India/Virtual Mappy Hours

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The OpenStreetMap India Mappy Hours are virtual hangouts for the India community.

What are the Mappy Hours about?

The Mappy Hours don't really have a formal agenda. We typically chat about things like:

  • Mapping and Tagging
  • Invited Speakers
  • Imports
  • Local groups and local events
  • The OSM India organization
  • What's happening in the rest of the world
  • Anything you want to discuss!


Mappy Hours will be planned for the One Wednesday of each month at 9pm IST but may be rescheduled based on your feedback.

So Date Topic Comments Video links
1 Jan 29, 2020- 9-10 pm IST To hear from the OSM India community what issues you think the OSMF Board should be dealing with Allan Mustard, OSMF Chair here
2 Feb 26, 2020- 9-10 pm IST Boundaries ( administrative, political and lsg boundary) - How to use OSM data ? Arun Ganesh, OSM India here
3 Aug 8, 2020- 9-10 pm IST Openstreetmap 16th Birthday Celebration, Yogi presented Yogi,OSM India Recording didn't work
4 Sep 12, 2020, 9-10pm IST GSoC project on nominatim Rahul Reddy, NIT Karnataka here
5 Oct 10, 2020, 9-10pm IST Road routing using OSRM Nikhil VJ, OSM India here
6 Nov 7,2020, 9-10pm IST JOSM Editor User icon 3.svgSaritha K S (on osm), OSM India here
7 Dec 5,2020, 9-10pm IST Visualizing OSM Data with R Anirudh Govind here
click here to join

The next few are scheduled for:

How to join

People can join using the Link here