Import/Catalogue/maxweight belgium
Maxweight import
Conundra bvba has an OSM-based tool for routing for truck drivers. Drivers report errors, in particular about maxweight restrictions. These errors were kept in a separate database until now. Conundra would like to add corrections straight to OSM from now on, and import the backlog of errors to OSM. This will be a one-time import, after that reported errors will be fixed in OSM directly.
In total, there are about 6000 affected ways, spread around Belgium. The reports have already been linked to OSM way IDs. This was last reviewed in September 2021, they also rechecked the validity of all the reports based on Mapillary and heuristics.
- initial preparation
- community feedback
- import mailing list consultation
- import itself
- QA
Community consultation
- Initial invitation to participate: . OSMbe community participants: pietervdvn, Vakonof, joost schouppe
Conundra is owner of the data and is actively participating in the import.
Data Merge Workflow
Large scale import or maproulette from the start?
Before actually merging the data, we will manually review and fix a limited number of segments. This will not just check the data itself, but also be a test of how many mappers are interested in contributing for a possible manual conflation effort.
The data is limited to just maxweight=* data. Sometimes there's additional description, for example identifying maxweight zones. Exceptions (delivery, destination) are usually not included. That means we will have to do manual review of most cases eventually. If there are cases where we only add maxweight but cannot identify an exception, a fixme will be added. The lack of conditional maxweight might otherwise lead to the false assumption that there are no maxweight exceptions.
Data transformation
Reports have already been linked to OSM ids. A simple script can update those ways. The main update will be done by Conundra with a dedicated account. For ease of reviewing, it is probably best to split the edit in a limited number of changesets.
The data has already been verified. However, the OSM community will re-review the data before further steps are taken. We can do this comparing to Mapillary and the Flemish traffic sign database.
Review with Mapillary using MapRoulette
Increase Mapillary coverage