India/Events/Anjuna Noise Mapping Party, Goa
A mapping party to assist in noise related mapping in Anjuna Village, Goa.
The village of Anjuna, Goa has a long history of high ambient noise levels at night due to late night entertainment activities that caters to tourists. Due to the lack of official monitoring to regulate sound pollution, there is a need to use locally available resources to help
Sound pollution regulations
The following two pieces of legislation by the Central and Goa State Government cleary defines ambient air quality standards for different zones, enforcing authorities and penalties for defaulters:
- The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 and Approved authority list by State
- Government of Goa Notification No.7/4/98/STE/DIR/Part I/922, 2007
Noise standards
- Using loudspaeakers at night (10PM-6AM): 5(2) A loud speaker or a public address system or any sound producing instrument or a musical instrument or a sound amplifier shall not be used at night time (10pm-6am) except in closed premises for communication within, like auditoria, conference rooms, community halls, banquet halls or during a public emergency
- 5(4) The noise level at the boundary of the public place, where loud speaker or public address system or any other noise source is being used shall not exceed 10 dB(A) above the ambient noise standards for the area or 75 dB(A) whichever is lower.
- 5(5) The peripheral noise level of a privately owned sound system or a sound producing instrument shall not, at the boundary of the private place, exceed by more than 5 dB(A) the ambient noise standards specified for the area in which it is used
Area-wise Ambient Noise Standards for day/night in dB(A) Leq
- 75/70 Industrial area
- 65/55 Commercial area
- 55/45 Residential area
- 50/40 Silent Zones (100 meters around hospitals, educational institution, courts, religious places, wildlife sanctuaries, reserve forests, turtle nesting sites, Heritage/Archeological sites of State/National/International importance)
Exceptions for cultural festivals
5(3) State Government shall permit use of loud speakers or public address systems and the like during night hours (between 10.00 p.m. to 12.00 midnight) on or during any cultural, religious or festive occasion not exceeding fifteen days in all during a calendar year. The exception is only granted to establishments after approval by the village panchayat [1].
- Carnival February
- Holi February
- Easter Eve April
- Ganesh Chaturthi (2nd day of idol immersion) September
- Ganesh Chaturthi (5th day of idol immersion) September
- Ganesh Chaturthi (11th day of idol immersion) September
- Navaratri (9th day of Navaratri) October
- Kojagiri Poornima October
- Diwali Eve November
- Tripurari /Kartiki Pornima November
- Goa Liberation Day December
- Christmas Eve 24th December
- Christmas 25th December
- New Year’s Eve 31st December
Jurisdictional authority
- Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Mapusa –I for the maintenance of the ambient air quality standards per the rules (pg5)
- Deputy Collector & Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Bardez, Mapusa-Goa for surveying and maintaining a map of various sound zones within the jurisdiction (pg7).
- 4(3) The respective State Pollution Control Boards or Pollution Control Committees in consultation with the Central Pollution Control Board shall collect, compile and publish technical and statistical data relating to noise pollution and measures devised for its effective prevention, control and abatement.
- The candles of protest against music party pollution burn bright in the pouring rain - HeraldGoa
- Silent march in Anjuna exposes struggle against noise pollution & lawlessness - The Goan
- In the ‘party’ villages of North Goa, a quiet fight against deafening pub noise - Scroll
- Netas join noise pollution protest at Anjuna & Vagator - TOI
- HC appoints noise monitoring committee for Anjuna
Sound Zoning and Mapping Tool
Use sound mapper to map ambient noise level using the phone microphone. The average dB over a 10 second intreval will be mapped to the device location and saved to the database. The tool can be used globally and is not limited to just Anjuna Village.
The basemap visualizes the following sound zones based on corresponding OpenStreetMap/Mapbox feature class:
- Silent Zone: Green (with 100m buffer) (education, medical, religion, historic)
- Residential Zone: Yellow (residential road)
- Commercial Zone: Orange (food_and_drink_stores,food_and_drink,lodging,commercial_services,arts_and_entertainment,store_like,landmark,motorist,general,visitor_amenities,public_facilities)
- Industrial Zone: Purple (industrial)
- Homepage:
- Source code: