![]() |
説明 |
公的な認定団体によって登録された場所・建物・対象物です ![]() |
グループ: 史跡 |
適用できる要素 |
よく併用されるタグ |
状態:事実上の標準![]() |
ツール |
heritage=* は地理的な、恒久的な対象物に使用してください。遺跡、土地、建物、建物の一部、固定された彫像、フレスコ画などです。静的でない対象物には使えません(絵画など)。(日本語訳注:日本では、国宝、重要文化財、地方公共団体が指定する有形文化財などが相当すると考えられます。)
対象物に heritage=*, heritage:operator=*, ref:xxx=* や、その他(表を参照)を追加してください。
JA:Relation:site を作成し、 type=site を追加してください。さらに、 heritage=*, heritage:operator=*, ref:xxx=* や他の属性は表を参照してください。
- boundary=protected_area
- protect_class=22 - 国の保護機関
- protect_class=98 - 世界遺産コンベンション
- heritage=*, heritage:operator=*, ref:xxx=* 他は表を参照。
タグ | 値 | 説明 |
heritage=* | 1-10 | admin_level の基準に従う |
name=* | 名称 | 対象物の名称 |
heritage:operator=* | xxx | 下記参照。複数の値を入れる場合は、セミコロン;を使い、高位から順に並べる(国際、国内、地域、...) |
ref:xxx=* | 数値 | 登録組織が付けた参照番号 |
xxx:criteria=* | 基準、以下の表を参照 | |
heritage:website=* | 対象物一覧のウェブサイト | |
xxx:inscription_date=* | 対象物が保護リストに追加された日付 |

- UNESCO, World Heritage Centre (ユネスコ世界遺産センター) [1]
- 略称: whc
- Bundesdenkmalamt [1]
- abreviation bda
- heritage=2
- heritage:operator=bda
- ref:at:bda=N
Onroerend Erfgoed : [2]
- heritage=4
- heritage:operator=OnroerendErfgoed
- ref:OnroerendErfgoed=N
- OnroerendErfgoed:criteria=AE;AG;BE;BG;LE;LG;VE;VG
AE: Archaeological element (Néerlandais: "Archeologisch element") AG: Archaeological entirety (Néerlandais: "Archeologisch geheel") BE: Architectural element (Néerlandais: "Bouwkundig element") BG: Architectural entirety (Néerlandais: "Bouwkundig geheel") LE: Scenic element (Néerlandais: "Landschappelijk element") LG: Scenic entirety (Néerlandais: "Landschappelijk geheel") VE: Maritime element (Néerlandais: "Varend element") VG: Maritime entirety (Néerlandais: "Varend geheel")
The list of the "patrimoine exceptionnel de wallonie" was published in a decree fr/nl. There is also a wikipedia page. The competent authority is the Walloon Region : Direction générale opérationnelle - Aménagement du territoire, Logement, Patrimoine et Énergie - Direction de la protection. The list of the "patrimoine immobilier classé" is on wikipedia.
- heritage=4
Exception : determines if the location is part of the exceptional.
Criterial : M : Monument - Building S : Site - Zone ZP : Zone de protection - Protected zone EA : Ensemble architectural - Architectural group SA : Site archéologique - Archeological site
Restricted : if only a restricted part of the building is on the heritage list (reconnaissance ponctuelle du caractère exceptionnel de certains éléments) e.g. only the stairs or only the fireplace.
If the place has a wikipedia page, use the tag wikipedia=*.
Monuments et sites - http://www.monument.irisnet.be
It seems that there is no 'exceptional' category in Brussels. P : Protection (for old and/or partially destroyed buildings) R : Restauration (For old building in good shape that must be kept as is) S : Site - Zone SA : Site archéologique - Archeological site
The gorvernmental organization nationally responsible for this matter is Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional [3], abreviated IPHAN.
- heritage=2
- heritage:operator=iphan
- ref:iphan=* — IPHAN listing process number.
- iphan:tombo=AEP/H/BA/AA
- The books in which the element is listed. There are four:
- AEP – Livro do Tombo Arqueológico, Etnográfico e Paisagístico (archaelogical, ethnographic and landscape heritage)
- H – Livro do Tombo Histórico (historic heritage)
- BA – Livro do Tombo das Belas Artes (fine arts heritage)
- AA – Livro do Tombo das Artes Aplicadas (applied arts heritage)
- If listed in more than one book, the values can be separated by semicolons.
- If listed in more than one book and in different dates, each date of inscription can be tagged as in the following examples: iphan:inscription_date:AEP=1974-10, iphan:inscription_date:H=1948-12
- conj_urbano – “Conjunto Urbano” (urban complex)
- conj_arquitetônico — “Conjunto Arquitetônico” (architectural complex)
- arqueológico — “Sítio Arqueológico” (archaeological site)
- edificação — “Edificação” (building)
- edificação_acervo — “Edificação e Acervo” (building and collection)
- natural — “Patrimônio Natural” (natural heritage)
- infraestrutura — “Infraestrutura ou Equipamento Urbano” (infrastructure or urban equipment)
- jardim — “Jardim Histórico” (historical garden)
- quilombo — “Quilombo”
- ruína — “Ruína” (ruins)
- tombado — “Tombado” (listed)
- provisório — “Tombamento provisório” (provisionally listed)
- anexado — “Anexado” (attached)
- emergencial — “Tombamento emergencial” (emergencial listing)
- rerratificado — “Rerratificado” (ratified)
- The books in which the element is listed. There are four:
- Uprava za zaštitu kulturne baštine : abbreviation : uzkb
- Kulturno dobro od nacionalnog značenja
- heritage=2
- ref:hr:uzkb=N-*
- heritage:operator=uzkb
- Zaštićeno kulturno dobro
- heritage=3
- ref:hr:uzkb=Z-*
- heritage:operator=uzkb
- Preventivno zaštićeno kulturno dobro
- heritage=4
- ref:hr:uzkb=P-*
- heritage:operator=uzkb
- Národní památkový ústav
- abreviation npu[2]
- Monuments historiques et sites
- abreviation mhs [3]
Plus d'infos sur la page ref:mhs=*
- Valsts kultūras pieminekļu aizsardzības inspekcija
- abreviation vkpai
- heritage=2
- heritage:operator=vkpai
- ref:LV:vkpai=N
- Service des sites et monuments nationaux
- abreviation ssmn
Rijksmonuments (国)
Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed : abbreviation : rce [4]
Provinciale monuments (県)
Gemeentelijke monuments (自治体)
국보 (National Treasures)
Central Cultural Conservation Union (중앙문화유물보존지도기관) : abbreviation : ccukp
천연기념물 (Natural monuments)
Korean Natural Conservation Union (국가자연보호연맹) : abbreviation : ncukp
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa : abbreviation : nid [5]
Classificação do património em Portugal
Monumento Nacional
- heritage=2
- heritage:operator=
- DGPC - Direção Geral do Património Cultural
- DRCN - Direção Regional da Cultura do Norte
- ...
- ref:MN - Monumento Nacional
- heritage:since=*
- heritage:operator=
Imóvel de Interesse Público
- heritage=2
- heritage:operator=*
- heritage:ref=
- IIP - Imóvel de Interesse Público
- MIP - Monumento de Interesse Público
- CIP - Conjunto de Interesse Público
- SIP - Sítio de Interesse Público
- heritage:since=*
Imóvel de Interesse Municipal
- heritage=7
- heritage:operator:*
- heritage:ref:
- IIM - Imóvel de Interesse Municipal
- MIM - Monumento de Interesse Municipal
- CIM - Conjunto de Interesse Municipal
- SIM - Sítio de Interesse Municipal
- heritage:since=*
Other tags
- historic=heritage
- name=*
- addr:country=PT
- heritage:website=*
Monumente istorice
Monument istoric : abbreviation : lmi [6]
- heritage=2
- heritage:operator=lmi
- ref:RO:lmi=N
- zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture : abbreviation : rzzsk
- Spomenik kulture od izuzetnog značaja
- heritage=2
- ref:sr:rzzsk=SK *
- heritage:operator=rzzsk
- Znamenito mesto od izuzetnog značaja
- heritage=2
- ref:sr:rzzsk=ZM *
- heritage:operator=rzzsk
- Arheološko nalazište od izuzetnog značaja
- heritage=2
- ref:sr:rzzsk=AN *
- heritage:operator=rzzsk
- Prostorna kulturno-istorijska celina od izuzetnog značaja
- heritage=2
- ref:sr:rzzsk=PKIC *
- heritage:operator=rzzsk
- Spomenik kulture od velikog značaja
- heritage=3
- ref:sr:rzzsk=SK *
- heritage:operator=rzzsk
- Znamenito mesto od velikog značaja
- heritage=3
- ref:sr:rzzsk=ZM *
- heritage:operator=rzzsk
- Arheološko nalazište od velikog značaja
- heritage=3
- ref:sr:rzzsk=AN *
- heritage:operator=rzzsk
- Prostorna kulturno-istorijska celina od velikog značaja
- heritage=3
- ref:sr:rzzsk=PKIC *
- heritage:operator=rzzsk
(See also Zoznam kultúrnych pamiatok na Slovensku (slovak) or Denkmalgeschützte Objekte in der Slowakei (german)
- Bien de Interés Cultural [8]
Riksantikvarieämbetets : abbreviation : raa [9]
- National Historic Landmark National Register of Historic Places: abbreviation nrhp heritage=2 + heritage:operator=nrhp + ref:nrhp=*. > 2400 NHLs[10]
国 | 組織 | 略号 | 階層[11] | タグ | 記号 | コメント |
世界 | UNESCO, World Heritage Centre | whc | 1 | heritage=1 + heritage:operator=whc + ref:whc=N + whc:criteria=ii,iv + whc:inscription_date=* | ![]() |
[12] |
オーストリア | Bundesdenkmalamt | bda | 2 | heritage=2 + heritage:operator=bda + ref:at:bda=N | [13] | |
ベルギー - ブリュッセル | Monuments et Sites | aatl | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=aatl + ref:aatl=N + aatl:criteria=P,R,S,SA | [14] | |
ベルギー - フランダース | Vlaams Instituut van Onroerend Erfgoed | OnroerendErfgoed | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=OnroerendErfgoed + ref:OnroerendErfgoed=N + OnroerendErfgoed:criteria=A;M;L;DL;VM;S | [15] | |
ベルギー - ワロン | Direction de la Protection | clt | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=clt + ref:clt=N + clt:exception=Y,N + clt:criteria=M,S,ZP,EA,SA + clt:inscription_date=* | ||
ブラジル | Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional | iphan | 2 | heritage=2 + heritage:operator=iphan + ref:iphan=N | [16] | |
クロアチア | Uprava za zaštitu kulturne baštine | uzkb | 2,3,4 | heritage=2/heritage=3/heritage=4 + heritage:operator=uzkb + ref:hr:uzkb=* | [17] | |
チェコ共和国 | Národní památkový ústav | npu | 2,3 | heritage=2 + heritage:operator=npu + ref:npu=N | [18] | |
フランス | Monuments historiques et sites | mhs | 2, 6 | heritage=2 / heritage=3 + heritage:operator=mhs + ref:mhs=N + mhs:inscription_date=* | [19] | |
ドイツ - Baden-Württemberg | Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden-Württemberg | lda | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lda + ref:lda=N | ||
ドイツ - バイエルン | Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | BLfD | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=BLfD + ref:BLfD=N | ||
ドイツ - ベルリン | Landesdenkmalamt Berlin | lda | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lda + ref:lda=N | [20] | |
ドイツ - ブランデンブルク | Brandenburgisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologisches Landesmuseum | bldam | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=bldam + ref:bldam=N | [21] | |
ドイツ - ブレーメン | Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Bremen | lfd | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lfd + ref:lfd=N | [22] | |
ドイツ - ハンブルク | Denkmalschutzamt Hamburg | dsa | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=dsa + ref:dsa=N | ||
ドイツ - ハッセン | Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen | LfDH | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lfdh + ref:lfdh=N | [23] | |
ドイツ - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Landesamt für Kultur und Denkmalpflege | 4 | ||||
ドイツ - Niedersachsen | Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | nld | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=nld + ref:nld=N | ||
ドイツ - Nordrhein-Westfalen | Bezirksregierung für die bundes- und landeseigenen Denkmäler | BezirksRegierung | 5 | heritage=5 + heritage:operator=BezirksRegierung | ||
