking of existing benches will occur. Existing benches will be cross-checked with imagery and additional tags from the import will be appended to the existing benches if accurate.

Drinking Fountains within Open spaces

Metadata here

Processing of Data

A Python file will be used to process the raw data.

Tags: 'Location', 'Suburb', X_Coordinate', 'Y_Coordinate', 'Material', will be removed.


Changeset Tags


Manual checking of existing taps will occur. Existing taps will be cross-checked with imagery and additional tags from the import will be appended to the existing taps if accurate.


Metadata here

Processing of Data

A Python file will be used to process the raw data.

All tags will be removed, replaced with osm tags.


Changeset Tags


Manual checking of existing playgrounds will occur. Existing playgrounds will be cross-checked with imagery and additional tags from the import will be appended to the existing playgrounds if accurate.

Other Links