ドイツ - Nordrhein-Westfalen | Untere Denkmalbehörde für alle Baudenkmäler, Institut für Denkmalschutz und Denkmalpflege | Untere Denkmalbehörde | 8 | heritage=8 + heritage:operator=UntereDenkmalbehörde | ||
ドイツ - Rheinland-Pfalz | Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz | gdke | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=gdke + ref:gdke=N | ||
ドイツ - Saarland | Landesdenkmalamt Saarland | lda | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lda + ref:lda=N | ||
ドイツ - Sachsen | Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Sachsen | lfd | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lfd + ref:lfd=N | ||
ドイツ - Sachsen-Anhalt | Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt | lda | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lda + ref:lda=N | ||
ドイツ - Schleswig-Holstein | Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Schleswig-Holstein | lfd | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lfd + ref:lfd=N | [24] | |
ドイツ - Schleswig-Holstein | Archäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein | alsh | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=alsh + ref:alsh=N | [25] | |
ドイツ - Thüringen | Thüringisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie | tlda | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=tlda + ref:tlda=N | ||
ラトビア | Valsts kultūras pieminekļu aizsardzības inspekcija | vkpai | 2 | heritage=2 + heritage:operator=vkpai + ref:lv:vkpai=N | ||
ルクセンブルク | Service des sites et monuments nationaux | ssmn | 2 | heritage=2 + heritage:operator=ssmn + ref:ssmn=N | [26] | |
オランダ | Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed | rce | 2 | heritage=2 + heritage:operator=rce + ref:rce=N | ||
オランダ | Provinciale monuments | Rijksmonuments | 4 | |||
ポーランド | Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa | nid | 2 | heritage=2 + heritage:operator=nid + ref:nid=N | ||
ルーマニア | Monument istoric | lmi | 2 | heritage=2 + heritage:operator=lmi + ref:ro:lmi=N | ||
スロバキア | Pamiatkový úrad Slovenskej republik | purs | 2 | heritage=2 + heritage:operator=purs + ref:purs=N | [27] | |
スウェーデン | Riksantikvarieämbetets | raa | 4 | heritage=4 + heritage:operator=raa + ref:raa=N | ||
イギリス, イングランド | Historic England | he | heritage=2 + heritage:operator=he | [28] | ||
イギリス, スコットランド | Historic Scotland | hs | heritage=2 + heritage:operator=hs | [29] | ||
アメリカ合衆国 | National Historic Landmark | nhl | 2 | heritage=2 + heritage:operator=nhl | [30] | |
アメリカ合衆国 | National Registry of Historic Places | nrhp | 2 | heritage=2 + heritage:operator=nrhp | [31] |
JOSM のプリセット
- Heritage properties 上記のタグはこちらにまとめられています
- ↑ unesco web site を参照
- ↑ Dabatase
- ↑ The Mérimée database and site are being rebuilt.
- ↑ Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed
- ↑ http://www.nid.pl/
- ↑ Lista monumentelor istorice
- ↑ databazy
- ↑ wikipedia:es:Bien de Interés Cultural
- ↑ www.raa.se
- ↑ Source wikipedia:National Historic Landmark See the list of NHLs
- ↑ Admin_level を参照
- ↑ unesco web site を参照
- ↑ Bundesdenkmalamt を参照
- ↑ Monumenten en Landschappen を参照
- ↑ Onroerend Erfgoed を参照
- ↑ see: Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional
- ↑ see: Uprava za zaštitu kulturne baštine
- ↑ see: Národní památkový ústav
- ↑ see: Monuments historiques et sites
- ↑ see: Kulturdenkmale in Berlin
- ↑ see: Denkmalliste des Landes Brandenburg
- ↑ see: Bremen/Kulturdenkmäler
- ↑ see: Kulturdenkmäler in Hessen
- ↑ see Landesamt für Denkmalpflege
- ↑ See Archäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein
- ↑ see: Service des sites et monuments nationaux
- ↑ see: databazy
- ↑ see Historic England
- ↑ see: Historic Scotland
- ↑ See National Historic Landmark
- ↑ See wikipedia:National_Register_of_Historic_Placesk